
Hp-Verse Part 2

We made a quick and dirty agreement with the magical side. The summary is this: 1. We will not make an unprovoked attack, that did not outline what a provoked attack was. 2. Our men will be allowed to explore leave Hogwarts when ever they want. 3. All of our families property and gold will be returned with interest in less than 2 months. We also Handed over fake Moody and the real one.

It was treaty very much in our favor, and finally at 3 in the morning we are done and going to the Airships. Andromeda and Lily were not so lucky they will be held up by the mundane side I'll the morning with a much more outlined agreement of what we will be doing in Britain. It is along the same lines as the magical but we will be send a emissary to talk about our culture so we can get on the same page.


The next day we made our way back to Hogwarts where Mrs. Mcgonagall had asked us to meet and talk about what Rose will be doing, and we have been asked to join in their breakfast with our entire family. We obviously did not bring the youngest as I did not trust any of them but we did promise to bring them on the days of the trials.

"Good morning Lord and Ladies Maelstrom, wait Lily is so good to see you, oh and you to Black sisters." Minerva said as she goes to hug Lily which she accepts.

Lily-"It is good to see you to Minerva, let me introduce everyone: this is my Husband Halvard, you already know the Black Sister, this Nymphadora Andromeda's daughter and you have met Rose. The rest of the family is at home we did not know what to expect when we came over."

Min-"Come sit tell me about where you have been these 15 years.Your husband mentioned that you were not on this plane and I sadly do not know what that means. Also would you and your family teach potions and defense with Snape Moody out we need professors."

I spoke up at this point. "Right, Lily told me that your people forgot or destroyed a lot of knowledge. First their are layers to reality, think of this plane as the Prime Material where you live and the father you go out from their the less thing make sense,. From central out first is the Prime Material, The Fey Wild where the Fey play their games, the elemental planes fire, water, earth, the astral after that, then the celestial planes where the gods reside good and evil. After that is the outer planes where The Old Ones reside, past that you find different planers clusters that is where you summoned my daughter from and got the attention of some very dangerous things.

As for potions Lily has her masters in that but it is up to her, as for the defense I will gladly teach I had not been able to teach in a classroom setting for some time."

The professors where gobsmacked at my explanation before they could ask more questions the students began to be escorted in. Which Bathsheda Babbling the rune teacher gained a manic look in her eye at that.

Min-"Good morning students, classes will be held today as normal except Potions as Professor Snape is not feeling well. So Lily Evans-Maelstrom has volunteered to teach here, and Lord Maelstrom has volunteered to teach our upper class men as well."

The rest of breakfast was spent in small conversation, Lily told Minerva of what our home was like how we work side by side with mundanes and how mostly the upcoming generation has magic of some kind. The Back sisters where talking to Sirius about what they had been up to and Nym was getting to know here other family members. Rose, had struck up a conversation with Filius Flitwick about charms which she was very proficient with and showed some of here custom magic.


The curse on the DADA class in very real and I felt it try and effect me but with me having damaging the wars I was able to find it tied to the wars stone. The classroom for DADA needed a complete revamp I went and revamped it to Northen standards, the room doubled in size, practice dummies, and a variety for book on offense and defense magic. I also enchanted the windows of the room to look like it is in Eskigarð and a lot of odds and ends to make the classroom to my standards.

Hal-"Hello everyone my name is Lord Halvard Maelstrom, but for now call me Professor Halvard since your previous professor is out I will be taking over till he returns. Now I know you have some questions but let me say some things first, no will take notes here these are self writing pens they will write word for word what I say so I will expect you all to listen and participate, no house points will be awarded on a personal level but as a whole so no relying on one person, and if we are not doing a round discussion you will raise your hand and state your name as I have to learn them. Now I will let questions be asked and if they are to personal or rude I will not answer, now who is first."