
New Frontier

His life was hell, an endless loop of suffering, but with an unbreakable will he would manage to emerge victorious. Ren had always known that he was different, that he had a power that no one else possessed, and it was this power that had condemned him to a lifetime of misery. However, all of that changed when he met two powerful goddesses - Elysium, the goddess of light, and Erebo, the goddess of darkness. They saw something in him that no one else had, and they gave him a gift: a ring and an earring, both imbued with their power. With their help, Ren discovered that he could break free of the endless cycle that had trapped him for so long. He could fulfill the covenant made by the inhabitants of his world and perhaps even gain unexpected benefits along the way. But life is never that simple, and Ren would soon find himself caught up in an even bigger war, with even greater stakes. Would he choose a normal life in another world and give up his power, or would he continue to fight, wielding the gifts given to him by the goddesses? Either way, Ren knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, but he was determined to emerge victorious once again.

Nitlo · Fantasía
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21 Chs

The Forest

Ren had heard stories of the Great Forest of Purran since he arrived in the city. It was said to be a vast expanse of woods that spanned several hundred kilometers in all directions. The forest was a wild and dangerous place, filled with all manner of magical creatures and monsters.

The locals warned Ren of the goblins, orcs, kobolds, and savage humans who lived within the forest, each with their own distinct culture and way of life. They spoke of the giant humanoid ants that roamed the forest floor, building massive colonies and waging war against each other.

Despite the dangers, Ren was excited to explore the forest. He had recently been fascinated by the natural world and the creatures that lived within it. He knew that the forest would be a challenge, but he was determined to see it for himself.

Ren and his group set out early in the morning, carrying all the supplies they would need for the journey ahead. They entered the forest at a small clearing, surrounded by towering trees that blocked out the sun. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves.

As they walked deeper into the forest, Ren could hear the sounds of animals and creatures all around them. Birds chirped in the branches above, and the rustling of leaves signaled the passage of small animals on the forest floor. Ren also heard the distant sound of drums and chanting, indicating that they were getting closer to the goblin stronghold.

The group moved slowly and carefully, watching for signs of danger and avoiding the creatures they encountered. They saw a few orcs and kobolds, but they managed to avoid them by moving quietly and quickly.

As they approached the goblin stronghold, Ren could see that the creatures were well organized and well-armed. They had built a series of huts and tents, surrounding a central clearing where they held their meetings and performed their rituals.

Ren and his group knew that attacking the goblin stronghold head-on would be a suicide mission. Instead, they decided to spend the next few days scouting the area and gathering intelligence on the goblin forces.

They discovered that the goblins had several patrols that roamed the area, and they were able to sneak past them by moving under the cover of darkness. Ren and his group also found a hidden entrance to the stronghold, which they planned to use to launch a surprise attack on the goblins.

Over the next few days, they harassed the goblins with hit-and-run tactics, ambushing small groups of goblins and then disappearing into the forest before the rest of the goblins could respond. They were able to whittle down the goblin forces, making it easier to launch a successful attack on the stronghold.

Finally, they felt ready to launch their attack. Ren and his group moved into position around the stronghold, taking up hiding spots in the surrounding forest. They waited until the cover of darkness to strike.

The group used their knowledge of the stronghold's layout to launch coordinated attacks on several points of the goblin defenses at once. They were able to catch the goblins off guard, causing chaos and confusion among their ranks.

The goblins tried to mount a counterattack, but they were overwhelmed by the superior tactics of Ren and his group. They fought fiercely, but in the end, the group was able to emerge victorious.

With the goblin stronghold taken, Ren and his group were able to collect their reward and move on to their next adventure. But Ren knew that the Great Forest of Purran still held many mysteries and dangers, and he was getting excited to continue exploring its vast expanse.

they returned to the city, and collect the reward, at this point the rest of the group decide that they have the money they need to start their expedition to know what happened with the traitor mercenary, they invite Ren but he refuse and decide to continue get stronger, over the next few days he do some more easy hunt mission an occasionally visit the red light district before some rumors of estrange ruins catch his attention.

Ren couldn't resist the call of adventure and decided to investigate the rumors of the strange ruins. He talked to some locals and travelers who had seen the ruins and they described them as ancient and mysterious, with strange symbols etched into the walls and floors.

Ren gathered his gear and set out for the ruins, traveling deep into the forest once again. After a few days of travel, he finally arrived at the ruins. The sight that greeted him was both awe-inspiring and intimidating.

The ruins were massive, with towering walls and arches that loomed over Ren as he approached. The symbols etched into the walls glowed with an otherworldly light, casting eerie shadows across the ground.

Ren cautiously made his way into the ruins, taking care not to disturb any of the ancient artifacts that lay scattered about. He explored for hours, marveling at the intricate designs and carvings that adorned the walls and floors.

As Ren delved deeper into the ruins, he began to feel a sense of unease. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he had the feeling that he was being watched.

Suddenly, he heard a loud noise from somewhere deep within the ruins. He drew his sword and crept forward, trying to determine the source of the sound.

As he rounded a corner, he came face to face with a group of heavily armed bandits. They had clearly been using the ruins as a base of operations, and Ren had stumbled upon them by accident.

Ren tensed up as he saw the bandits, his grip tightening around his sword. The bandits snickered and made their way towards him, weapons at the ready. Ren quickly assessed the situation and realized that he was outnumbered. However, he refused to go down without a fight.

The first bandit lunged at him with a sword, but Ren managed to parry the attack and strike back, narrowly missing the bandit's head. The second bandit rushed at him with a spear, but Ren managed to dodge to the side and strike him with his own sword.

As the fight went on, Ren found himself being pushed back by the sheer number of bandits. They were skilled fighters, and Ren was starting to tire. He managed to take out a few more bandits, but he was starting to feel the toll of the battle.

One of the bandits managed to land a solid blow, slicing Ren's arm and causing him to stagger. Ren gritted his teeth and fought back, but he was starting to lose ground. Another bandit took advantage of his distraction and landed a blow to his chest, causing Ren to stumble and gasp for breath.

The bandits closed in, sensing victory. Ren knew he had to do something, anything, to turn the tide of the battle. He spun around, lashing out with his sword and taking out two bandits in one swift motion.

But it was too late. The other bandits quickly closed in, striking Ren from all sides. He fought with everything he had, but the injuries were taking a toll. He stumbled, almost falling to the ground, and the bandits closed in for the final blow.

At that moment, Ren knew he had no choice but to run. He turned and fled, weaving his way through the ruins as the bandits chased after him. He could hear their footsteps behind him, their angry shouts filling the air. He ran as fast as he could, his heart pounding in his chest, until he finally managed to lose the bandits and escape to safety.

After escaping to safety, Ren collapsed on the ground, his body wracked with pain from his injuries. He knew he had to tend to his wounds, and quickly. Frantically searching through his pack, he found some scraps of cloth and other materials to fashion crude bandages. Using the medicine, he had prepared for the expedition, he worked to stop the bleeding and dull the pain.

Despite his exhaustion, Ren knew he couldn't rest for long. He had stumbled upon a dangerous group of bandits in the ruins and had barely escaped with his life. He needed to gather more supplies and plan his next move carefully. He spent hours scouring the bandit lair, taking note of their weapons, defenses, and tactics.

Once he had gleaned all the information he could, Ren set out for the city to purchase more medicine and traps for the upcoming battle. He knew he needed to be prepared if he wanted to take on the bandits and emerge victorious. As he made his way back to the ruins, he remembered some hidden tunnels and passageways that he had explored before. He knew he needed to utilize these secret routes if he hoped to outmaneuver the bandits and survive the coming fight.

As Ren made his way back to the ruins, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over him. He knew that the bandits would be waiting for him, and he had to be prepared for anything.

Ren spent the next few days carefully planning his next move. He scouted the area around the ruins, looking for any weaknesses in the bandits' defenses. He also gathered supplies and weapons, knowing that he would need all the help he could get in the upcoming battle.

Finally, Ren felt ready to face the bandits once again. He crept into the ruins under the cover of darkness, taking care to avoid any traps or alarms that the bandits might have set.

As he moved through the ruins, Ren's senses were on high alert. He could hear the bandits moving around in the distance, and he knew that they were preparing for his arrival.

Suddenly, Ren heard a loud noise coming from one of the chambers ahead. He readied his sword and moved forward, only to find himself face to face with the bandit leader.

The two men circled each other warily, each looking for an opening in the other's defenses. Ren could see that the bandit leader was a seasoned fighter, and he knew that this would be his toughest battle yet.

As they clashed, Ren realized that he had underestimated the bandit leader's skill. The man was fast and agile, and he moved with a deadly grace that Ren had never seen before. For a while, it seemed like the bandit leader had the upper hand, and Ren found himself struggling to keep up.

But Ren refused to give up. He fought with all his might, using every trick in the book to gain the advantage. He landed blow after blow, slowly wearing down the bandit leader's defenses.

In the end, Ren emerged victorious. But as he stood over the fallen bandit leader, he knew that this was only the beginning. He had made enemies in the bandit camp, and they would not rest until they had their revenge. Ren would have to be more careful than ever before, or else he would end up like the bandit leader - defeated and alone in the ruins.