
Rebellion Part 2

It took the Kings Army 3 months took sent word that they had landed in Lannistersport, and wanted they wanted us to send Ned to coordinate for the coming siege of Pyke.

The lords just wanted the war to end as we had complete control of the sea and held 2 of the 6 Iron islands, we had little issues holding them as we killed the current Lords except their children and wives. The small folk we had little issues with, the salt wives i.e. slaves they had taken from the main land.

I started a program that would go around and interview the kidnapped people and try to find where they are from and if they wanted to be sent home. Sadly most did not go home, some did not have any family left, other were taken so young they did not know were home was. But not everything was bleak all the northerns were sent back to their homes or were given a free ride to a trade of their choice.

This put the Iron Born problem in perspective for the Northern Lords just what these people went through. It gave a sense of purpose to the war besides honoring the call of banners but rather a liberation of the people.

To save time and scare the Lannisters, Ned and I are taking the Flagship and 2 Destroyers as escorts. We are even buzzing Pyke, and shooting the occasional pot shot at them. The trip will take a week of travel by air, and most of it was spent just talking with Ned.


I was resting on the railing of Lyannas Revenge, Ned then came over to me and we just watched the world go by not speaking just looking at the horizon in comfortable silence, Till Ned spoke.

Ned-"You could have ended this war on your own couldn't you Hal?" With no malice in his words just a statement.

I did not answer him for some time and just looked out over the horizon, I could see the Westerlands in the distance and just nodded not saying anything aloud.

Ned just sighs and we both stayed their till I broke the silence.

"Magic, Ned is an amazing thing I have seen women and children that would have died in labor saved, Cities sprout out of nothing, and my very own life was saved by it. But magic…..magic scares me Ned, look at these airships they are not even the deadliest things I could make, curses that would destroy kingdoms, monsters that would give me nightmares, and bombs that would wipe out cities in a instant.

But I know that l and every good magic user is scared of magic in some way. And that is part of the reason I settled in the North you would not just kill me on sight or exile me and my people to Gods know where. And don't lie I know Cat wanted you to.

The people of the North fear magic yes but they do not fear out of hate but of respect.

So my answer to why I do not just come down here with all the might of magic I could, I could summon flames that would burn and never die out on the islands making so no Ironborn ever come again to it shores.

And Ned it would be so easy to wipe them out, but I won't because I'm not just a man now I am a father. And I do not want my children and future children to be known as the children of the Iron Burner, but the children of Halvard The Inventor.

I want to come home from this and look into the eye of my wives and kids and tell them that I am still a good man. That is the reason Ned I did not end this war."

Ned did not respond to me he just watched the horizon, thinking of his wife, kids, and Winterfell.


The once great city of Lannisport was still being repaired, know for its exotic goods was still repairing when they received a letter from Lord Stark that they shall be arriving with in the hour. Much to the surprise of the Longs court, but with new ships the North were using they didn't know what to expect.

So the king and his entourage made their way to the docks, the king wanted to welcome his old friend while the other lords wanted to figure out the secrets of the North's new prosperity.

No more than Tywin Lannister and he would go to any extent to find those secrets. He had tried to send spy's to the North but all just disappeared or never brought back substantial information. He needed this information as the great gold mines of The Rock had started to go dry.

What he had heard of the North were a first thought to be lies or stories to throw his people off, but the rumors kept being the same. A new lord had brought his people to the North and brought magic with them. Tales of monsters of walking rock, men and women using magic build homes.

When the Fleet did appear on the Horizon most thought they were tricks of light or mirages. But that changed as they approached and the gathering crowd saw two different Coat Of Arms. One a Dire wolfs head the other, was a symbol they had all seen on the new products of the North House Maelstrom, and they had arrived not be sea but upon a great ship that sparked fear for the first time in Tywin Lannister heart.


Some people ran and panicked as the fleet approached but most were frozen in a mix of fear and awe. We did not approach on the skiffs instead we landed in a open spot on the docks, none of the men at the docks approached all still frozen till Ned and I disembarked the ship. Ned then whispered "I get why you like doing that now."

Ned then spoke to the crowd in the direction of the King-"My king we have arrived as instructed"

Robert-"Hahahha, Ned it's good to see my friend and thank you for coming. Now what in the gods name did you ride here."

Ned-"It is good to see you to Robert, and that is a Airship, I do not know the specifics of how it works only that it does. But for the specifics asks Lord Maelstrom here."