
chapter 7

"It is" Hidan gave me a short laugh. "Wanna try?" he asked and put his scythe near a tree.


Suddenly, Hidan launched towards me and gave me a high kick. I managed to dodged by going down. He was about to kick me in stomach when I did a backflip so I could get away.

"Not bad" Hidan commented.

"Why did you attack me?" I asked, surprised.

"I wanna see your strength" he answered.

"I'm a medical nin. I'm not good at fighting, so please stop"

Hidan ignored my words. He charged at me with his fist ready. As his fist came down towards I jumped backwards. I left my ninja pouch in the room, so I couldn't use the shurikens to make some distances. In an instant, Hidan was in front of me, his foot connected to my stomach sending me backwards into a tree.As I was trying to catch my breath, I jumped into the tree. Feeling a presence behind me, I turned around and blocked Hidan's fist. We continued to hit and block each other's attacks.

I jumped back and Hidan did the same.

Hidan smirked. "You underestimate yourself". Hidan attacked again and I tried to avoid all of his attacks. I concentrated, focusing the chakras in the palm of my hand and form a water ball. "Waterstyle: Waterball Jutsu!" I threw it at Hidan, trying to make some distances.Hidan looked surprised. He did not have time to dodge and my waterball hit him directly in his head and chest. He fell and coughed. "Well, didn't see that coming". Hidan stood up and took his scythe. "Looks like I have to be more f*cking serious now"

Uh oh... "I...I think that's enough for today" I suggested. Hidan ignored me and lunged forward. I was just about to dodge when suddenly a big wave swept past Hidan. "What the hell?!" He yelled.

"She said enough". I turned and saw Itachi stood beside me, protecting me from the waves Kisame had made. I sighed. Thank god they came on the right time.

Kisame walked towards me. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah... Thank you" I answered and gave him a grateful smile.

"You two bothering us!" Hidan yelled. He was soaking wet. "And ruined my hair! Oh my f*cking jashin!"

"We saved her" Itachi looks annoyed. "What do you think you're doing, Hidan? She's just arrived and you asked her to fight?"

Hidan shrugged. "C'mon, it's not a big deal!"

Itachi closed his eyes and sighed before looked at me. "Let's go back to the hide out. You should rest"

I nodded. I need that and another bath, thanks to Hidan.

I went into my room, locked the door and immediately took a shower, wash away the sweat and dirt that stuck all over my body. I'm tired, but I admit it's nice to have friends to practice together. I've practiced alone all this time.

After shower, I spend time lying on my bed. After a long journey and sudden training with Hidan, I needed to rest. I shut my eyes, decided to sleep for a while. A few hours later, someone knocked on my door and I opened my eyes. I got up and opened the door. Konan stood there, smiling at me.

"Leader wants you to meet the others" Konan said. Oh, time to meet the other members. She led me to a large room. Everyone in the room turned towards me when Konan and I entered the room. I feel a little uncomfortable being the center of attention.Pain cleared his throat and walk towards me. "This is our new member" he announced. "Introduce yourself"

"I'm Sarah from Getsugakure" I said, bowing slightly.

"How old are you, hm?" a young man with blonde hair asked.

Beforel could answer his question, a tall man interrupted. "It's rude to ask a woman about her age, Deidara". I can't see his face because part of his face is covered by a mask, but I got goosebumps when I saw his eyes.

Deidara-the blonde man-chuckled "I'm sure she won't be as sensitive as you when it comes to age, Kakuzu"

"What did you say?!" Kakuzu was angry and ready to attack Deidara before Pain interrupted.

"Enough, both of you!" Pain snapped. "I don't want any useless arguments here"

Everyone fell silent and Pain turned to me. "Get acquainted with them" he said before left the room with Konan.




