
New Life - Naruto In The Past

Naruto dies, but his soul goes to the past of the parallel universe and takes the body of little Naruto, whose soul has already left this world. Naruto wakes up in the hospital, but no one knows that he is no longer the Naruto everyone kmew.

AniByte · Fantasía
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9 Chs

New Life - Chapter # 4

The sun had just peeped over the horizon, and the forest had already come to life. Everywhere one could hear the morning trill of birds and the chirping of insects. Nature rejoiced, basking in the warm rays of the rising luminary.

A lone figure walked slowly between the old tree trunks, trying not to make any sound with its tread. For a moment, she froze when she saw a deer chewing juicy green grass a dozen meters away. Bowing his head, as if welcoming the animal, the man moved on until he saw a small clearing with a lonely growing maple tree in the middle.

Looking around, the stranger threw off his gray cloak right on the vegetation that was covered with dew. The breeze played intricately with short blond hair, after which it moved on - to get trees and other inhabitants of the forest.

- Perfect, - the teenager, who could have been twelve years old, breathed softly, after which he sat down directly on the wet grass, taking a few deep breaths. The pleasant scents of blooming flowers and sun-drying bark touched his nose. The ear twitched as a branch cracked somewhere to the left under the heavy foot of a local inhabitant. He felt the surrounding energy flowing around and through him, making him one with nature.

The skin on my stomach tingled pleasantly as the chakra began to move through my body. It flowed measuredly through the channels, merging with the energy that was one of the most ancient and was present everywhere. Red pigmentation appeared around the closed eyes, proving that the person had achieved complete understanding, control and unity with the outside world. Senchakra strengthened the body and all the senses dozens of times.

- Perfect, - the boy repeated, lifting his eyelids and looking around with his blue eyes. The pupil remained the same, Naruto knew it. His senjutsu got even better, and, as Uzumaki himself thought, this was all due to the fact that Kurama with his destructive chakra had never been in the body. - But too long. It took almost two years to master the regime, even knowing all its subtleties. Baby body...

Biting his finger, the teen folded a series of seals and clapped his hands. Right in front of his nose, a cloud of thick white smoke appeared, from which something jumped out in the other direction at high speed.

- Sennin. - A hissing voice reached the blond's ears, and a second later he saw a meter-long lizard with turquoise scales, which shimmered with silver in the light, respectfully bowed its head. The animal was wearing a green vest, and in his teeth he held a smoking pipe. - I haven't seen a sage of such strength in a long, long time. You've made the most of it, Naruto, and that's really respectful.

- Yoshikezu-san, - Uzumaki was slightly embarrassed by such praise from an ancient being, - You exaggerate my achievements. I feel like it's not over yet. The barrier can be broken.

- Really? - Narrowing his almond-shaped eyes, the lizard asked, releasing a jet of gray smoke from his mouth. - However, it is not for me to point out your limits. Why did you call me?

- As usual, - Naruto smiled as he lounged on the grass and looked out for interesting clouds floating lazily across the sky.

- Did I already say that sometimes it seems to me that you are much older than you really are? - the reptile rustled, also sitting on its powerful tail. - So: can you just make friends for communication?

- Are you tired of my company? - the guy was sincerely surprised, raising his head and examining Yoshikezu. He just chewed on the mouthpiece without showing any emotion, but Uzumaki understood him perfectly. - Those around me are…too limited. And it is difficult to call people friends when they are just comrades and brothers in misfortune.

- Nevertheless, you learn the way of the shinobi while hating it with all your heart, - the lizardman tried to smile, but his grin was not much of a good-natured gesture.

- A forced necessity, - the blond sighed contritely, assuming a sitting position. He threw his hands back and leaned on them. - Yes, and it's very stupid to have a key to the door, but keep it closed because of your fears and prejudices.

- You don't think like a child.

- And I never gave reason to think otherwise.

- Hmm, - the reptile shook its head at its thoughts, - and that's true. How is the family?

- As usual, - Naruto chuckled, remembering the constant talk about the importance of personal development and striving to become stronger. He knew that the parents felt the progressing focus of the chakra, but since it did not result in anything else, they did not see the point.

- An eloquent devil, not otherwise, - Yoshikezu chuckled, shaking the ashes out of the pipe.

- Quickly, capaciously and informatively, - the teenager retorted. A faint smirk played on his lips as he stared into the black eyes, trying to understand the animal's thoughts.

- Why do you want to remain unnoticed so much? What drives you?

- Fear! – unexpectedly seriously rapped out Naruto. - Fear of being associated with the village. Fear of living up to people's expectations. Fear of not justifying their hopes and faith afterwards. I want to be free and not obligated to anyone.

- Why? - Yoshikezu tried to understand the motives of the child sitting in front of him, even from the very first meeting. Then, about two years ago, he thought that a stupid child simply decided to play with the summoning technique and totem animals, but from the first words he understood: The person in front of him thinks sensibly and rationally, sometimes selfishly and cruelly, but, nevertheless, fairly . As if behind him lay more than a dozen years and a lot of events that made him grow up ahead of schedule. He had a full-fledged family, a high position in society, dozens, if not hundreds of opportunities, but from all of them he chose hermitage and the mask of a lazy bum. Loser.

It was like... Many years ago, Yoshikezu knew someone like him. The same rebel who wanted to go against the rules and the system, live for himself and always move forward, knowing the world around him. He was a truly interesting person who, like a sponge, absorbed everything new. But... This story had a sad ending. Abandoned, rejected by everyone, he lost his mind and died of grief. Too late came the realization that the path of loneliness and broken ties is a path full of pain and suffering, which is not worth all the fleeting joys.

- Because, - the reptile shuddered, breaking out of her memories. His gaze focused on the child admiring the sky and its vast expanses - this is what I live for.

Delight mixed with despair. This thick mixture has been in the air since morning, entangling everyone who entered the audience. Nobody remained calm. Everyone, one way or another, betrayed their emotions: tapped their fingers on the tabletop, gnawed on a pen, squeezed their forearm, or, without hesitation, grabbed his head with his hands, praying to all the gods, false and true, to blow it away.

Yes, this is how every year the final exam day from the Shinobi Academy looked like.

Theoretical and practical part. Only two of these stages and a couple of hours separated the young students from the rank of genin.

- I am very glad that many of those who started their journey under my supervision have come to this day, - Umino Iruka did not hide his smile, trying to cheer up students with it and his speech. Although he himself knew perfectly well that somewhere around thirty percent would not pass the minimum requirements, and another twenty percent would pass the test of assigned jonins. The Yondaime Hokage made this adjustment and made it mandatory because he believed that his predecessor, Kagami Uchiha, was too soft on young shinobi, even after seeing two terrible and bloody wars with his own eyes. So walking out of the academy with a protector didn't mean you wouldn't come back if your mentor found you incompetent in some aspect of the tough life of a ninja. – Behind these walls, the whole world and its realities are waiting for you. But no matter what happens to you, you must always remember: the Will of Fire burns in each of you. Konoha is your home, where you can relax your soul and mind. Where will you find shelter in a difficult hour. That is why you must love and protect her, do everything possible to make your home prosper. Such is the life of a shinobi, such is the fate of a warrior.

Naruto didn't even listen to the teacher, studying the whole class. During the years spent here, some students disappeared, some appeared, but still, almost every one of them came from a clan, big or small, it did not matter. It was a truly unique case, the strongest generation, as some said. Liszt's future support and his main strength. On many here they made big bets and pinned their hopes.

And that's why Naruto didn't understand what he was doing here. During the time spent, he did not stand out from the crowd, was the most mediocre student, staying closer to the bottom than the top of the list of achievers. But his father's name did all the work for him, come on.

- Really, - thought Uzumaki, - it may seem from the outside that I do practically nothing, knowing that daddy will drag me through. Corrupt system, mother her by the leg. One of his words, and even with the worst results they will put me on the team, and there I will already have to spin like a snake so as not to throw back my hooves on some mission. There is no justice.

The thought was distracted by Sasuke, whom Iruka asked to hand out the sheets of dough. The Uchiha silently stood and waited until they paid attention to him, and having achieved what he wanted, he moved on. Their relationship changed after that incident, because the brunette saw in his friend a real rival, although he kept quiet about it. He tried more than once to force Naruto to reveal his abilities, but he never again showed even half of what he really can. It was infuriating. And it was intriguing. It touched so deeply that Sasuke sometimes did not sleep at night, thinking about what kind of son his mother's friend really was.

- You have exactly ninety minutes to decide. Good luck! - Umino and his partner, Mizuki, sat down at the table and began to carefully watch the students. - There would be no miracle for anyone today, that was the Hokage's order.

The woman did not know where to put herself. She is a mother, an experienced jonin, but now she felt like a schoolgirl at the blackboard, who did not know the correct answer.

From under his forehead, looking at her throwing, Minato looked up from the documents and said: "Calm down and sit down, Kushina." - Everything will be as it should be. If he has not understood anything over the years, then there is no point in giving him a bandage. It will only give rise to new experiences.

- He is my son and, whatever he is, I will always be by his side. Yes, even if I do not approve of his behavior, but I still love him, - the woman answered with an evil tongue twister, but nevertheless sat down on a leather sofa in the far corner of the room.

- I understand you perfectly, and I wish him only the best, but ... - Namikaze tiredly rubbed his eyes and thought about something for a couple of seconds, - but if this is his choice, then let it grow and work under our command. That way we'll at least know he's okay.

- You're right, - Kushina sighed doomedly, and her eyes became quite wet, - but I always thought... that he...

- Will he follow in our footsteps? - The Hokage smiled kindly as he got up from the table. He approached his wife and gently hugged her by the shoulders, allowing her to nuzzle his leg. Mother's tears are no help here.

- Yes, and it would be because of what to cry, - thought the Fourth grimly, stroking the soft red hair.

There was a knock on the door, and after an approving answer, a young man entered the office, whose face was decorated with a horizontal scar.

- Here are the final results, Hokage-sama, - Iruka bowed respectfully and handed over the folder to the ruler of Konoha. – When will it be possible to come for a final decision?

- Thanks, - Minato nodded curtly. - Tomorrow morning at nine o'clock.

- May I go? - Umino straightened out, trying not to throw sidelong glances at Namikaze's wife, who was hiding her reddened eyes.

- Get up.

As soon as the teacher left the room, the Hokage immediately opened the folder and began to read. The corner of his lips twitched as he searched for his son's name.

- Well, that would be even better.

- What is there? Sniffing, Kushina looked into her husband's face. - Can I have a look?

- Why not? The Yondaime returned to his place at the table and leaned back in his chair, no longer able to hide his pleased smile. - Still, it's not every day that your negligent offspring becomes a genin, having passed all the standards perfectly.

- Damn, I had to give it my all!

Naruto tried not to listen to Iruka, who was once again brainwashing the children, he was more worried that the exam results were carefully studied by the parents. And at home, in the evening, they were silent, but the glow emanating from them could be used at night instead of a lamp.

It was stupid to fail on purpose, and those promising looks of teachers in his direction did their job, - Uzumaki realized that he should not expect concessions. At that moment he was in the same conditions with everyone.

Mumbling something under his breath, the blond pricked up his ears when it came to teams and mentors. The chances of history repeating itself from his world went to zero when Haruno and Kakashi ended up in other bonds. He went through the remaining options and tried to figure out where the dog from his daddy was buried.

- Team number nine, - Naruto's eyes didn't hide the nasty smile on Iruka's lips as he looked over the list, - Naruto Namikaze, Sasuke Uchiha, and Hinata Hyuga.

Covering his face with his hands, he sighed loudly. Then his eyes found the people mentioned, who were doing the same thing at the moment. It might not have been all that bad, but: Sasuke wasn't an introverted bastard who couldn't be reached; Hinata was not a modest girl who was head over heels in love with him, but rather an arrogant person who liked to reinforce her words with the clan style of taijutsu. A terribly powerful bunch of genin, if Naruto did not have the role of a "lagging student" in this trio.

- Master, - Umino continued meanwhile, his smirk growing even wider, - Kushina Namikaze.

Everyone in the class heard the blond teeth grinding from the back of the desk.

- The conspiracy, - the Uzumaki told himself, - is all a fucking conspiracy against me and my dream of a peaceful life!