
4 Years

The past 4 years were nice, we did not travel very much. Most of the years we simply expand the city, while other we took hold of the Noble houses.

The city with the influx of trade, immigrants, and goods it exploded in reputation and scale. New industries were founded, magic powered looms and spinning wheels. That made us the center of textile trade in all of Westeros. Ships from as far as Dorne made dock here, roads where built with golems and people from the slums of kings landing ships North and put to work throughout the kingdom.

With the advancement of our clans reputation for trade and knowledge, with it we expand our influence over the noble houses. First we offered every major house in the North wards and a court wizard. The idea is to have people in place for if houses sell out the North.

The court wizards job is like that of a Maester but they are actually useful. With them they brought a variety of seed and live stock. In the southern areas like The Neck with their marshy soil rice, cranberries began to be farmed in mass, with the help of their crannogmen as guides and with our magis they began to outproduce the Riverlands with food and became to main food providers of the North. With our people spreading ideas thought the North it began to becoem mroe and more connected. The court Wizard plan has gotten so far that they have replaced all Maestros here in the North. And thanks to that House Manderly have converted Back the Old Gods as they wanted a court wizard to improve their lands.

With the Increase in trade the need for better roads and interconnection in the North made another business for us to exploit. Thus we founded the Northern Construction Company, we made golems to carry loads of stone while men went behind with tools and magic smoothing it, the last group were rune and ward carvers. Their goal was to make a massive ward network to increase the over all temperature of the North while not impacting the environment in a bad way, next a massive anti-undead wards based off the turn undead spell. While it will not outright kill the white walkers it will keep any coming south of the wall, the last is general fertility wards for any living thing here.

As a byproduct of the trade cities began to spring up all along the Western coast. They all had began profiting off the new trade along with increasing the overall protection of the coat with wards and ships. As for the rest of the North Forts were built, rebuilt and manned like Moat Cailin in major point throughout the North as force projection.

To protect our prosperity I got Ned to agree to a couple of things, first was to establish a group called the rangers. They will be a trained group of men that will patrol the new roads. Next was all houses were told to increase their men at arms to 1,000 trained men. Last was he was paying me to increase all our standing Navy to be to be enchanted, and with magical siege weapons. Like ballista that had the ability to destroy castle walls.

We even started our exploratory missions out North west to set up some outposts their as supply points. They did not make the full journey out west as of yet but they are getting experience on the open ocean for extended period of time.

For our lands development we had steadily become the beating heart of the North, we have become the center of culture, technology, magic, and safety here in the North.

Our schools have steadily begun to fill most are those coming from the south since they rarely had skills needed to be on their own. Our biggest class are homesteading where we teach a family how to build a farm from nothing. The reason for these classes is that since the wards, new technology, and techniques the North needed more farmers of all types and since the North is so empty the Homesteading act was established.

But the schools have classes in everything, we obviously did not just hope people would keep their word. Narsscia and her steadily growing army of lawyers wrote out the most complicated contract known to man that would enforce those that are learning in our schools not matter what level would sign enforcing their loyalty to the North or would not let them uses those skills.

The city itself was amazing, we had become the industrial power house of the world. We imported all the raw goods the North produced and processed them into anything from clothes to ships all passed through our lands.

Our defense were not lacking our castle was built mimicking Dragonsreach just increased in size. Which our family lived. But for the military aspects our personal military, our is equipped with enchanted weapons, armor and tactics. Our Navy, was massive we have Cutter ship, all the way to Ship Of the Line all using magical cannons to defend our seas. We even have a starting Airforce using brooms for scouting and hot air balloons for watching troops movements, we even set a few to the wall so they could watch for wildings coming south.

In doing this we continued to piss the Ironborn as they kept trying to raid the coast they kept getting shot out of the sea by our cannons. They were just a minor annoyance for us as we defend our ships so they moved south to the Westerlands and The Reech.


For my personal stuff my relationships with the girls progressed well. The Girls each have their own way of expressing their love.

Lydia my first summon, she just did not know those types of feelings. Most of her life at this point was just training and fighting. So she liked it when we just spent time quietly together. I would take her out to dinner, or just read to her. But her favorite was when I would sing to her. Her favorite songs has been Old Deep voices country songs. Her favorite right now is Jonny cash.

Narsscia, liked to go to fancy dinners, and go dancing. She really liked bored games which when we found she mandates that we bored game nights. We had to make a rule that if we played monopoly no wands were allowed in the room. We normally would play things like Haunting of Hill House and Settlers of Catan stuff that took awhile to play. She mostly liked doing this as a way to spend time as a family.

Andromeda, I would cook dinner and watch a movie with Nym. Who was 5 years old now and much to my and Andy's enjoyment saw me as a father figure. For the movie aspect in the castle we had a room that only our family knew about where we had a bunch of modern creature comforts.

Bellatrix, is a complicated woman. By no means is she completely insane like the books and movies, she just has a touch of that Black madness. She liked just me and her to go camping and go hunting, and she made a rule that we could only use magic in case of emergencies. We have to track and hunt it down on our own. But besides that we would duel and train.

Lilly, took the longest to want to do anything romantic. Which considering her last relationship was forced through potions made sense. But we mostly spent time discussing a variety of topics, form history to philosophy. She and I outside of normal research liked to make fun toys for Rose. Who like Nym had seen me as a father figure and was a rambunctious thing that loved anything to do with swords.

Speaks of my adopted kids they were doing amazing. Nym and Rose are both 5 years old now and they are just starting school. Lily and Andromeda were insistent that they be in "better public" school which was the school the nobles kids went to.

Thankfully lily was understanding that these kids were in very different social circumstances than she was raised in. But we were all active in their lives, I would drop anything to go play or read to them if they asked.

Nym and Rose are both active kids, they both preferred lessons in swords, flying and sailing. Be no means were they not smart. They were just not the sitting type but they did have their exemptions.

Nym would sit and read any book about the military whether that be of this dimensional the others. She said she wanted to be a general, which when we told her how hard that would be she just doubled down on her lessons. I even let her sit in on the war games and meeting to see what they were really like and that did not slow her down. I even made a magical table that was basically Banner Lord battles and Total War games mixed where she could place her men and try to figure it out.

Rose, loved alchemy as much as her mother. She would sit and read these dense and esoteric tomes on it. She wanted to make her own version of the philosophers stone one day. With the crazy magic I have access to through the system she has begun to learn the Full Metal Alchemist style and she already has the basic down.

They still have normal childhood stuff they do. Like on Saturdays we watch 90s cartoons like Batman, TMNT, Justice League, and Pokémon. Pokemon may have been a mistake because I have been asked for Christmas multiple years in a row to get them a Squirtle and resisting those puppy eyes and literal puppy eyes in Nyms case is getting harder.

And life was good but I knew war was on the horizon because the Ironborn are absolute idiots and a blight on the world.

So I kept working on the ship because when war arrived I would be ready and I will end it with overwhelming power. Plus I wanted to get married and have more kids.


The Ironborn made their move in the dead of summer burning down Lannister port, Seaguard, and Tried The Flint Cliffs, We knew that the sack was incoming and had a Squadron of ships with hot air balloons ready with canons just ripping them apart.

They only sent a small division to Seaguard, most of their Northern Fleet attempted to sack Eskigarðr and the other cites along the coast. But they never made it close, as most died to wards, anti ship weapons, and our navy patrols. We lost little to no men in the fighting our only loses were to accidents and panic from civilians. Our navy simply out ranged them by a lot. The artillery with magic guidance systems just destroyed them before they saw us.

A couple days later we received word that the King had called banners and we were to attack the Ironborn in full. And I was ready because our Airships have been completed and fully armed. We had 6 ships ready; 1 flagship with massive artillery and Fiendfyre throwers along the bottom. 1 Cruiser with bunker buster bombs, and 4 Destroyers with anti personnel guns along the bottom.

I had been building them as a surprise to the girls. Their reactions were priceless.


Lydia-"Honey shouldn't we be heading to Winterfell soon. With the men even with the new roads it will take some time."

Lily-"I know you do not like leaving the kids, but you really shouldn't be late here this is really serious."

Mc-"Yeah…..I'll miss the kids but I will have to make sure to make it a quick war. Alright let me get something from the airship spire. Walk with me?"

As we walked the spire which was located on the highest point on the mountain, we did make a variety of ways to get up here from freight elevators to gondolas.

Nym-"Daddy, what do you do up here all the time"

Mc-"Well Nym, before you were born your moms made me a promise that if I made them each a airship they would marry me and I hope they keep those promises."

And I revealed the fleet, one for each of them each ready to go to war. All named in their honor,

The Andromeda is Emerald and Violet

The Bellatrix is Matte Black and Gray

The Narsscia is Silver and Pool Blue

The Lilly is Burgundy and Peach

The Lydia is a Cruiser and plated in Nordic Style Steel.

I turn to the girls and take a knee.

"Lydia, you have been on this journey with me the longest. You joined my side when I was a man with a dream and a dream so now I ask will you Lydia of Whiterun Nord of Skyrim will you marry me."

"Andromeda, Narsscia, and Bellatrix Black. You three are probably the most dangerous women on the planet and still scare me a little after these 5 years. But you three are masters of your craft, this place would not be as prosperous as we are now and are the most clever men I have ever met. So Black sisters, Queens of The North will you marry me"

"Lily Evans, you have been so much in your life. But you persevered, you are one of the smarts witches that will probably ever live. And without your help I would not be nearly as successful as I am now. So Lilly Evans the brightest witch of her age will you marry me."

And they tackled me into a mess of hugs and kisses, and a 2 very happy little girls that I am now going to be their "real" dad.

"Now, Rose and Nym. When me and your moms get married I can be more than just your dad but I can blood adopt you so I can also become your blood father would you like that?"

And I was again tackled this time by my now daughters.


I left the girls with planning the wedding, as I had no idea what to do with that. We did do a small ceremony in front of the newly planted Weirwood tree, but we will be doing a large ceremony after I get back with all our friends, and so by the time I get back I may be a dad again.

After the wedding, I began my journey to Winterfell to join up with the Main army in the new ships. We were bringing 2 full Brigades [2K] of men, Lydia is staying home to keep watch for stragglers and since their is a good chance she is pregnant.

While I was going to fight the city was not going to be idle, the science division and the newly summoned airship builder are going to be designed and researching new applications, like Fighters, Bombers, Carriers, and civilian application for transportation.


War, I hate war. I had hoped after the rebellion and the new trade here in the North we would never have to go to war again. Thankfully with the help of Hal we had little to no damage from the Squids. All I can do is hope and Pray to the Gods that he keeps it that way.

"Lord Stark the men spotted something on the horizon, it looks like flying ships. From the west baring the symbol of House Maelstrom."

No.....Fucking....Way....the bastard did it. When he told me about the deal he made with those girls when he was drunk And after that I thought nothing of it.

And saw them a fleet of flying ships making their way here. The smaller 5 bering names of the women of House Maelstrom, and the last and largest leading the Fleet a massive thing named Lyanna's Revenge. As they approached, a smaller ship detaches and maker their way here.

Halvard-"Hello, Lord Stark it's good see you my friend and I brought help. And can we set them down off just out side the walls here?"

Ned-"What....the....Hell Hal, I thought you were joking about making them. And yes that will be fine now get the hell over here and explain."


It is good to see Ned again since the last meeting we had exchanged letters for some time, but seeing him in person helped. Since I was the first to arrive here at Winterfell we had to wait for the rest of the North to arrive and coordinate.

My current order were for my Navy to patrol the Northern Coasts till we were told different. But besides increasing foot patrols along the coast to make sure the Ironborn do not slip in somewhere.

We simply had to wait for everyone to show up which will take about a month for everyone to show up. Most of that time Ned and I stared to flesh out the battle plan.

My Navy will move to the Iron Islands to cut off trade there, NO ships will be let out fishing or otherwise.

While they do that the Northern army marches to Moat Cailin then board ships, to the islands.

My men with a section of Ned will fly to the Island of Black Tyde, take it and use it as a landing point for the incoming Northen men.

By then the Royal Navy should have arrived if not we should begin to take the smaller islands as the king needs to take Pyke for political reasons.