
New Worlds' Extra: Dream Forge Legacy

Even the main character starts at the start line. imagine if you were suddenly thrown in the unknown world, only to realize it was a novel that you were writing. the cover isn't mine i took it from pinterest if you are the creator and don't want me to use it please massage me and i will gladly take it off

WriteOnovel · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Outside of Academy [2]

As I stepped into the room, a mysterious guy subtly nudged me, signaling for me to follow him. I parted with 10 nion, the required entrance fee, and crossed the threshold into a world of intrigue—the notorious black market. An audible "wow" escaped my lips as my eyes roamed the sprawling marketplace. Every corner was a spectacle, teeming with exotic goods and intriguing characters. But I knew better than to succumb to the temptation of extravagance; my purpose was singular—to purchase a dimensional ring, along with a handful of smoke bombs.

Suppressing the urge to indulge, I focused on finding the dimensional ring first. Among the eclectic assortment of items, I spotted a vendor offering these unique accessories. Opting for a slightly larger ring, I deemed it ideal for my intended use.

As I ventured deeper into the market, I stumbled upon a treasure trove of spell cards. These magical cards offered an array of elemental powers and effects, from smoke bombs and water manipulation to flame, poison, darkness, light, gravity, stone, wind, and shadow. My list was specific, and my request was promptly fulfilled, with the vendor handing over each card in turn.

Leaving the vibrant chaos of the market behind, I sought solace in a secluded spot. It was here that I could assess my newfound acquisitions. The dimensional ring felt substantial in my hand, while the spell cards intrigued me with their potential. They represented tools of great power, each card holding the key to a specific elemental mastery.

Yet, one lingering thought cast a shadow of doubt—my own elemental affinity. It was an inherent aspect of every individual, a fundamental link to the world's essence. The nexus rules dictated this, and my confusion stemmed from the fact that I had not yet discovered mine. Could it be that I was somehow an exception, an anomaly in this regard?

I focused my attention on the gem, willing it to unveil the truth. But once again, it remained silent, shrouding me in a veil of uncertainty. Perhaps the enigmatic messenger would eventually provide clarity, but for now, the puzzle of my missing elemental affinity remained unsolved.

Turning my thoughts toward the tangible present, I resolved to continue my journey. My destination lay in the hunter district—a place of adventure and challenge. The magnetic train journey took me through a visual tapestry of landscapes, and I engaged in mind training during the transit, seeking to further refine my nexus affinity mastery.

Stepping off the train, I was greeted by the stunning beauty of the hunter district. The ambiance was a refreshing change from my rigorous routine. I navigated the streets with anticipation, mindful of the approaching time limit: the hunting area would close its gates at 11:30 pm.

The district held promise, offering not only the sought-after gem but also an opportunity for exploration and growth. With each passing minute, I seized the moment, engaging in intense mind training to heighten my nexus affinity mastery. The half-hour flew by, marked by deep focus and intense concentration.

Emerging from the training room, I discreetly exchanged currency with the guard, gaining access to the inner sanctuary of the hunter district. It was here that I embarked on the pivotal task of finding the elusive gem. Its location remained vague in my memory, a challenge I was eager to conquer.

Hours of meticulous searching ensued, each moment intensifying the anticipation. Along the way, I discovered rare treasures, remnants of nature's bounty. But my ultimate prize remained elusive. As the sun slowly descended, casting a warm glow over the landscape, I found myself navigating every nook and cranny, determined not to leave any stone unturned.

Then, in a serendipitous moment, a subtle shift in terrain beneath my feet led me to an invisible hole—an entrance, hidden from plain sight. Eureka! I had found it, the entrance to the coveted gem's lair. The relief was palpable, but time was of the essence. With only half an hour remaining, I knew I needed to move swiftly.

Venturing into the cavern's depths, I felt the oppressive weight of the darkness engulf me. Each step I took echoed through the vast underground expanse, my heartbeat pounding in rhythm with the anticipation building within me. This was the culmination of my determination and the manifestation of my aspirations. The air was cool and damp, carrying an earthy scent that filled my lungs with each inhale.

As I navigated the uneven terrain, my heart raced with excitement and trepidation. The cavern's inky blackness was punctuated by the occasional glint of a mineral formation, creating an otherworldly tapestry of shimmering lights. I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the underground world I had entered—a realm shrouded in mystery and the promise of discovery.

Yet, despite my eagerness, I had underestimated the complexity of the task before me. The gem's location remained an enigma, concealed within the labyrinthine network of tunnels and chambers that stretched beneath the surface. I had been armed with a fragment of information—a vague memory from a distant conversation that hinted at the gem's presence—but no explicit directions.

Hours seemed to melt away as I explored, my determination driving me forward. At times, I found myself retracing my steps, feeling frustration gnaw at the edges of my patience. The cavern seemed to stretch on infinitely, the walls adorned with curious formations that cast eerie shadows. It was as if the very walls themselves held the secrets of the gem's whereabouts, taunting me with their silence.

In my quest to uncover the gem's hiding place, I encountered numerous challenges. Navigating the terrain required careful consideration, as treacherous crevices and steep descents posed constant obstacles. The echoes of distant water droplets and the murmur of unseen underground rivers created an auditory landscape that was both haunting and oddly comforting.

Despite my initial excitement, the reality of the situation began to sink in. The search had transformed into an arduous test of endurance and determination. Hours turned into what felt like an eternity as I pressed on, fueled by a mix of stubbornness and the tantalizing allure of the gem's promise.

At times, doubt crept in, threatening to erode my resolve. Was I chasing a mere mirage? Had my memory of the conversation been misleading or incomplete? Frustration bubbled to the surface, mingling with fatigue and uncertainty. But with every step, I reminded myself that this journey was emblematic of my larger purpose—to navigate a world of uncertainty and adversity with courage and tenacity.

It was when I was on the verge of considering retreat that a faint glimmer caught my eye—a mere whisper of light in the distance. My heart leaped, hope surging through my veins as I approached the source of the radiance. And there it was—the blue gem, nestled within a rocky alcove, its brilliance a stark contrast to the surrounding darkness.

Elation surged within me as I reached out to touch the gem, my fingers brushing against its smooth surface. The gem pulsed with an otherworldly energy, responding to my proximity. This was the prize I had sought—a symbol of my determination and my willingness to endure challenges in pursuit of my goals.

As I secured the gem and prepared to depart, a sense of foreboding gripped me. A low growl resonated through the cavern, reverberating against the stone walls. My instincts kicked in, adrenaline surging as my eyes scanned the shadows. Emerging from the depths of the cavern were five massive forms—werewolf-like creatures, their eyes aglow with a feral hunger.

My heart raced as I assessed the situation. The creatures lunged, their snarls echoing in the confined space. Instinct and training melded as I drew upon the power within me. My affinity, a shimmering white energy, erupted from my core, enveloping me in a protective aura—a manifestation of my unique talents. The energy created an ethereal barrier that responded to my will, granting me enhanced strength and speed.

The werewolves closed in, fangs bared and claws extended. In a moment of intuition, I unleashed my aura's latent power, invoking a radiant burst that sent ripples of energy cascading outward. The creatures recoiled, momentarily stunned by the intensity of the blast. This was my advantage—an opportunity to strike back.

With my affinity-enhanced limbs, I deftly sidestepped a lunging werewolf, pivoting to deliver a powerful strike to its vital points. The creature's howl of pain echoed through the cavern as it crumbled to the ground, lifeless. Adrenaline fueled my movements as I danced between the remaining foes, leveraging my newfound strength to exploit their weaknesses.

As the beasts lunged and snapped, I employed my aura to augment my movements. Time seemed to slow as I anticipated their attacks, sidestepping, ducking, and dodging with uncanny precision. My fists struck like lightning, empowered by the radiant energy that coursed through me. Each blow found its mark, vital points incapacitated with calculated strikes.

Yet the battle was not without its toll. The creatures were formidable opponents, their strength and tenacity forcing me to dig deeper into my reserves. My aura flared brilliantly, manifesting as a dazzling shield that absorbed their frenzied assaults. Even as fatigue set in, I remained steadfast, drawing upon my affinity and determination to secure victory.

With every werewolf that fell, the cavern echoed with their anguished cries, a testament to the clash of forces and the culmination of my efforts.

As I secured the gem and prepared to depart, a glint of something caught my eye among the stones. Kneeling down, I uncovered a hidden treasure—a 500-year-old ginseng plant. Its roots were gnarled and ancient, a testament to the passage of time and the resilience of life. This serendipitous discovery added a layer of wonder to the moment, as if the underground world had bestowed an unexpected gift upon me.

Emerging from the depths of the cavern, I carried with me not only the gem and the ginseng, but a sense of accomplishment that transcended the material rewards. The journey had tested my patience, resourcefulness, and unwavering determination. It had reminded me that every challenge, every obstacle, was an opportunity to grow and to prove my mettle.

As I traversed the familiar streets and made my way to an inn, I couldn't help but reflect on the adventure that had unfolded. The world was vast and filled with hidden wonders, waiting to be discovered by those willing to venture beyond the familiar. Tomorrow would bring new horizons and uncharted territories, but for now, I sought rest, eager to savor the rewards of my persistence and the stories of the underground labyrinth that I would carry with me forever.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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