
New World Online.

Asuna and her friends have become powerful warriors, but now her friends have quit the game, leaving her to face the challenges alone. Will she find a new, powerful guild to help her conquer their enemies? Dive into the story to find out!

Ahmed_Adjei · Cómic
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9 Chs

6. Second Event.

3rd POV...

She saw a woman sitting behind a girl, probably her daughter, patting her back. The girl was on a bed and she looked like a sick person. Asuna entered the house and they immediately looked at her.

The woman asked Asuna if she was a knight. Asuna did not even start talking when the woman came to her and told her to help the little girl.

A quest appeared in front of Asuna and she quickly accepted the quest.


"Quest [Kind Knight]"

The woman thanked Asuna and asked her to go and look for a medicine for her daughter at some area but she can't go alone.

Asuna looked for the place with the help of the map. She slowly followed the woman so that she won't fail the quest given to her.

They reached the area and Asuna saw the zombies. She did not want to fight them so she held the woman and used her {SWIFT} skill to get them there quickly. There was a pond at where they went.

The woman knelt down and put her hand into the pond. She removed her hand after sometime holding a potion. Asuna held the woman and quickly brought her back using her skill.

When they reached the house, the woman gave the potion to her daughter. The girl used the potion and started coughing. She stopped and told her mother that it's better.

"It did not work?! This means more errands!" Asuna said looking at the little girl.

The girl started coughing again and another quest appeared in front of Asuna:


"Quest [Kind Knight 2]"

"Knew it" Asuna said and accepted the quest.

"Miss knight! You'll help us again?!" The woman said happily. She talked about a ring that can be found in a large city. Asuna checked the map to see where the quest would lead her to and she found out it was the first level.

"[Maybe this would help?!" Asuna thought. She removed the ring and gave it to the woman.

The woman thanked her and gave the ring to the little girl. The girl put the ring on her finger. She held her head and started screaming. She then run outside surprising both Asuna and the woman.

A quest popped up again:


"Quest [Kind Knight 3]"

Asuna accepted the quest and followed the woman to an abandoned temple which the woman said it was the Temple of Darkness.

They reached the area and saw the girl unconsciously lying on the ground. The woman approached the girl but Asuna stopped her when she saw the girl turn into a ghost.

The girl started to attack Asuna. She then multiplied herself when Asuna attacked her. Asuna looked at the girl not knowing how to defeat her.

Asuna stood there for sometime, protecting the mother until the ghosts finally disappeared and the girl appeared in front of them.

"The holy water she drank must have taken effect!" The woman said behind Asuna. The woman then told Asuna that her daughter might have been possessed by an evil spirit.

They brought the little girl back to the house. The woman was talking about the little girl not waking up. A quest appeared again:


"Quest [Good] or [Bad]"

There were two options. Asuna decided to check the contents of each of them. She first pressed the [Good] option and a new panel appeared.


"Begin quest [Kind Knight 4]. OR Begin extra quest [Loving Sacrifice]."

She looked at the skill for sometime and decided to check the other option.


"Quest [Traitor]"

Asuna read the contents of the quest. This quest will require her to go for a potion that will increase the power of the evil spirit in the little girl instead of suppressing it.

"Many people would choose the Good quest so maybe I should be the odd one out. I can even come back anytime and do it" Asuna assured herself.

Asuna chose the Traitor quest. She went to a church. The church looked like it was abandoned. Asuna moved into the church,knelt down and dipped her hand into a pond she saw.

She pulled her hand out with a potion in her hand. The potion was black. An information popped up in front of Asuna.


"Years ago, a fallen angel who fought with the monsters had their immortality stolen and turned into a monster themselves. This is a bit of their stolen immortality. Return it to empower the fallen angel."

She finished reading the information and closed the tab. She then went back to the house. She used the potion and a woman in black dress appeared from the girl. As soon as the woman appeared, the girl turned to an elf-like monster.

Asuna gaped at her with her mouth open.

"What have you done to my daughter, Miss Knight?" The woman started to scream. Asuna looked at the woman screaming. She closed her mouth and quickly moved out of the way when the monster threw something like a knife towards the woman.

The thing passed through the woman, she turned into tiny purple cubes and disappeared.

"Wow!" Asuna whispered to herself. She held her sword when she saw the monster looking at her.

"Thank you, mortal one! This is your reward." The monster said with a raspy voice and flew outside pushing Asuna back with the wind from the flapping of it's wings.

A notice appeared in front of Asuna. She pressed the skills and checked the rewards she got.


"Acquired skill [Traitor]"

"Acquired [Gold] x200

She read the details of the {TRAITOR} skill.


-Makes you use all of the Fallen Angel's skills.

"I can multiply myself with the help of this skill?! Interesting!" Asuna exclaimed.

She got out of the house and started to look into more houses to see if she would get quests to complete.

"I have to get out early today to be able to read about the upcoming event...Or I should do that later." Asuna stood there for five minutes thinking about what to do.

She chose to log out and read about the skill. Asuna logged out, went to take some snacks from the kitchen and returned to her room.

Asuna switched on her laptop and logged into the NewWorld online's site. When she logged in, she saw the details about the upcoming event. She read everything there so that she will be able to complete it without any difficulty.

Asuna watched all the youtube videos about the NewWorld online the next day which was Sunday. Asuna decided not to log into the game that day.

She read all the comments under the youtube videos. Most of them were about a guy called 'Payne'. Some of the comment she read was that the guy has reached the highest level and he is very powerful.

"This event is going to be interesting." Asuna slept early that day. She was too happy about the upcoming event.


Asuna is currently in the game waiting for the event to start. She got up very early and did everything. She logged into the game and went to purchase skill scrolls from a certain shop.

"Hey, you need a team, Right?" The guy with the axe asked pointing to Asuna.

"I don't need one." Asuna waved him off. "And I'm not helping anyone" Asuna said knowing the guy would ask her to help their team.

"Umm, by the way...sorry for being rude to you that day." The guy said trying to make a poppy face.

"It's not working." Asuna said smiling.

"It's not working but you're smiling so...does that mean you've agreed?!" The guy said thinking Asuna would agree to help them.

Asuna looked at him and started laughing. She shooed him away but the guy insisted she helped them.

"I said I do not need you help and I will not help anyone! Are you deaf or something?!" Asuna stopped herself from screaming in order not to create a scene.

The guy begged her many times making Asuna angry.

"Hey-" Asuna pointed at the guy. She stopped when the guy said he and his partners will do whatever she tells them to do.

"-That's better." Asuna completed her sentence. She followed the guy to his partners.

The guy introduced all of his partners to Asuna.

"I am Zoro. Thi-" He started but did not complete it.

"Wait, wait, is that you gamer ID or your real name.?!" Asuna asked with one eyebrow raised.

"I-it's my gamer ID. Why?" Zoro asked.

"It doesn't suit you." Asuna said pointing to Zoro.-"The name does not suit a weak person like you"

"Errr, I just chose it because most of they names had already been used." Zoro said scratching the back of his head.

His friends were looking at them bickering.

"Okay, okay, continue your introduction" Asuna decided to give up.

"This is Ken, Akira, Astro, Arata and Daiki." They each raised their hand when their name has been mentioned.

"Don't be surprised if I forget your names." Asuna said and told them to follow me.

The reached the outskirts of the town.

"We have one hour until the event starts..." She stopped and put her hand on her chin as if she is thinking twice before saying something. "...I want you guys to get better gear before the event...soo," She paused again. "...I will use 10 minutes to get the gear for each you."

"10 minutes?!" They all screamed in shock.

"Will you keep quiet and hold on to my hand?" Asuna ordered them and they quickly did as they were told.

Asuna used her {SWIFT} skill to take them to a dungeon not far from the city. She stopped and checked the map to see the name of the dungeon when they reached there. The name of the dungeon is Poison Dragon's Labyrinth.

"You should have told us before hand." Zoro said try to regain his posture.

"Keep quiet. I will leave you guys if I don't complete this dungeon in ten minutes time." Asuna said making them keep quiet. She then close the map and they proceeded into the dungeon.

She ordered them to defeat the weak monsters that was on their way. They finally reached the end and opened a large gate leading to the boss. They then walked inside to see the Poison Dragon.

It had three monstrous head in a single body and three tails. It's color was purple and there were black things that looked like rocks at it's back. It had scary red eyes .

"Should we help you? It looks dangerous!" Ken said.

"Stay back" Asuna commanded.

"O-Okay" Ken said amazed looking at Asuna

She dashed towards the dragon. Poison was thrown towards Asuna by the poison dragon. Asuna did not dodge because she has poison immunity. She neared the posion dragon and used her {DEVOUR} skill to defeat the it.

A chest appeared at where the poison dragon was.

"Who wants to get it first?!" Asuna shouted so that they could hear her from where they were standing.

They all neared Asuna and Zoro went to get the chest. I will defeat the poison dragon again so that you will also get your rewards.

Asuna repeated the same thing for all of them. They all got their gear and became powerful.

"Now, this is better" Asuna said after they returned to the town. Many people had gathered in the town waiting for the event to start.

"So you actually finished in fifty minutes." Zoro said amazed.

"Why did you join this game?" Asuna asked looking at their faces. None of them said anything for a long time until Zoro decided to speak but Asuna cut him off.

"It's okay if you have nothing to say. Just follow my lead and you will come out successful in the event." Asuna said to them.

Dorazou appeared in the sky. "Rawr! The countdown for the second event will begin momentarily! This time, the event is a treasure hunt! The items to be found are three hundred (300) silver medals scattered around the map!" He announced.

"Treasure hunt?! Interesting" Asuna exclaimed. A large panel with the topic 2nd Event Explanation popped up in front of all the people standing in the town.

Dorazou continued "Collect ten of these for a gold medal! Gold medals can be exchanged for skills and gear after the event is over! The top ten players from last event already have one gold medal each."

"I already have a gold medal, so I just have to help this guys." Asuna assured herself.

Dorazou explained everything and started the countdown. They were then sent to a different area.

"Wow!" The all said in unison. Asuna glared at them and they kept quiet.

"OK! Listen, I will leave you guys here-"

"But-" Ken cut Asuna off making her glare at her.

Asuna also cut him off making him quiet. "Let me finish. I will use my skill to multiply myself, so that my replicas can stay with you. I will go alone to battle other players."

"So they will even fight when you are not here?" Zoro asked.

"Yes! And stay in the circles that will appear around them, if you leave the circle, anyone can attack you. So be careful. They will follow you everywhere you go so I recommend you complete dungeons instead of participating in PVP."

"Okay we understand. Don't leave the circles and don't join PVP" Akira said nodding.

They all nodded. Asuna then used her {TRAITOR} skill. Black wings appeared behind her. The wings were large enough to cover all of her body. The wings were black with some liquid that looked like magma flowing down on it's surface.

"Nice!" Asuna exclaimed. She then used her {SUMMON} skill. Two people appeared at her right and left sides. They looked exactly like her, her outfits, weapons and everything.

A dark circle formed on the ground around Asuna as well as the other two she summoned.

"Protect them" Asuna said and told them to go. She told them she already had a gold medal.

"I can use this skill only once a day so they have to manage it." She said after the others left.

She decided to go all out on PVP so she sprinted forward, trying to get competitors to defeat. She stopped when she saw no one.

"I bet this wings can make me fly. Maybe I just have tell it to make me fly or there is a skill for it." Asuna said wondering. She jumped into the air with the thought of flying but she landed on the ground.

"FLY" Asuna screamed with her eyes closed. She slowly opened her eyes to see that her feet are not touching the ground. Now she did not know how to move up or forward. She moved her body up a little and she found herself going upwards with high speed.

She went high and her head hit something. She then started to fall. "There must be a limit to how high I can go." Asuna yelled whilst falling.

"If this keeps up I'm going to die." Asuna said worriedly and decided to push herself a little. She stopped falling and just floated in the air. "Wow! Any mistake and I will be out of this event." It took her sometime to figure out how to fly.

She slowly moved forward in the air looking down for other competitors. She saw a group of people walking around. They were looking around.

"[They must be looking for the medals.]" Asuna thought. She moved to where they were standing and looked down at them. One of them looked up at Asuna but it was too late. Asuna used her {STAR} skill to send arrows towards the group on the ground. She opened her inventory to check if she got any silver medal but nothing was in there.

"None of them have some?" Asuna said. "I think I'm getting the hang of this" She looked at her wings flapping it. She then decided to go down a little and continued her search for other people again.

Asuna saw people fighting each other. One was using a sword and the other was using short swords.

"Now that I think about it, I don't really use my weapon." Asuna said thinking about something. The guy with the short swords slashed the person's chest killing him.

"Nice one" The guy said smiling after taking a silver medal from the person he just defeated.

Asuna flew downwards towards the person. This was now possible because she had studied how to move well in this form. The person heard a sound so he turned back to search for the source of it when Asuna slashed his stomach with her short swords.

She took the silver medal and flew back up into the sky. Asuna decided to use only her short swords to fight in this event and she won't use any skill.

"can't believe I am better at this thing in just a day." Asuna said smiling.

Asuna improved her flying skills on her way whilst defeating people as well. She did not get many medals because most people had not found some. Because of this, Asuna decided to defeat everyone so that after that, she can look for the medals herself with no one disrupting her.

Asuna stopped when she saw a familiar guy fighting with some people. He was wearing a shiny armor with blue designs in it.

She looked at the person for a long time but she did not figure out who he is then it suddenly hit her. She remembered that he was the guy that fought her and almost killed her in the first event.

Asuna kept on watching the guy fight. Almost all of his opponents were using short swords. Asuna watched them get killed one by one on a bridge. She started to laugh but quickly covered her mouth.

"What's that?!" The guy asked his friend who came from the trees. They both looked up to see Asuna in the air. Asuna looked at them smiling.

"Hello." Asuna greeted them.

The guy quickly gripped his sword. "Who are you?!" The guy said calmly.

He jumped towards Asuna but did not reach her because Asuna went upwards.

"Did you really think you would reach, and even if you reached...did you think you would be able to touch me?" Asuna mocked the guy.

"We will see about that." The guy said still calm.

"[He's really calm. He thinks he can defeat me because he is the most powerful person in the game.]" Asuna thought smirking.

The guy could not reach Asuna so Asuna herself decided to go down and fight him.

"Should I help you?" The guy's friend asked him. He rejected him and told him to go and look for more medals.

The guy's friend then left leaving Asuna and the guy alone. The guy dashed towards Asuna trying to cut her with his sword. Asuna disabled her {TRAITOR} skill and blocked all of the guy's attacks. They attacked and blocked each other attacks again and again until they got tired.

The guy sprinted towards Asuna. Asuna made an attempt to slash the guy but he ducked and moved behind her. He was about to attack Asuna when she used her {SWIFT} skill to move out of the way.

"Nice!" The guy said smiling. He then sprinted towards Asuna again.

"[I will go down if I don't use my skills]" Asuna thought laughing awkwardly and blocked the guy's incoming attack. Asuna moved back and used her {STAR} skill. The guy hit the arrows away. Asuna took this chance to move behing his back. She used {DOUBLE SLASH} to cut the guy's back. It seemed like the guy felt pain and quickly moved away.

"He...felt it?" Asuna said surprised. "Hey you, was that painful?" Asuna asked pointing her sword at the guy.

The guy looked at Asuna smiling. "You're really strong, but you can't defeat me." He yelled the last part and sprinted towards Asuna. They fought for a long time. The kept fighting and fighting.

~~~~~~Tuesday, 2nd Day of the event~~~~~~

They were still fighting with half of their health left. They were tired but they were still battling each other.

"Why don't you just give up?!" Asuna shouted. She made a mistake of looking down. When she raised her head, The guy was about to cut her head. Asuna quickly used her {TRAITOR} skill and flapped her wings forward pushing her backwards.

Asuna tried to fly upwards but the guy held her leg and brought her back down. He made an attempt to attack her with his sword but failed because Asuna kicked his leg making him fall. Asuna slashed his neck whilst he was falling reducing almost all of his health.

The guy retreated frowning.

"Do you still want to fight me?" Asuna questioned the guy. He smiled and raised his hand in defeat. "Good!" Asuna said and decided to give the guy some of her health potion but the guy told her he already had some.

"I am Lisa. What is your name?" The guy quickly answered Asuna's question and told her he is Payne. They introduced themselves and went their ways.

"Interesting!" Asuna said when she moved away from the area. "I defeated the most powerful person in the game!" Asuna yelled in excitement. Then it hit her. She quickly used her {SUMMON} skill to make two people that looked like her appear and she ordered them to go and protect Zoro and the others.

Asuna followed them and they finally reached. Asuna saw them sitting down and calmed down.

"I thought you guys were out of the event." Asuna said trying to tease them. They heard her and looked at her. She apologized to them and told them everything that happened. She got to know that they had gotten 10 medals in just a day. She told them to get more of the medals so that each of them could buy a skill at the end.

She left her replicas to protect them and flew upwards into the sky. Asuna defeated anyone she saw on her way. She decided to defeat bosses in dungeons to get the medals faster.

Asuna completed many dungeons and defeated many people at the end of the day. She opened her inventory and checked how many medals she got. She had gotten 35 medals from defeating the bosses and other competitors.

Asuna stayed in the air all the time. She looked for Zoro and his partners and they selected a place to rest in the night. Asuna used her poison to surround the place they were resting so that people won't attack them.

They got (20) twenty silver medals in addition to Asuna's (35) thirty five.

~~~~~Wednesday, 3rd Day of the event~~~~~

Asuna got up late the next day. Zoro and the others were still sleeping. Asuna decided to roam because she and the others now have enough medals. She moved out of the place they rested yesterday The poison was no longer there because it was a new day. As usual, Asuna used her {TRAITOR} skill and the wings emerged from her back.

She then flew upwards. She saw a mountain covered in snow and decided to go there. She took in a deep breath and flew faster towards the mountain.

She reached her destination and looked down to see two familiar people. She looked closer to see they were Maple and Sally. Asuna was about to mention their name but was too late as they entered a dungeon.

Asuna flew downwards and landed on the snow.

"It's not cold." She said when she picked some from the ground. She waited for sometime for Maple and Sally to return but they didn��t. Asuna gave up on waiting and flew away.

As soon as she flew up, she saw some people moving towards a dungeon although the people had not seen the dungeon there. She quickly flew towards the dungeon and went inside.

"I made it!" She said breathing heavily. Asuna rolled backwards when a ball of fire was sent towards her. She looked closely to see the source of the fire. The area started burning revealing the monster. The monster had two faces. The other one was at it's stomach. The fire was burning in the mouth of the face at the stomach and on it's head. It had five horns like a crown on it's head. It was buried in the ground so it could not move.

The monster screamed and threw another ball of fire towards Asuna. Asuna evaded the ball and used her {STAR} skill. Asuna sprinted behind the arrows. The arrows hit the monster and Asuna used her {HYDRA} skill. The hydra appeared and bit covered the monster in poison.

Asuna became surprised when she saw the hydra turn to a rock. The monster used the fire around it to form a bow.

It started to fire the arrows everywhere but they were going after Asuna. She used her {VENOM CAPSULE} skill to protect herself from the arrows. The arrows melt as soon as they hit the venom capsule. The arrows got finished. Asuna noticing this used her short sword to cut through the venom capsule and got out of it.

The monster then started throwing balls of fire towards Asuna. Asuna sprinted away as the balls of fire was thrown towards her. She noticed that the monster can not move from where it is.

Asuna planned to use multiple skills at once to defeat the boss. The boss stopped firing the balls of fire.

"You've got to be kidding me" Asuna shouted when she saw the monster made rays of fire move everywhere. Asuna had difficulty dodging all the rays as she forgot to use her {SWIFT} skill and the fire in the area was also causing trouble. She barely dodged all the rays. Her health reduced to almost half.

The rays stopped and Asuna used her {HEAL} skill to recover all her health. She looked up at her health bar to see it is full.

"Good! Now time get rid of you" Asuna hared through the fire and stopped when she reached a small area without fire in front of the monster. She the used all of her powerful skill against he monster. {DOUBLE SLASH} {FIREBALL} {WATERBALL} {STAR} {TORRENT}.

The monster screamed and began to expand. It then exploded sending debris everywhere. All the fire then disappeared.


"You have reached level 49!"

Asuna quickly closed the panel and used her hand to block the ones that came towards her. A chest emerged from the ground at where the boss was.

She moved over to the chest and opened it. A notice popped up in front of her showing the things she got:


"Acquired [Flaming short sword] x2

Acquired [Flaming Armor]

Acquired [Flaming Boots]

Acquired [Flaming Tattoo]

Acquired [Gold] x2000

Acquired [Health Potion] x20

Acquired [Magic Potion] x20

Acquired [Silver Medal] x 4"

Asuna equipped the equipment and looked at herself.

Her hair had become red and it had also become long again. She was wearing a red gown but it was comfortable to fight in. The dress did not cover Asuna's shoulders. It covered only her full body and her hands. The weapon was red with dragon designs on the blade and handle. A transparent dragon was moving around it. The weapon was really a legendary weapon with all the things around it.

She pressed the [Flaming Tattoo] and the details appeared.


"It helps the person to resist fire attacks when equipped!"

"I have been playing this game and I have become powerful but I don't have any aim" Asuna said with her finger on her chin. "I just have to have an aim so...I will choose-" She stopped again. "-I will become the top player in this game." Asuna screamed with her fist raised.

She equipped the tattoo and looked at the back of her hand to see it there. It was a dragon in the form of a circle.

"Nice one there." She exclaimed.

"I will have to manage this hair again. Now, where is the portal." Asuna saw the portal at her right. She was about to walk towards it when she notice a fire behind her. She was curios so she walked over to it. She saw an egg in flames.

She knelt down and touched it.

"It's not burning" Asuna said smiling and a panel popped up:


"This is an egg. It hatches when heat is applied to it."

Asuna read the information and looked at the egg surprised.

"There's already a fire around it so why hasn't it hatched yet?" Asuna took the egg. As soon as she took it, the egg started to crack. A small bird appeared from the egg and it was on fire but the fire was blue. "Everything here's on fire?!" The bird was flying in the air in front of Asuna. The blue flame was in the form of a pheonix.

The cracked egg then turned into a ring. An information about the ring appeared in front of Asuna:


"Equipping this will allow certain monsters fight beside you"

Asuna equipped the ring and a panel appeared requiring a name for the pet. She typed Blue into the space provided and the stats of the bird appeared. The bird acquires skill as it levels up.

"Now that I think about it, I am now the top player in this game because I defeated Payne and the people said he is the most powerful player." Asuna said assuring herself.

Asuna left the dungeon through the portal and chose to level up her pet. She used her pet to defeat many weak people.

Asuna defeated many people but made her pet deliver the last blow. Her pet leveled up to level 10 at the end of the day.

Asuna did this for the rest of the days that was left for the event. She had troubles with her hair but she learned how to manage it whist fighting. She decided not to kill anyone the last day but to explore the area and look for medals. Asuna went to many places.

At the end of the day, she, Zoro and the others had gotten 130 silver medals. Asuna was perplexed because they had almost gotten half of all the meals in the event. Asuna shared the medals among themselves.

She gave each of them 20 and took the rest. Asuna had a gold medal so she took only ten(10) of the silver medal making it 20.

Asuna left the guys after the event ended. She went to the shop where the skills are bought with the medals. She wanted to use her pet as a means of transport but the it was not big enough so she bought a skill that can make the pet big enough for her to ride on.

She then logged out of the game and went to sleep. Asuna decided not to log into the game for sometime because she wanted to spend sometime in the BLADE AND SOUL.

After she logged out of the game, she searched for the game's site on her laptop to see what people are saying there. She clicked on the board to see that all what the people were saying was about her. She smiled and switched off her laptop.

"I'm becoming popular." Asuna exclaimed smiling.

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