
New life with a sci-fi system

Waking up 30 seconds before the plane your in crashes into the ground is nothing short of terrifying. Especially if you have no idea how you got on the plane in the first place or why you are in the pilot seat.

Guardian1 · Otras
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118 Chs


Emma Frost POV (Massachusetts Academy)

The girls have been adjusting to their new environment as best they can. It has been difficult for them to make friends as they preferred their collective hive mind over meeting new people. They tend to act flirtatiously as a default rather than actually having any true intention behind it. This has lead to a few misunderstandings that left behind more than one victim of their behavior. It was bound to happen regardless considering their looks but their behavior only expedited the process creating false hope.

The only real friend that they have is the wild girl Laura Kinney and although Laura herself wouldn't admit it she felt the same. I tried to introduce them to the more exceptional students to hopefully get them to engage but I have only seen little progress. It felt like they were only polite and welcoming to the new people I introduced them was more for my sake than actual desire to do so.

I confronted them about this and they were rather blunt. While they appreciated my intention they had little interest outside of making me happy to know their peers. They also admitted that while they liked how handsome some of guys their were and being pursued by them they still chose Julian. All that meant was I needed to have a long chat with Julian myself. Besides how can I their mother lose them especially when I saw him first so I had dibs.


Grace aka Queen Hydra POV (secret flying fortress: location unknown)

I have gone from literally nothing to one of the most influential members of Hydra. I was once an imaginary character of a powerful child's dream that got lucky and found a way out into reality before the dream could end. Now that Red Skull is dead I was able to consolidate much of Hydra under my power becoming one of it's many heads but I am not content. The world will belong to Hydra and as it's queen it is only natural that I should lead it into it's glorious future.

The key to the future has become clear and it is Julian Black. He is looking for a proper ruler to lead humanity maybe the reason that he has yet to find one is that this individual couldn't exist naturally in the world. He is dreaming about his perfect ruler and who better than an actual dream come true to fill this position.


Selene Gallio POV (Nova Roma (Brazil))

For centuries I have been searching for a way to ascend and become a god and out of nowhere the answer appeared. Using various magical means I was able to divine that within Julian Black is an endless source of life and vitality. More than enough for me to cross the threshold and become a true goddess. He has even recruited a goddess that has given the world the new power called simply the Force. If he can help me become a goddess I would gladly join his harem even offering up Nova Roma wouldn't be out of the question.


Task Master POV (Heading to Bailya)

The Job is fairly simple kill the wide eyed cunt on Bailyan soil while he is under the protection of Queen Bee. Nothing I haven't done before but it is a shame he really seemed like he was really trying to help the world not that it really matters now. I have no doubt in my mind that the people behind this definitely hired more people and according to a few connections they are only paying the one to get the job done while he is still in the country. The moment he leaves no one gets anything so all I have to do is get him before everyone else.


Ra's al Ghul POV (headquarters of the League of shadows)

This isn't good the light has already decided to induct Julian Black into the fold and I have plans of my own for him. Unfortunately he has attracted the wrong sort of attention the kind that will see him dead. I can send my daughters Talia and Nyssa to monitor him and if he proves worthy save him if not they can leave him to his fate wether that is to live or die. The decision will entirely left to their discretion as it will have the most impact upon their lives.