
Fallout Verse 5

With the island secure and a base set up we can finally start to study the tech here and to trade with the locals.

The fort has a variety of rooms and lands for studying the animals and tech of the land, I was focusing on the military aspects of the tech.

The fusion cells and cores were very impressive, they have been stored in a terrible conditions and still work. The laser rifles while decent on small scale would be more efficient as they can not even go through then metal. The research team have begun designing heavy weapons placements of the laser weapon.

For the Fusion Core we would use them to fuel rune matrix's as a replacement for dust crystals. They also are great portable generators, just one core and a converter about 2 by 2 feet could power our entire camp for a couple of months.

Plasma has also been interesting development, one they can be very useful on a small scale more than large. Plasma rifles got a redesign to be more functional and to over heat less.

Lily and Andromeda focused the civil industries.

Lily studied the tractor we found on the island, which gave her some insight into more clean energies for back home. While we mostly used Dust and magic to power out stuff another getting away from single point of failure is always good. So she began designing fusion vehicles for civilian use, mostly trucks and tractors.

Andromeda has been analyzing the crazy types of wildlife that is prevalent in the Commonwealth, and to look into growing food on the island for us to sell. She has mostly been studying the sea life as we have not begun buying any Brahmin or chickens yet. But we have begun planting seeds and have fenced out some Chicken Coops for fresh eggs.

As for the Soldiers and Scouts we sent them off on their first mission for gathering scrap.

The mission is simple one scout and loot the General Atomics Factory just West of the Island. The team consisted of a squad of 10 they are their to clear the place and allow the engineers to pick the place clean.



The team was excited, we are the first to do a real mission here as the Silver Tongues (Diplomats) went to that dock North of here.

From what the Lady Bellatrix said we should just be facing Robots but not to underestimate them. As we learned that the hard way when clearing the island.

Sig-"Alright everyone we will docking soon, heads on a swivel and watch your Geiger Counters the rads here are all over the place along with all the pollution."

We dock right along the South of the Factory, the place is littered with blown out cars and equipment.

Sig-"Secure the landing and leave the looting till we clear this place and Amir look at that tug boat see how bad it is in their we may have our own transport at the end of this."

While Amir and a couple of guys looked at the Tug boat we headed in to the Factory it self. We went to the front of the as the back was covered in rust and garage, and we did not want to alert the bots inside .

Aslaug-"Sig, I got a terminal here... a shit it is just memos. Well the nerds back at base will like it even though it is worse than what we have back home."

We split the guys into two groups of three one on the first floor and the other on the second. The people of the plane were insane, why a house robot needed a flame thrower and a saw blade is beyond me.

We hit to disable the bots when possible, Rahim found out that when they are about to set destruct if you shoot a Cryo Spell it gives you enough time to get their core out.

We ended up finding a bunch of parts for the Mr and Mrs Handy, the coolest find is the Pipboy. We are expecting a big bonus from that cause one of the guys figured it somehow monitors practically everything about a person even what you had on you.

Amir with a was able to juryrig the tug boat with a rune matrix and a portable generator that ran on Dust Crystals. So we now have a project to work on because we wanted to mount some heavy equipment on it for missions, maybe even a small artillery peace I'll have to bribe a engineer to help but it will be awesome.