
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasía
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77 Chs

[2.13] Training Part 10

The battle continued, even though the red team was only three and Radit didn't have his superpowers, but managed to injure the blue team. On the audience side, they continued to watch the progress in the battle.

Audience side in the previous chapter.

"Look, it looks like the red team will use a defensive strategy," Bilgard said.

"Yes, it's a very worrying strategy idea. They have too many weaknesses. Strength, numbers, and location," Lampart said.

"Location? Does this mean that the place where they are currently staying is not good?" said Laras.

"No, I mean they all don't know the map of the battlefield," Lampart said.

"Hey, who do you think won? The red team or the blue team?" said Luna.

Suddenly, at the entrance to the room, someone's voice was heard. "Of course it's the blue team because my master is there," said Lucia who came suddenly as she entered the room and joined the conversation.

"Uh, Lucia?" said Amelia.

"Isn't she always around?" said Britta. The women looked around and found that Lucia had not been around.

"So, what about the others? Support which one?" said Luna.

"Hana, which team do you support?" said Luna once again.

Hana was confused about which team to vote for. "Hm... I'm rooting for the red team," Hana said.

"Hm... red team, yes... choose because of the team or because there is Radit," said Amelia teasing Hana.

"Ti... ti... no really, my hunch is that the red team will win," said Hana, her face reddening.

"You liar," Amelia said, teasing Hana further.

"Which team would you choose?" said Hana.

"The blue team, of course," Amelia said proudly.

"That's right!" said Hana, starting to turn the conversation around.

"What is it?" said a confused Amelia.

"You chose the blue team because of Leo, right," Hana said, starting to strike back at the conversation.

"Hah... where is there! Obviously the blue team will win. Just look at the difference in strength and numbers," Amelia said.

"Hm... really? But how come your ears are red? I think your body says otherwise," Hana began to tease Amelia back.

"Hah, where is it! It's just the heat," Amelia said, starting to cheat on Hana's words.

"That's how it is, isn't it? It's cold here, you know," Hana said.

"It's your body, Hana, that gets cold easily, go hug Radit to keep you warm," said Amelia, who was starting to heat up.

"Why did you bring Radit's name again? You should call yourself Leo now so your body will be more honest," Hana said.

"Huh?" said Amelia, provoked and they teased each other.

"Hey-hey you two, we're not talking about guys, we're talking about which team won," Luna said, and they fell silent.

"So, who won?" said Luna.

Amelia and Hana looked at each other, then at Laras.

Laras, who felt strange with the gaze of the two of them, then suddenly Amelia and Hana said simultaneously to Laras.

"The Blue team won!" said Amelia.

"The Red Team won!" said Hana.

Laras was confused about the question, so she tried to answer shyly.

"Ah hm... I think the blue team won, deh," said Laras with a slightly red face and ears.

Amelia and Hana just stared at Laras when they heard her answer. Laras was confused because Amelia and Hana were looking at her like a freak.

"Yes... it's easy to guess who the answer is for," Amelia said.

"Yeah... it does seem like it's support for someone," Hana said.

Laras was getting more and more confused by Amelia and Hana's attitude towards her, but it seemed like she was starting to realize that she was indirectly expressing her support for Steven and her face was getting redder.

"Hey, you two, why stay away," Johan said.

"Yeah, how about that? You know that when women talk like that, it's best to stay away," Bilgard said.

"Hoh... how clever of you," said Lampart.

"You guys suck," said Johan.

"What do you think then, Britta?" said Amelia and Hana simultaneously.

"Uh, me? I don't know who won," Britta said.

"Choose blue or red," said Amelia.

"Well, I really don't know. I was voting for the blue team, but it looks like the red team could win," said Britta.

"How so?" said Hana.

"You guys are fussing too much about boys. Look, they've met each other and are ready to fight. Leo's even been shot," Britta said, pointing at the monitor showing the live battle.

"Uh... Why didn't you say so?" said Hana.

"Well, you two are so busy talking about boys," Britta said.

"Bang Bilgard, why didn't you tell me?" said Amelia, but Bilgard was silent and confused about what to answer.

"He's just ashamed of you," said Johan.

"Om, just shut up," Amelia said.

"Ekh!" said Johan, a little hurt by being called om.

"Cut the noise, you two. Now just watch the battle," Lucia said.

"Well, let's see the battle, it's getting more exciting," Luna said.

They both began to calm down and started watching the battle again.

In the battle, before the blue team took the first shot at the red team, but with the defensive skills of the red team, the blue team received an attack wound.

"Jiyan, let's go," Steven said.

"Are you really okay?" said a worried Gilbert.

"Yes, I'm fine, but the gunshot wound hurts, not bad," said Jiyan.

"Hearing that from you, I don't think I want to get shot at all," Steven said.

"Ah, yes, Leo told me he was shot too. I'll call him back," said Gilbert.

"Leo, Leo, do you hear? Are you okay? You said you were shot, is that bad?" Gilbert said over the radio.

"Not really, I've taken a healing injection," Leonardo replied over the radio.

"He seems to be fine, let's move forward," Steven said.

"How can we do that? We're being targeted right in front of us," said Jiyan.

"Gilbert, do you have a smoke grenade?" said Steven.

"Yes, I brought it," said Gilbert.

"Here, give me one," Steven said.

"Here you go, what do you want to use it for?" said Gilbert as he handed the smoke grenade to Steven.

"Of course to block the enemy's view," Steven said.

"Steven, we only have one and the shooter is so far away, it's useless," Jiyan said.

"What's not useful? Just throw it all the way to the front of the building," Steven said. Gilbert and Jiyan were confused by Steven's nonsensical remarks.

"Why are you confused? Okay, I'll throw it and then run!" Steven said, standing up and peeking around to see where the shooter was.

"Why does he keep peeking? Have you run out of ideas?" Radit said as he shot them with the one-shot mode.

"Okay, ready," Steven said, then he came out of the shelter of the tree and immediately threw a smoke grenade with the power of his electricity.

The smoke grenade was thrown very quickly and reached where Radit was swearing inside the building.

"Ouch, what's that?" said Radit staring at the object that entered his room.

"What a bomb!" said Radit who was very panicked, and the grenade emitted thick smoke. Radit immediately ran out of the building. "I thought it was going to explode," said Radit.

"Come on, run fast!" said Steven, immediately running when the smoke grenade activated. Gilbert and Jiyan also ran as fast as they could after Steven.

"Radit, are you okay?" said Raka.

"I'm fine, it was just a smoke grenade," Radit said as he ran as far away from the place as possible.

"Okay, good. As planned, we will enter the second phase of the strategy," said Raka.

"Hey, I came up with the idea," Fauzan said.

"Come on, don't get cranky just because of that," said Raka.

but Radit had already left the place.

"He's gone," Gilbert said.

"Yes, he's not there," said Jiyan. They were hiding inside the building where Radit had been.

"Leo, where are you?" Steven said over the radio.

"I am in front of your left, three buildings away from where you are," Leonardo said.

"So what next, Leo?" said Gilbert.

"Wait, we'll monitor it first. We don't know where they are. Find a location and be careful, your head," Leonardo said.

Both teams kept a close eye on each other. The red team knows where the blue team is except for Leonardo's position. Meanwhile, the blue team did not know the location of the red team.

Who will win?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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