What happens when a man who has very little to no knowledge about anime, manga and anything like that gets reincarnated as Enrico Pucci in Jojo Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
`` = quotation marks
A knock was heard.
A rather heavy man got up from his chair and slowly opened the door to be greeted by a young boy no older than sixteen. Three rats perched along his shoulders. They were scarlet-furred with the word GΔCT written all over their bodies, except for their heads. His unnatural yellow eyes glowed like the Sun as it shined in the sky.
The man was shocked. Even though he'd only heard about Enrico from his colleagues, none of them ever described him with yellow eyes. Nor with rats.
He was about to close the door when Enrico walked inside.
"You're Enrico right? The kid from that rich family up on the hill. What on earth do you want here?" The man asked.
Enrico didn't say anything. He just looked around the room. Observing. Taking note of anything that interested him.
The was starting to get annoyed. Even if what he did for a living was a bit...strange. That didn't mean that just anyone, rich or poor could just walk in. Let alone a black person.
The wait was he even black? The man wasn't sure. Considering what his parents looked like it didn't make sense for him to be black. Just tanned.
As he walked forward towards Enrico the scarlet rats on his shoulder turned to look at him. Their lined yellow eyes staring at him. Unblinking. Unmoving.
He was so focused on the rats that he didn't see Enrico walking toward him until he was right in front of him.
Not saying a word, Enrico took a small stack of bills and handed them to the man.
"There are only two things that I want from you. Don't ask any questions and separate these two." He said as he handed the man two photos. One of Wes and the other of Perla.
The man was quiet for a bit before responding.
"You sure you wanna do this?"
"Oh yes. I just want you to break these two up. Nothing more, nothing less. Hell, I'll even double your payment if you do well. Doesn't that sound nice? After all, It's not every day you get two thousand for a job."
The man's eyes buldged. If what Enrico said was true then he'd be well off for a good while.
Enrico smiled as he watched the man count the bills to make sure that he'd gotten 1000 dollars. He knew for a fact that the value of 1K was a lot higher in 1988 than in the early 21 century. Or in the 23 century.
Not only that but he thanked the man. Without him, he would need to find someone else to test his theories on about the entities that follow him.
"So, will you do it or not?"
The man didn't respond for a few seconds. Mulling it over.
Looking at Enrico he told him that he'd do it.
Smiling, Enrico left the building and headed towards the Pucci estate. He knew that this was morally dubious. But he had to protect them. From themselves. It would all be worth it in the end. Just a little bit of heartbreak, that would be all. He might, one day be able to tell them that they were siblings.
The same day the man stalked both Perla and Wes. Just to find out more about them. He was a private investigator after all. Something Enrico failed to realise along with the man's prejudice. Even in 1988 such people still existed.
Later that same day. When the man was trailing them they had kissed.
Even though Perla had wrapped her arms around his shoulders, it was still nothing more than an innocent show of affection. Nothing more, nothing less.
The man, however, did not see it that way.
"God damn it. I thought that he was just some kid but he's fucking not."
Back in 1972, when Wes was taken from his family. His adoptive mother had been married to a black man. This wasn't an uncommon thing to see. Many families were made up of bi-racial couples. But unluckily for Wes, his adoptive mother married the man before he was born, and in the same year.
"He looks white but he's the son of a black man!"
The private detective quickly called his `friends` and not too long after he called they showed up. Wearing their white gowns and holding guns and torches.
They shot but didn't kill Wes. They were planning to lynch him. So they needed him alive.
"P-perla." Wes just barely managed to squeak out.
Perla, in return, tried to get to him. Only to be pulled back by the same man that Enrico hired.
"Now, now sweetie we're not here to hurt you. We're only here to hurt him." The man was so close to Perla that she could smell the alcohol wafting from his mouth.
"What the hell do you think you're doing. You're all drunk."
The man looked at her like she was stupid.
"Well, of course. A lot easier to punish filth like him when your drunk."
While they were talking they weren't paying attention to Wes.
A few months ago some weird occurrences started to happen. Frist was the pain in his hand and then came the clouds. Every once in a while the pain would return and that usually also meant that he would see the small swirling clouds again.
The clouds were incredibly weird. To Wes at least. These clouds would appear whenever Wes was about to be hurt. Falling down the stairs, getting hit by something, anytime something was going to hurt him they would appear. Sometimes people could see them sometimes they could not. But one thing that was consistent with them was that they were weak. They were fragile. Yet they were incredibly versatile. They seemed to mimic the weather and thusly could replicate what the weather did to a lesser degree.
Whenever one of the caped men hit him they would always get shocked, a mild annoying shock but a shock nonetheless.
This, of course, left them a bit confused but it more often made them angrier.
At times he wanted to just lay there and give up but whenever he saw Perla he would always muster up the strength to rise again.
"You think you're such a proper and pretty little miss huh? While It doesn't matter to me who you fool around with, but for something like him to kiss. Now that just can't be allowed. You're white dammit, act like it!" The detective said.
Perla, furious at the man's words slapped him hard across the face.
The man, in response, punched her right on the nose, drawing blood. Two of his friends held Perla back so she wouldn't cause any more trouble.
"I don't see why you're so angry this was something that your brother wanted. You should be thanking us for doing this. And besides. We already set fire to the house where that son of a bitch and his mother lives in."
Upon hearing that Perla was in shock. Her mind went into overdrive as she was thinking about the man's words. She wanted them to be lies. She wanted so desperately. But there was a chance. A meagre chance that he was telling the truth.
Wes, on the other hand, was outraged. For a reason that he could not understand hearing that Perla's brother had asked them to do this angered him beyond belief. More than it would have normally.
Giving it his all he tried to rise up again. But instead of being beaten back down he was held and beaten.
This continued up until the morning. Thinking that they'd done enough he was left to hang on a nearby tree to die.
Perla, miraculously was not harmed beyond her getting punched in the face. However, the supposed loss of her lover and the idea that her own brother was behind it was far too much for her.
And so after taking down Wes's body she flung herself into the lake below. In her grief, she failed to realise that Wes, was in fact still alive.
Barely, just barely alive.