
new world administrator

Dan, a talented game developer, finds himself unexpectedly transported to a new and unfamiliar world. In this strange land, he encounters fantastical creatures, mystical landscapes, and magic beyond his wildest imagination. As he navigates this mysterious realm tag. administrator , admin , system, dan, administrator , new world , world , power

Red_Mind_god · Fantasía
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28 Chs

new home and new life part 2

Dan, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after his wash and change of clothes, left the washroom and entered a hallway. Across from him stood Sebastian, who was waiting impatiently. "Finally, you're done. You better be grateful that my father brought a poor commoner like you into our home," Sebastian remarked curtly. "Let's go. My father is waiting in his room. He'll tell you what your role will be in the house." With that, Sebastian turned and began walking down the hallway, and Dan followed him. As they walked, Dan couldn't help but admire the opulence of the surroundings. Paintings adorned the walls, featuring intricate gold and silver details, while the hallway exuded an air of Victorian-era elegance. Eventually, they reached a set of double doors. A butler opened the doors, allowing them to enter the room. Inside, a grand carpet stretched across the floor, leading to a desk where Gabriel sat in a chair, awaiting their arrival.

Dan and Sebastian approached the desk, with Sebastian taking his place on the left side of his father. Both Sebastian and Gabriel fixed their gazes on Dan Gabriel began speaking first. "Well, I hope you like your new clothes" Dan bowed respectfully and expressed his gratitude. "Thank you, City Lord Everhart. The clothes are splendid, and I'm truly grateful for your generosity." Sebastian rolled his eyes at Dan's display of gratitude, but Gabriel nodded approvingly. "Good. Now, onto more pressing matters," he continued, his tone becoming more serious Gabriel said "i what you to help me train the guard be strong as you or stronger can you do it"

Dan's mind raced at full speed, trying to figure out what to say. He couldn't reveal that his strength and agility came from his point in the system, and he wasn't sure if others could be as strong as him. In this new world, he couldn't gauge how strong a single point was anymore.

Dan hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "City Lord, I am not the best person for this job. Can I have a different role, please?"

Sebastian turned to his father and chimed in, "I agree, Father. Why let this commoner train our soldiers? I doubt he can even lift a sword."

Gabriel looked at his son with a disappointed expression. "Son, it seems like you don't understand. So be it. I want you and Dan to spar with each other. Through this, you will understand why I want soldiers like him under me."

Sebastian smirked and nodded. "Fine."

Dan and Sebastian left Gabriel's room and made their way to the courtyard. A crowd of soldiers had gathered, eager to witness the impending duel. Each of them took a wooden sword, preparing for the spectacle about to unfold.

Sebastian was the first to make his move. He charged forward, moving to the left and swinging his sword. Dan easily dodged the attack, his movements fluid and precise. Sebastian then swung his sword around and took a step back, preparing for Dan's counterattack.

Dan remained composed, opting not to attack. Instead, he focused on maintaining his stance as Sebastian launched another assault. Sebastian charged forward once more, swinging his sword low and then high before shifting to the right and attempting another strike. However, Dan effortlessly dodged each attack, showcasing his agility

Sebastian, noticing that Dan still hadn't retaliated with anger, spoke up. "Why are you not attacking? Are you afraid?" he taunted

Dan retorted confidently, "No, I'm not afraid. If you want a fight, then fine, I'll oblige."

With determination, Dan charged at Sebastian, catching him off guard. Sebastian, thinking Dan was weak, prepared to block his sword. However, to his surprise, he was overpowered by Dan's strength, and he stumbled backward, falling to the ground.

Dan swiftly pointed his sword at Sebastian, his victory evident in his stance.

The soldiers surrounding them were in shock, their disbelief evident in their wide-eyed expressions. How could Sebastian, the esteemed son of the city lord, lose to this seemingly unassuming guy?

Murmurs of astonishment rippled through the crowd as they struggled to comprehend what had just transpired.

Sebastian, swallowing his pride, got back up and walked away without saying a word to Dan. Soon, the soldiers dispersed, leaving Dan standing alone in the courtyard. As the sound of clapping filled the air, Dan looked up to see the city lord, Gabriel, with a wide smile on his face.