
New Valyria

"New Valyria" is a *Game of Thrones* fanfiction that reimagines the destiny of Jon Snow, traditionally seen as the stoic and melancholic bastard of Ned Stark. Rather than succumbing to a bleak existence at the edge of the world, Jon chooses to embrace a grander fate, aspiring to become a figure of legend whose name will be revered across ages. In this narrative, Jon embodies various roles—a father, warrior, emperor, and a true dragon of the North. The story details Jon's strategic and bold moves to expand his influence and power. He forms pivotal alliances with empires and kingdoms beyond the Sunset Sea to the West, enhancing his political and military stature. Concurrently, he extends his dominion by conquering new territories to the East of the known world, demonstrating his prowess on the battlefield. "New Valyria" invites readers to explore Jon Snow's transformative journey from a somber outcast to a formidable ruler through intricate plots, epic battles, and sweeping adventures. The fanfic promises a deep dive into his strategies and achievements, urging readers to delve into the tale to discover the specifics of his ascension. Explore the Epic Saga of New Valyria! Dive deeper into the adventures of "New Valyria" and get exclusive early access to chapters by supporting us on Patreon! Not only will you be the first to read new developments, but you’ll also help shape the journey of our story. Join Us on Patreon : patreon.com/PerseusBlackfyre Become a Patron and access advance chapters, behind-the-scenes content, and more. Your support directly influences the continuation and quality of the story! Connect in Our Community Discord : https://discord.gg/NgQzAjwG Discord Community: Engage with fellow fans, participate in discussions, and receive updates directly from the author. YouTube Channel: Subscribe for video updates, live Q&As with the author, and special content related to "New Valyria". Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@PerseusBlackfyre?sub_confirmation=1 Your support and interaction enrich our shared adventure in the world of "New Valyria." Join us today and be part of the legend!

Perseus_Blackfyre · Derivados de obras
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35 Chs

Chapter 34: Arc 3, Khal


"Have you seen them anywhere?" Rhaenys asked, "At all?" Ser Alliser shook his head, "So no one saw Syndor, Līāna, or Tegon at all? No one saw them leave or which direction they went?"

"No-one knows, Princess." Black Snake said, as he was kneeling in front of her with Ser Alliser, "What we do know that they left during the night. Syndorarys and Līāna's time of power." Black Snake stood up, "But we have sent out scouts to keep an eye out for any sight of them."

Rhaenys nodded, "Good." She stood up, "Tell me when they return with any news of them." They nodded, and Black Snake left, leaving only Ser Alliser. Rhaenys turned around and poured a goblet of Hippocras, not touching the Brotherhood made wine for the reaction her body had when she had some of it. She turned around and saw the coal black eyes looking at her. She sat down in a chair, "What is it, Alliser?"

Alliser smiled, "Do you know what a skinchanger is Princess?" Rhaenys took a sip of her wine, and shook her head, "A skinchanger or beastling is a person with the ability to enter the mind of an animal and control its actions." As he said that something in her body ticked, and changed, but Alliser continued, "They are more commonly found in the North beyond the Wall." Alliser stopped, and looked around and grabbed a piece of paper, and started to draw something, "But some of the oldest families in the North have the blood flowing through them. The biggest are the Starks, their descendants, Mormonts, and the Blackwoods." He showed her the paper, which has the names, and their sigils.

Rhaenys looked at the families, and took a sip, "Uhhh. I haven't told anyone but I have dreams…"

Alliser looked at her, "What kind of dreams?" She stared at him with a half smile, and his eyes widened, "Dragon Dreams?" She nodded, he stood up and slammed his hands onto the table, "I pardon my language but… YOU HAVEN'T TOLD ANYONE ABOUT THIS! NOT AT ALL," Rhaenys filched as he yelled, "You do know how important that is?"

Rhaenys nodded, "I do. But I didn't know how to, and I don't know how I can." She picked up the paper, "I don't know what family I got it from."

Alliser sat down, and calmed down, "Well anyway. His Grace is a warg, he always knows where his dragons are and he has said that Raraxes is one of them. There is no need to worry about the dragons." He sighed, "About your warg powers. I say we send a raven to the others."

Rhaenys nodded, "I apologize for not telling you all."

Alliser nodded, "Is there anything else you want to tell me?" Rhaenys sighed and held up her hand and closed her eyes, and a flame appeared. She opened her eyes, and saw Alliser's eyes opened wide, and then he faced palmed, "Are you serious, Princess?" She smiled and moved her hands around and different things happened, "How long?" Alliser asked.

"Since I was 4." Rhaenys responded.

Alliser's mouth dropped,"H-How d-did you train?"

"At night. But I haven't trained for a bit." Rhaenys said. Alliser stared at her, and soon he was laughing, "Why are you laughing?" Rhaenys asked.

Alliser looked to her, "His Grace's bloodline is going to be powerful, and strong!" Rhaenys looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Alliser smiled, "His Grace looks up to you, and has plans."

Rhaenys smiled, at the thoughts that popped into her mind, "What are those plans, Ser Alliser?" Rhaenys saw the smile grew on Ser Alliser, cold steel face.


"What the fuck is that!" Drogo heard someone yell from outside. Drogo stood up, and left his tent with his Kos'. Drogo threw the tent flap open and saw the slave soldiers coming towards the city. Leading them he saw a whore with silver hair, on a beautiful silver mare.

But that wasn't what made someone yell, for what was behind made even his eyes widened. Behind the coming army were dragons, and leading them was the biggest of them. Even from this far he could see the blood red eyes, and pure black scales of the leading dragon.

As they came closer Drogo, saw a man on top of the leading dragon, and as the dragon landed the man got off. The man walked closer, and stopped only a few feet away, and Drogo saw the golden rings in the man's hair, and snarled, 'A false Khal, coming to fight me, the Greatest Khal since Khal Mengo! How dare he!"

The man spoke in perfect Dothraki, "Khal Drogo, the Great Khal of the Dothraki Sea, Son of Khal Bharbo. I have some to fight to take your khalasar, and your title, in single combat."

Drogo laughed, "Ha! You think you can beat me, puny Andal!" Drogo watched as the Andal shrugged, making Drogo's blood boil with rage, "I'm going-"

"I know. I know." Andal interrupted him, "I've heard it before." Drogo watched as he bowed lightly, "Well let me introduce myself to you." The Andal looked up, and he watched as the man grinned, and his eyes sparkled, "My name, Khal Drogo, is Daeron Targaryen, Son of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. King-Emperor of the New Valyria Empire." He stood up, and turned, "Now I will be getting changed," he grabbed the lip of his tunic, and sniffed, "I stink and need a bath." He looked back to him, meet you back here Tomorrow?" Drogo opened his mouth to respond with some curses, but the Andal spoke, "Good." He smiled, and started walking towards the camp of the slave soldiers.

Drogo watched as the man walked away from him like nothing was going to happen, and he was going to be able to walk away tomorrow alive. Drogo shedded in his anger, as the man walked away, and as the giant dragon landed, blocking his view to the man. Drogo snarled as he turned around, inwardly cursing as she returned to his tent.

As he entered it he looked to his Kos' and grinned, having a plan coming to mind.


Missy smiled as her best friend came walking towards them, and she watched as the men who knew him slowly bowed and was followed by the khalasar. As he came closer to them, and she started walking towards him and as he came closer, he looked down at her, and smiled, "Missy."

She smiled, and hugged him, "Jon." She looked up to him, "You have another Dragon! What's its name, and where did you find it? Have you found more of them? Tell me about them?"

Jon laughed, and rustled her long curly hair, "Clam down, Missy." Jon spoke, and she smiled at the voice, "I will tell you everything that you missed since you last saw me at Pentos. But first I need a bath, and to clean up after days and nights of flying, and such." He looked around, and asked, "Where is my Aunt? And the commander of the Unsullied?" He then noticed the other mixed banners of Sellsword Companies, "I recognized some of them, but not all?"

She nodded, and broke the hug, "She went to the command tent, with Rakharo, Greyworm, and with the commanders of the Stormcrows, the Men of Valor, the Long Lances, and a few others." She looked up to him, "She told me that they would be waiting for you in the command tent." She looked around and leaned towards him, and motioned him to lean closer, and he did, "Just to let you know. Don't trust Daario Naharis." She watched as he nodded with a questioning look, "He has been acting weird since Yunkai, and hasn't left Dany's side since he joined, whispering things into her ears."

Her friend nodded, "Has she told you what he has said to her?" She shook her head, "I will see what I can do." He nodded as he stood up straight, "Has a tent been made for me?" She nodded, "Good I will go to the meeting, but when I leave I want an extremely hot tub of water waiting for me." He smiled, as he unbuckled his sword belt and held it out to her, and she looked up him with sparkles in her eyes. Jon smiled, "I trust that you can keep this safe for me when I'm in the meeting, Missy?"

She nodded with excitement, "I can!" Jon placed the sword belt into her hands, and she felt the weight of the sword, but it was manageable, "I will take this to the tent and wait for you." She watched as Jon went to speak but, she turned around and left for the tent, and to get the tub of water ready for her friend.


"Leave." Her friend told her as he undid the laces to his tunic, "Leave Missandei. I can do the rest on my own."

Missy shook her head, "I'm owed stories, and I would like to hear them."

Jon snorted, "Fine." He looked towards her, "You're about to see something that I don't want leaving this tent, Missy." She nodded confused, "Promise me, Missandei." He looked towards her, "Promise me."

She nodded confused, "I promise." He nodded and started taking his tunic off, and what she saw were red angry scars covering his chest. Missy covered her mouth, "How?" Jon took his tunic off and turned to the tub, started on his breeches.

"Volantis." He answered, "Hand me the pine oil, Missy." She stared at the scars, and gave a little nod, and turned around and walked to where the oils were and as she was looking for the pine oil, she heard Jon getting into the tub as he let out a satisfied sigh, "Oh I missed this." Missy found the oil, and returned to Jon, and handed it to him. Jon smiled, "Thank you Missy. You can go if you want, I can take care of the rest."

Missy shook her head, "You're telling me the stories I was promised to hear." Jon released a sigh, and pointed to stool. Missandei jogged over to the seat, and listened to Jon as he told her the stories of what has happened since Pentos. All the while this was happening Jon washed himself, and she kept her eyes on the scars. She knew he could feel the stare, and so he explained what happened.

Missandei listened as Jon told the story and when she saw him struggle, she went to help but Jon stopped her before she could go to him and help, "No. I can do this, you stay sitting, Missy." He groaned as he tried to reach a stop on his back.

Missy giggled, "Are you sure you can do it, 'Your Grace'?" Jon snorted, and she took the cloth and started to clean it.

"Be careful, the scars aren't as healed as they look, and it hurts like hell when they are opened. So be careful when you wash them." He said as he washed his face. She nodded, and started washing.

They stayed silent as Jon was in thought, and Missy finished up. She then thought of something, and asked, "How do you plan on fighting the Khal?" He looked at her and started explaining. When he finished, she looked at him, "Are you sure? You do know what he has accomplished, and how good he is with that arakh of his?"

"I do." A smile grew on his face, "You also know how good I am with Blackfyre. He may have years over me but I have knowledge of the Dothraki fighting style, and the knowledge of many of the different sword styles of the world."

Missandei nodded, "Do you plan on showing them the scars?"

Jon nodded, "Aye. I might as well show everyone that I have died, and by the Old Gods I was brought back to life." He stood up grabbing a cloth, "He will probably be doing the same thing. Wearing only a horsehide vest, and breeches. It will be unfair if I go wearing armour where the Dothrakis' arakh can't even penetrate steel." He stepped out of the tube, "But it's also stupid because he is faster and stronger than me."

Missy looked away as Jon dried himself off, and put on underclothes and breeches. She looked back, and spoke, "But you have the age advantage." She then heard a roar, and then it got her to think, "You also have the ability to take over the instincts of your bonded animals. Ghost your direwolf. Your dragons. You can use them." Jon nodded, and stayed completely still. Missy watched as he looked around, muttering to himself, "Jon?"

He stopped and turned around, "I have a better plan. Get Rakharo and Grey Worm. I'm going to need them for this."


Ghost laid his head on Nymeria's neck, listening to the light breathing she was letting out as she slept. He could sense his bonded, but this time something was different, something that made him stronger, something that was calling him. Ghost exhaled and listened to the pack around him, and listened to the breathing of his siblings and mother.

Soon he felt a pull, and as he closed his eyes he felt different. Instead of paws, and fur, he had hands, feet, and skin. He felt like something different, something stronger, and powerful, but most of all he felt a stronger killer instinct residening inside of him. Ghost opened his eyes, and found himself standing in front of five men, with another behind the five.

Ghost looked down at his hands and noticed a sword, a familiar sword. He then sniffed the air, and instantly he knew who, and what he was. He was inside of his bonded. Ghost looked towards the men that smelled of horseshit, and grinned. And for the first time he felt unbearable heat, and with his free hand ripped the tunic off his chest.

He watched as the men in front of him took a step back, and gasped. Ghost looked down to where the horseshit smellers were looking. He looked to see ugly red scar, which angered him. Ghost looked up and saw that the men in front of him, and snarled, unknowingly making his bonded eyes turn from its natural angry purple/velvet to a angry blood red.

And within a minutes' the sword that was in his was covered in blood, and around him the dead bodies of the five horse smellers, one beheaded, another was cut in half from the waist to shoulder, and the rest were missing their arms and heads. But he didn't go unharmed, for his arms, back, and legs were bleeding slowly. He didn't feel it for that wasn't what was important, what was was the man in front of him.

Ghost could smell that this man was more of a threat than the dead ones. He could feel the dark, and bloody instinct coming off this man. Ghost shivered feeling the stare this man was giving him.

But then a voice came, a familiar voice. He listened as the voice soothed him, and when he felt a tiny push, and his body spoke, "Grey Worm!" He felt himself looking behind him, and saw three dozen dickless men, "Square!" Slowly the eunuchs' were surrounding him and the man in front of him. He spoke again and this time he didn't understand what he was saying.

The man in front of him nodded, and drew a blade, a blade that matched his swords steel. The eunuchs dropped their spears, and shields blocking them from leaving. Ghost snarled, but calmed down when the voice spoke again, but this time in his head, 'Kill Ghost. Kill the man who wields the sword. Do whatever you have to do to kill him. If it involves harming this body do it.'

Ghost nodded, and with a raised lip, his eyes shining blood red, and parts of his hair turning white, he attacked.


"Wha-what just happened?" She asked, as she spotted the blood red eyes of her King-Emperor, and the white curls taking over parts of his raven black hair. Daenerys watched as Daeron attacked the Khal. He was like a completely different person.

Missy answered her question with a slight smile, "Jon has given complete control of his body to one of his bonded animals, Ghost." Daenerys watched as the two swords clashed, and watched as shockwaves filled the field. Daenerys looked to Missy, and went to ask but Missy answered before she could even ask, "Ghost is Jon's direwolf." They covered their faces as they saw a wave of sand coming towards them.

Soon the wave was over and Daenerys looked to see that both men were standing. Daenerys looked towards her King-Emperor, and saw that he was breathing heavily, and leaning on Blackfyre. She was worried for her nephew, but she was also turned on from the sweat, blood covered muscles of her future lover.

When she went back to focusing on the fight she noticed both men standing in two different fighting positions, but she noticed Daeron changing his position, and then it started again. The Khal charged towards her nephew, and as he came in contact with the ancestral valyrian steel sword of their house. Daenerys watched with shock as the valyrian steel arakh shattered, and some of the shattered steel stuck itself into Daeron's face, but luckily he covered his eyes with a arm.

Daenerys watched as her nephew moved his arm away to show a grinning, red eyed, blooded face. And within seconds Daeron was able to get the khal onto his knees, by cutting the horse lord's hamstring. Daeron then cuts off the Khal's braid, and stabbed his sword in the khal's back, and out the other side, and she watched as Daeron's eyes changed to a mixed angry purple and blood red, and into one of complete focus and watched as her nephew used all of his strength and twisted upwards, cutting the khal from stomach to shoulder.

Daenerys watched as the people of the dead Khal's khalasar, bowed to her King-Emperor, and she watched as Rakharo, who was waiting on a horse with another pure black stallion beside him, went to her nephew, and she heard as Daeron spoke to the khalasar, and within minutes Daeron, the three dozen was atop the black stallion and riding back to the camp, and as he came closer she noticed the amounts of cuts and scars he had or just got.

Daenerys watched as her King-Emperor got off the black stallion, and as he was about to fall forward, from exhaustion, and blood lost. But before he could hit the ground, Daenerys watched as Grey Worm stopped him. She went closer, and the closer she got she heard the two talking quietly, and as she got there she found her nephew passed out.

XThree Days LaterX

Daenerys walked into one of the rooms inside of the Great Pyramid, and found her nephew sitting up in his bed stretching. She inhaled sharply as she saw the tight muscles, and felt moisture growing between her legs.

Daeron looked towards her and smiled, "Aunt." He looked around confused, "Do you mind if you tell me where I am?" He pushed away his sheets, and slowly stood up, "And how long was I out?" Daenerys felt her jaw dropping as she saw that Jon was wearing nothing under those sheets, and watched as his cock rocked between his legs.

She shook her head, and remembered the question, "We-We are in the Great Pyramid of Meereen." Daenerys watched as Jon turned around and she watched his nose twitched and when he looked towards her, he grinned, and she felt more moisture grow between her legs, "A-And three days."

Jon nodded walking towards her, and as he got closer he noticed the blood red ring around his angry purple/velvet eyes, and the specks of silver in his hair. He stopped in front of her, and was grinning, "Thanks for answering." He looked down at her and she watched as his nose twitched again, "Another question." She nodded slowly, "Is it arousal I smell coming off you, Dany?"

Daenerys shivered, as the red in Daeron's eyes slowly over took the angry purple/velvet of his eyes. Slowly she started to nod as he ran a hand across her cheek, and down to her neck to her exposed shoulder.

"Do you remember one of the first things I said to you? About your body?" Her nephew said as he continued running his hands along her body. She watched as the red took over the majority of the colours of his eyes.

She nodded slowly, "I-I have nice tits." He nodded reaching up to the top of her dress.

"Is it true that you obsess over me?" He looked into her eyes, and she shivered with a nod. And as his eyes turned completely red, she watched as a grin grew onto his handsome face, "So you wouldn't mind if I rip off your dress, and take you right here?"

When she nodded she instantly heard her dress being ripped, and her tits came free, and she moaned as Daeron's mouth covered her left tit, and started sucking and biting.


Daenerys placed her hands into Daeron's hair, and moaned as he switched to the other tit, and continued what he did with the other. She threw her head as she felt his hands ripped her dress off, and ran his hand along her thigh, and the other up to her other tit.

Daeron pulled back, and kissed her, "Are you still a maiden, Aunt?" He said as he broke the kiss and lifted her up, and started carrying her towards the bed, and she felt his hard cock hitting her arse. She nodded, and she was thrown onto the bed.

She watched as Daeron crawled onto the bed kissing her legs, her thighs, and then her core. She moaned as he licked, kissed, and sucked her clit. She pulled his hair as he continued pleasuring her, and when she looked down at him, she saw sparkling blood red eyes staring up at her. Daenerys threw her head back in pleasure, as she felt a hard suck on her clit, and felt fingers entering her, and with a load moan as she felt her first orgasm hit her.

She breathed heavily as she felt the bed moving and soon her nephew was in front of him, with his face glistening in her juices, and his eyes sparkling red, and grinning. She watched as he licked his lips, and as he brought his fingers up, which were glistening just like his face. She watched as individually placed each finger into his mouth, and as they left his mouth she heard a 'pop'. She moaned at the sight, and just as she was about to speak, Daeron started kissing her, and the same hand went to her core, and he started a light thrust. Daenerys moaned into Daeron's mouth, as she felt his fingers thrusting into at a slow pace, not breaking her maidenhood.

Her moans got louder as Daeron hugged his fingers, and thrusted faster, and as his cake up and started twisting her nipple, and he backed up from the kiss, and whispered, "Sensitive, Aunt?" She nodded as he pulled, twisted her nipple, and took his fingers out of her cunt, and she watched as he licked her juices off, "I enjoy people who are sensitive, and…" he continued licking her juices, "Sweet." A harder twist and she moaned biting her lip.

Daeron grinned, and she watched as he aligned his cock to her core, and she looked up to her nephew, and as she stared into those blood red eyes, Daeron thrusted into her hard, making her moan in pain but more enjoyment, and with a sudden wave of strength she twisted them to where she was on top of him, and her nephew looking up to her, and with a twist of her hip she started riding him. Daenerys leaned back placing her hands on the outer side of Daeron's legs, and moaned as his cock entered her, and soon she was having another climax.

Daenerys felt hands on her tits, and she looked down to Daeron who was looking up at her, and playing with her tits, twisting, and pulling her nipples making her moan, and as her orgasm came, Daeron started thrusting up into her, and as her pussy tightened, Daeron flipped them over, Jon behind her and her face in the sheets. Daenerys' eyes widened as her nephew started thrusting into her harder and faster from behind. Her moans got louder the faster he went and soon she felt a hand in her hair, and soon her back was against Daeron's injured and bandaged chest.

She felt his hands on her tits again, and listened to his groans as he thrusted faster into her, and as he whispered things into her ear as she moaned. Daenerys moaned the deeper he went and the faster her emperor went into her, and soon she felt another orgasm coming, and this time she was joined by a groaned as she felt Daeron's seeds were shot into her, and soon she felt her nephew exiting her and moved to the side breathing heavily.

(Smut Over)

Daenerys looked toward Daeron, and watched in fascination as the blood red of Daeron's eyes returned to the ring, and as his angry purple/velvet eyes returned. Daenerys didn't look away as they recovered, and when her nephew got up, he looked to her and smiled, "I apologize for that." He scratched the back of his head, "I am going to need to get those instincts under control." He looked around, "Ohh right Meereen." He got out of the bed, "Where can I find Ancalagon?" He looked over to her.

She sat up, recovered from what just happened, "He has taken one of the pyramids." He grabbed the clothes that she dropped when she entered.

Daeron got dressed groaning, "Now that you're in Meereen, I'm guessing you have taken Astapor, and Yunkai without a problem?" She nodded, "Good." He was completely dressed and she watched as he looked around, "Where he Blackfyre?"

Daenerys tried standing up but her legs were too shaky, "Missy took it when you passed out. That is all I know." He nodded, and moved around the room, and as he brought up Blackfyre it remained her of something, "How did that sword break? It was valyrian steel, and from what I remember, that steel is practically impossible to break."

Daeron turned to her, and said, "It wasn't pure valyrian steel. There was another steel in the sword, but I don't know what it was." A smile grew, "But thanks for the wake up call." He walked over to her, and kissed her, "Remember to test if you can ride Aegerion, and when you can go to Westeros. When you are there Aegerion could be able to smell the dragons and allow him to lead you there."

She nodded, trying to stand up again and succeeded, and walked to where she knew where some dresses, and asked, "Do I continue with taking apart Meereen?"

He nodded, "Aye. In a few days there will be a fleet coming to Slaver's Bay. The fleet belongs to Braavos. They carry builders, and documents on the new capital to this empire. The fleet also brings a knight, a knight of the Kingsguard. It brings the Bold. He will be your new guard and advisor, he will be Jorah's replacement." He looked to her with a hard stare, "Under any conference or advice from this Daario Naharis. Do not attack them. If you do you risk the alliance between Braavos and the Empire, and I would like to have a friendly relationship with the Iron Bank and it's Bankers."

She slowly nodded, as she was done putting on the dress, and together they left the room, and as she led Daeron to the throne room, they found Missy skipping around the place, and as they saw them she smiled and ran to them. She hugged both, and as Daenerys watched Missy hug her nephew, and heard a groan of pain.

Daenerys laughed, "Now they hurt?" She watched as Missy backed away from her nephew.

Daeron placed his hand over his bandaged stomach, and nodded looking to her, "Aye." He then looked over to Missy and smiled, "Nice to see you too Missy." Daeron rustled her long curly hair. Daenerys watched as the two interacted, until her nephew asked, "Missandei." Which got both of their attention, "My aunt told me you took Blackfyre off me when I fell unconscious." Missy nodded, "May I know where it is?"

Daenerys watched as Missy nodded and led them to a room, and as they entered they found the sword but this time it wasn't like it once was. Daenerys and Missy stayed back and watched as their King-Emperor walked over to the sword, and Missy started explaining, "When I took Blackfyre back to your tent with Grey Worm, who was carrying you, I took the sword out and found it like that." Daeron turned around, and what she saw amazed her, for the blade was pure black, "I don't know what happened but from what our blacksmith, who was trained in how to make valyrian steel by Gendry. He said that this was never mentioned in the books from Old Valyria's library."

Daenerys watched as her nephew ran his hand along the blade, and spoke, "I feel power flowing out of it." He swinged the sword around, "It feels different. A good difference." H looked up to Missy and asked, "Sheath and belt." She pointed to the wall, and Jon sheathed the sword and put on the belt. He looked up, and stared at Missy, "Would you like you stay here, our go find a dragon?"

Daenerys looked over to her friend and saw the sparkles in her golden eyes, and smiled, "I think she has her mind made up." She walked to the door and left the door, and as she left she still felt the residue of what happened only a few minutes ago, running down her leg, and she grinned.


Arya stopped as she felt something speaking to her, 'Turn around. Go back to King's Landing.' It repeated inside of her head. She turned to look in that direction and as she did, she felt something in her that made her feel wanting, and hope. But then that happened and all she saw was darkness, and angry purple/velvet eyes, 'Jon's eyes.' The darkness was then completely gone, and in its place were dragons. And in front of them was an army of gold and crimson, and leading them was bald, and emerald eyed man.

Then she felt her body being lifted and as it happened she watched as King's Landing was being attacked from all of its gates, and then she watched as the Lannister's were all lining up in front of Jon who was sitting the Iron Throne. Arya then felt a longer pull, and when she opened her eyes she found herself standing in front of a room, and as the doors opened she watched as little pups ran around the room.

And then everything was gone and she was standing along the tree lines and without a second thought she listened to what her brother said and continued on her way to Dorne. Little did she know was the Old Gods were grinning, and slowly clapping to what she did, for he knew that if she did go towards the vision, all of that would never happen, and in its place fire would rule the world.

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