
Chapter 029 | Healing Scars

(E/N: *Editing the chapter* Hmm… *Sudden thought* Hey… wouldn't the Enchanter Skill set be like Shirou and EMIYA's skill set?? Since they have [Reinforcement], [Structural Analysis] and [Air Gradation], which is like Enchanters? Food for thought, what do you guys think?)

*You have chosen the class [Healer]!*

[Healer]-Lvl. 1 (0/100%)

Usually used for support, The healer controls the outcome of the battlefield, not to mention they are the most dangerous of them all.

*Skill Gained!*

[Heal] (Active)- Lvl. 1

Heal any injury or disease with this skill. Restriction: The worse the injury the higher your level must be (500 Mp Each Use)

*Skill Gained!*

[Medic Zone] (Active)-Lvl. 1

Create a space where you and your party will be healed passively. (20 feet) (10 Hp a minute)

*Skill Gained!*

[Life Steal] (Active)-Lvl. 1

Who said healers were weak? Take the life of anyone. (500 Mp Every 10 Hp Stolen)

(Notice: This class is a growth class, Every 20 levels will advance you to a new Expertise)

Zinon, not expecting the bombardment of the notifications, looked over each of his new skills. All of them were good, though [Life Steal] was a bit disappointing.

With a little more thought however, Zinon realized he didn't actually know how much Hp people had. His [Inspect] wasn't high enough, only giving him the bare minimum of information.

With this thought his expectations were risen as he waited till daybreak to start the next phase of his plans. He wanted to finish the quest before the U.A test in 4 days, this was also the estimated time All Might had said until Momo's father would be let out, giving him an even bigger incentive…

"Uh… Are you okay?... Ma'am?" Zinon asked after leaving Momo's room quietly, the girl was still asleep and it was better to not wake her. Though he didn't expect Mrs. Yaoyorozu to be leaning against the railing with what looked like a large bottle of… Hennesy?

"Hm? Oh hey Zinon!" Mrs.Yaoyorozu said as she wobbled a bit and made her way hiccuping toward Zinon…

Stumbling a bit, Zinon caught the clearly drunken woman with a bit of concern in his eyes. He'd nearly forgotten about how the others would feel, seeing as Momo didn't seem to care much.

"I think that's enou-" Zinon widened his eyes as he dodged a slap to the face. Looking down at the woman with a surprised expression upon his face, Zinon was pulled down by his shirt, not knowing what the hell was going on.

"How dare you fuck My daughter!" Mrs. Yayaourzu said, seemingly angry as she hiccuped again and a small smile came to her face. "Don't worry second son-in-law, you will not be forgotten, I am sure Momo will take care of both of her husbands equally. You have a great quirk as well so-" Momo's mother's words trailed off as a sleepy expression came to her face.

Flopping into Zinon's arms, the teen coughed a bit as the outburst was over and carried the woman to her room, finally letting her get a good night's rest.

'Second Husband?' Zinon thought as he recalled there had been several files on boys around his age and a little younger, all marked with an M, probably standing for maybe.

Zinon, connecting the dots as he checked The Book of All Things explanation, realized what Mrs. Yayaourzu was talking about. 'Hell no… I may be a bastard, a hypocrite and an asshole, but I'm not a fucking cuck' Zinon thought to himself as a violent glint flashed in his eyes as he changed his plans.

Today he'd check with a few of Mr. Yayaourzu's members and allies to see where they stood, should they deny helping him then they'd die, simple as that. If they agreed, he'd have part of the quest done, seeing as this was shadow business and not the public business, which he already had plans for anyway.

After this was sorted out… He'd change Mrs. Yayaourzu's way of thinking, possibly with the help of Momo… who he doubted would want to spend time with anyone else… At least that's what he hoped.

'Now… I can leave… or I can see what this girl wants first,' Zinon thought to himself with a sigh as he looked to the right seeing Inoue in her usual getup, just standing and staring at him with the same emotionless expression.

"You guys were loud last night…" Was the first thing she said causing Zinon to cough, he couldn't deny he had said a huge fuck you to safety and simply went with the flow of things, but he wouldn't admit it either.

"Ah yeah… Anyway… How are you feeling Inoue?" Zinon asked as he checked the time, 9 am, only an hour to get to where he needed to go… 'Ah… I got plenty of time'

"I don't know… What am I supposed to feel?" Inoue asked stoically as Zinon raised an eyebrow and an uncomfortable silence filled the room.

"Uh… Sadness… Joy that the bastard is gone… maybe relief…" Zinon finally answered as Inoue nodded slowly and shook her head.

"I don't feel that way… I… Don't know how I feel… It's weird… Empty… Right here" Inoue said pointing to her chest as Zinon gulped at the smart yet dumb girl.

"Hm… Is it a sinking feeling… or more of a fluttering one?"

"Hmm… Sinking" Inoue said nodding as that word felt right to describe it.

"What about when I mention your father... " Zinon asked, testing something. He knew what emotions felt like as he still felt them, but unlike others, he had the ability to assess them calmly, making him able to tell what they were when he felt them.

"It feels… Raging… Like water against a boat," Inoue replied, confused as to what his questions were gonna solve.

"I see… You're angry…" Zinon said nodding before turning away and looking down at the living room. Now, with the story out, the TV was blasting the story of Mr. Yayaourzu and his brother.

"That's understandable… Anyway… Now that you know what you feel… Think about it. Tell the other's I'll be back later, And don't be too hard on yourself… I can only imagine what you've wen-" Zinon stopped as Inoue's voice reached his ears again.

"I didn't know it was like that… I always thought it was their feelings... " Inoue said with her head down now grasping her chest as she continued. "My… father did a lot… To me… but he wasn't the only one," Inoue finished her words as Zinon, now interested, looked back at her.

"Oh?... He… wasn't the only one?... Do you mean your uncle?"

Shaking her head, Inoue took a deep breath and lifted up her shirt, causing Zinon to look away for a second until he realized something. "Inoue… are those… Names?" Zinon asked with a calm expression as his mind was raging, seeing dozens of names that seemed to be either tattooed or even carved into her skin, and this was only in her front.

"Yes… These are the names of my… Buyers, as Father called them" Inoue replied before stopping as she felt a sharp ping looking over at Zinon, who looked calm on the outside.

"I see… Haha… Yeah… Inoue… Do you mind?" Zinon asked, stepping forward with his hand outstretched toward her. Inoue, not knowing what he meant but her mind immediately straying to a different place put her head down and shook it, saying she doesn't mind. Though a small feeling of disappointment flowed through her mind, thinking Zinon would do the same.

"Heal…" Zinon whispered as Inoue, with her eyes closed, felt a warmth spread throughout her entire body. Opening her shiny blue eyes, she looked down at Zinon's hands that were touching her… except something was different, there were no tattoos or scars on her body anymore, even the ones she had gotten from sword training were all healed.

//New Quest Available!//


Obj. 1: Kill all the people who "Bought" Inoue (0/ 47).

Opt. Obj. 1: Torture each individual.

Penalty: None

Reward: [Goblet Of Purity]


"I have to go inoue… don't worry too much okay? Your father is gonna be in jail," 'Hell… he might be dead by the time I'm done… Hm… you know this does feel much better than killing those innocents… I should do this more often,' Zinon thought to himself as he left the house, not noticing the tears tracing down Inoue's face as she looked at them in confusion, not sure what had happened to her…