

I am tired of playing the hero,

And being a sacrifice only to receive zero,

I'm tired of being used for the benefit of others,

Because no one ever truly cares, so why even bother?

You're just appreciated once you did something great,

But when you're no longer needed they'd toss you out like waste,

I experienced that over and over again,

Now I know you do too, so do you understand my pain?

I'm tired of aggreeing to be manipulated,

Just so I can be appreciated,

I'm broken and dying and hurting inside,

But no one even cared, as I die inside...

I have felt this way even before this mess,

So there's really nothing to be shocked of,

I only waited, as I see the sun rising,

New hope, new day, but is there really another beginning?

If this is truly the last year I'd experience in my life,

Might as well live, live throughout the final days,

I may not have done, what others deem as right,

But if I did take the risk, would there even be a price?