
New Valyria

New Valyria is a Game of Thrones fanfiction that flips the script on Jon Snow’s story. Instead of staying stuck as the brooding, isolated bastard of Ned Stark, Jon decides he’s meant for something bigger—something legendary. He’s done with the idea that his life has to be cold and grim at the edge of the world. In this version, he aims higher, dreaming of becoming a leader whose name echoes through history. This time around, Jon’s not just a guy in the shadows. He’s a father, a warrior, an emperor, and a true dragon from the North. He’s making his own fate, playing the game of power like never before. The story follows his bold moves to build alliances with far-off empires and kingdoms beyond the Sunset Sea, turning himself into a serious player on the world stage. At the same time, he’s not afraid to take on new lands to the East, proving his strength and strategy in battle after battle. New Valyria is all about Jon’s rise from a guy who never quite fit in to a ruler who refuses to be forgotten. It’s packed with complex plots, intense battles, and the kind of adventures that show just how far he’s come. This isn’t the Jon you remember—it’s a version where he’s reaching for the stars and pulling everyone along for the ride. Curious to see how Jon carves out his own legend? You can get a front-row seat to all the action by supporting New Valyria on my Wbesite or Patreon. With early access to chapters and a chance to help shape the story’s path, it’s your way to dive even deeper into this epic saga. Check it out at perseusblackfyre-shop.fourthwall.com and patreon.com/PerseusBlackfyre respectively and join the adventure!

Perseus_Blackfyre · Libros y Literatura
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39 Chs

Chapter 23: Arc 2, Astapor and Gods


Daenerys Targaryen


Dany walked the walls of the Red City, with her Ser Jorah, Rakharo, and about half a dozen Dothraki. She hated the city. The moment she stepped foot onto the sands of Astapor she hated it. She hated everything about this city. It angered her to see kids being forced to do things they didn't want. She hated how men were crucified.

But what angered her most, was that the 'Good' Masters of Astapor kept her waiting for the meeting for the Unsullied. It has been a sennight since she arrived, and she was still waiting on that meeting.

Dany had enough of what she has been seeing, and turned to look at Ser Jorah, "Give me your waterskin, Ser Jorah."

The man nodded, and gave her the waterskin, "Your being kind, Princess. But they know what happens when they fail at their duty."

Dany ignored him and walked to the closet crucified man, and tried to give him some water. And each time he moved his head away, mumbling something. She tried again and again the man refused. She sighed and turned around and walked back to Ser Jorah and the Dothraki, all of whom looked like they wanted to leave.

When she got back, she continued on her way. She walked toward the stairs to get back to where they were currently staying. When she got there she saw Missy coming towards them, with four Brotherhood guards following her.

Dany stopped waiting for her friend to stand beside her. When Missy got to her she started walking down the stairs. Missy followed and spoke, "The Masters are ready to see you, Dany."

Dany stopped, "When?"

Missy stopped beside her, "They said now."

Dany nodded, "Then let's not keep them waiting." She turned to look at Missandei and Jorah, "You both know your roles." They nodded.

Dany then turned around and started walking towards where the meeting will take place.

Xx(same as canon but without Barristian)xX

Dany left the meeting with a grin on her face. The plan worked and now she will have all 18,948 Unsullied. Now the only thing was to show up and have a dragon waiting for the 'trade'. She looked to her left, to see Missy still there.

"Let's go bathe Missy." Dany said.

Missy looked to her with a grin, "Yes let's go do that." Missy grabbed her hand, "While we're doing that I'm going to tell you more about your 'White Dragon'." Dany nodded, with a growing blush.

Missy started laughing. Dany looked back to her guards, "You can all leave." They all nodded, and left.

Dany turned around planning on returning to her current home, but was stopped by Missy whom was still looking behind her. Dany turned and saw Jorah still standing.

Dany turned around and stared at Jorah, "That was an order Ser Jorah."

Jorah nodded but still protested, "Princess you shouldn't be left alone in this city. Let me go with you."

Dany glared at the knight, "I will be fine. I have about a dozen guards there to protect me." She turned to Missy, "I also have Missy here you has been rumoured to be very skilled with a dagger."

Ser Jorah looked hesitant, but with the glare Dany was sending him, he soon nodded and left to follow the Dothraki.

Dany looked to Missy, and saw her looking back at her. She went to speak but Missy spoke first, "Before Jon left, he left me a warning about Ser Jorah. Jon suspects that he is working for someone else. So I have had my personal little bird doing some research. She has come up with nothing so far." Missy looked back to where the knight left, "But when your around him, always have a guard or a dagger hidden."

Dany nodded and smiled, "Let's go have that bath that you promised."

Missy looked back and smiled, "Let's."




Missy followed her friend to the meeting for the trade for a dragon and all Unsullied in Astapor and Unsullied trainy. Today was the day when Astapor falls and the Good Masters forgotten. Then it's onto Yunkai and then Meereen.

Missy looked to see the Masters standing as all three dragons Dany brought with her, flying above their head. She looked to both dragons, Aegerion, Rhaegal and the Rhaellion, and saw that Rhaegal was staring at the Masters with a look she couldn't describe.

Missy was taken away from her thoughts by her friend speaking, "The whip for the dragon."

Missy translated, and watched as her former and last Master walked towards them, holding a whip. He looked around, "Skoriot iksis se zaldrīzes.(Where's my dragon.)" He looked around, "Mirre nyke ūndegon iksis iā līve, zirȳla ȳdrassis, tools, se lanta unchained zaldrīzoti. (All I see is a whore, her translator, tools, and two unchained dragons.)"

Missy translated and looked to her friend and saw a tiny grin growing. Dany turned around and so did Missy. She watched as Aegerion landed in front of her friend. Dany held her hands towards Ser Jorah, whom had a chain in his hands. He gave it to Dany.

Dany starched the dragons head, she then reach around its head and attached the chain to his neck. The dragon didn't move, when her friend back up, placing her hand onto the dragon noses. They didn't move until Kraznys mo Nakloz yelled. Missy the dragon glare at the fat shit, and Dany stand and walked towards him with the end of the chain in her hands. Aegerion got into the air and followed.

When Dany got to the master she held out the chain, and the master snatched it out of her hands. He instantly regretted what he did, when the dragon started to fight and roar. Missy watched this knowing what was going to happen.

Dany watched this with a grin, but quickly held out her hand, "The whip."

Her former master looked to her friend and snarled but threw the whip at Daenerys. Dany looked down at the whip in her hands, she held it in one hand and turned around and started to order the Unsullied to do current things. All the while some Masters started to walk towards the dragon, not knowing what was about to happen.

Her friend looked back to Kraznys and grinned, and the fat master saw this. Dany looked back to the Unsullied and ordered the last order the Masters will ever hear, "Dovaogēdy jikagon hegagon mirre se āeksia qilōni ōregon slaves. Ōdrikagon daor slaves. Mērī mazilībagon zirȳ dāez. Nektogon pōja belmon se dīnagon onto se hembar. Skori bisa iksis gaomagon nyke kivio ao freedom. (Unsullied go slaughter all the Masters who hold slaves. Harm no slaves. Only set them free. Cut their chain and move onto the next. When this is done I promise you freedom.)"

Missandei saw the look of shock as the Masters watched as the Unsullied turned around and started to slaughter their soldiers and cutting them down like butter, and then move onto them.

Dany turned around and so did Missy, they both looked to see a shaking Kraznys Mo Nakloz, still holding on the chain to the dragon. Missy watched as a dragon like grin grow onto her friends face, and saying, "Ao thought nyke would daor gīmigon ñuha mother's ēngos. Ao thought ao could enslave iā zaldrīzes. Ao thought bona ao could gaomagon skoros ao ancestors could daor. Iksā iā mittys. Iā mittys bona kessa jikagon ilagon isse history hae se 'fool qilōni ojūdan astapor', naejot iā zaldrīzes. (You thought I would not know my mother's tongue. You thought you could enslave a dragon. You thought that you could do what you ancestors could not. You are a fool. A fool that will go down in history as the 'Fool Who Lost Astapor', to a dragon.)" Aegerion stopped fighting and looked down at the master, waiting for the word.

But before Dany could even say the word, they heard a loud roar as one of the dragons started flying towards them. Missy and Dany turned around to see Rhaegal flying towards them, with fresh blood coming from his mouth. The dragon opened his mouth to show red fire grow. Both Dany and Missandei eyes widened. They went to jump out of the way but Ser Jorah took Dany and jumped away, and Rakharo did the same to Missy.

They both looked back to see Kraznys was being engulfed in red and grey fire. They watched as Rhaegal landed in front of the Master, and started to, what looks like, laughing at the man as the arms stopped moving. When the man was for sure dead, the dragon started to eat.

Both Missy and Dany looked on in fear, as the dragon ripped legs and arms off and started to eat. When Rhaegal went in for another he was stopped by Aegerion landing on the other side of the burnt man.

They watched as Rhaegal looked up and snarled. Aegerion ignored and went for a bit, but was stopped by the bigger dragon roaring. The black dragon looked up to the red one, and snarled. And in a flash both dragons started to fight. Both Missy and Dany looked on in horror as they saw a piece of black scaled flesh landed in front of them.

Missy looked back up to the dragons, and just saw what Rhaegal was doing to Aegerion. She closed her eyes and cried out in her mind, not knowing that Dany was doing the same, 'Where is Jon when you need him?!'

And in that instant they heard a loud roar coming from the east. They looked up and saw an emerald green dragon flying towards the city. A huge smile grew onto Missy's and Dany's face, knowing that their prayers were answered. The dragon landed in front of them, getting on its hind legs and roared the loudest roar Tegon has ever done. Missy could feel the ground shake, and she swore she heard some buildings falling.

She looked around the emerald green dragon and saw that both Rhaegal and Aegerion were on the ground, with the latter being a bloody mess, and has some of his scales missing. Tegon got onto the ground looking down at the smaller dragons, glaring at one, making the red/grey dragon back up in fear.

Tegon then turned his head around looking at both of them. Missy looked into the dragon's eyes, and saw a deep purple. Her eyes widened knowing whom those purple belong to. So she started laughing, and the dragon turned to look at her directly, and sent a puff of hot air at her. Missy laughed louder.

Looking at Missy was Dany, Ser Jorah and Rakharo. All beyond confused at what was happening in front of them. Missy saw this and looked to them, "Do you know what a Warg is."

She watched the reaction from each of them. Dany's eyes widened, and shook her head. Rakharo just looked confused, but keeping his eyes on the dragon, which was looking at them. And Ser Jorah who looked scared.

She answered, "A warg is a person who can change his or her skin into an animal." Dany looked shocked but still understood what she said, and Rakharo who just nodded, "Jon is one of them. And he is probably one of the strongest wargs that has ever lived. He has the blood of the First Men running through his veins, the blood that carried the most protein of warg blood. But not only the blood of the First Men, he also carries the Blood of Old Valyria. The blood that allows a person to have a dragon. Blood that is old, but one that doesn't pass the First Men's blood."

She looked back to the dragon and saw that it was looking at Ser Jorah, with suspicion. She looked at the knight whom was staring at his hands. She looked back to the dragon who turned around and started moving towards the injured dragon. Scaring Rhaegal, who flew into the air and started flying towards a pyramid. Tegon looked down at the dragon in front of him.

Missy watched as the dragon's mouth opened, and started to spit green fire at it. Missy looked on in confusion, saying to herself, 'No fire can harm a dragon? What is Jon doing?'

She watched as Tegon continued spit fire onto the dragon. Until he stopped to show a darker dragon. But went back to spitting fire onto the dragon.


Jon Snow/Tegonāzma


Jon listened to what Tegon's instincts were telling him, and continued to spitting fire onto Aegerion. Well this was happening he allowed Tegon control, and closed his eyes. When he opened them he was standing in front of Tegon… wait no not Tegon… those weren't the eyes of Tegon, and the scales were a darker emerald, and Tegon was much smaller.

The dragon's mouth opened and to his shock a deep voice came out, "Daeron Targaryen." The dragon's tongue didn't move as the voice spoke.

Jon nodded, "Tha… that's me."

The dragon's mouth opened again, "That I know. But you don't know who I am." Jon nodded slowly still mesmerized that he was speaking to a dragon, "I am on of the first dragons. The sheepherders found when they found my brothers and sisters on the mountains. I am Vhagar, one of the Dragon Gods."

Jon's eyes opened wide, he is currently talking to a god. Not only a god, he was talking to a Dragon God.

Vhagar laughed, surprising Jon even more, "The look on your face is unforgettable, King-Emperor." The dragon stopped laughing, and continued to speak but this time with urgency, "I don't have much time until my sister is healed, so I will try and get this done fast." Jon nodded but wanted to ask how Aegerion was being healed, "The dragons that you and your blood have, are the reincarnations of the Dragon Gods, and some of the oldest dragons that have lived. As you see Tegon is the reincarnation of me, Vhagar. Sȳndordārys is Balerion. Līāna is Sprax. Rhaegal is Caraxes the Rogue, a dragon of Old Valyria that caused distraction until he died of old age. Rhaellion is Arghugon, a dragon that was to lazy, but dominate in Conquest, a dragon god that hunted battle after battle until he died doing what he loved most. Raraxes is Meraxes. And last Aegerion is Aegerion, a dragon God that wanted what was best for the Valyrians and the Dragon. A good Dragon but was to serious. And one of the few dragons that had an ability, the ability to heal when fire was directly on him. Another dragon that has god within him is the Cannibal. The god within Cannibal has remained dormant until you and the Raven showed up in his cave. The Dragon God's name is Urrax. A dragon so old that he lived when the First Men walked this earth."

Jon watched as his vision started to fade, and he opened his eyes to see that he was still Tegon's body, whom was done spitting fire at Aegerion. He looked and saw that the damage that was there before wasn't there anymore. In front of Tegon was a healed Aegerion, with darker black scales then before.


Daenerys Targaryen


Dany looked on with shock as her dragon came out of the emerald green fire, without a single cut, or scale skin missing. It has been minutes until the dragon stopped spitting fire at Aegerion. She stood and walked towards Aegerion, ignoring the calls that were coming from behind her. She stopped in front of Aegerion and reached out a hand to the dragon. She kept her hand out when the dragon's head snapped towards from where he was staring, snarling it's teeth.

She didn't move an inch, while the dragon stared at her with its teeth only about an inch away from her hand. Within seconds the dragon hide its teeth and leaned into her hand. The instant her hand touched the scales of the head, she felt the deep heat that was coming off of it. She took her hand off and looked at her hand and saw it covered in black ash. She looked to where her hand and saw that under all the ash was her dragon's black and red scales.

She looked back to Tegon and saw that the dragon had a deep purple mixed with it's normal molten bronze color eyes. She smiled at the dragon and saw it now its head. Soon it spreads its wings and moved back east. She followed the dragon with her eyes until it was just a mere dot.

She then looked back to where she was and saw that all the Unsullied were standing there waiting for her next orders. And with them all the slaves of Astapor, and the builders. Dany looked back to where Tegon disappeared to. She then nodded and started telling the people to do what she wanted. She asked the slaves to get onto the ships, and then told the builders to start taking the city apart. She then faced the Unsullied and ordered them to get ready to move to Yunkai and to leave the city and to wait for her. They did what she ordered. And soon the only people in the yard, were Missy, Ser Jorah, and Rakharo. She looked back to where Aegerion was and saw that beside him were her other two dragons.

She slowly walked towards the gates towards Yunkai, and said to herself, 'The conquest continues.' Behind her Aegerion spreads his wings, making it look like Dany had wings.




Missy walked ahead of Dany and saw something that she only saw once. The time when Jon left where the Brotherhood 'fought' the Golden Company. But at that time it wasn't one set of dragon wings, but three, and with Blackfyre in Jon's hand with blood dripping from it's tip.

Missy smiled, 'Yunkai, Meereen, Westeros, and all the other cities don't know what hit them.'

Curious to see how Jon carves out his own legend? You can get a front-row seat to all the action by supporting New Valyria on my Wbesite or Patreon. With early access to chapters and a chance to help shape the story’s path, it’s your way to dive even deeper into this epic saga. Check it out at perseusblackfyre-shop.fourthwall.com and patreon.com/PerseusBlackfyre respectively and join the adventure!

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