
early childhood

so let's take a step back and talk about the young child with promising future, his action were worth much more than simply gold silver and aluminum!

every story of greatness begins with a promising childhood, so let's see

The young kid, who was born on the first of March, whose future actions would decide the fate of Europe and the entire world in the years to come. Started as any decent ranking nobility's kid would, the young child named Fredrik Valshwuitz II named after his grandfather (Fredrick Valshwits the first of Carinthia) was often called simply Fritz. The young kid was renowned for his intrigue and witts, often outsmarting and outperforming his much older cousins in studious matters, including even the heir to the Austrian throne himself, Franz Ferdinand. a man full of arrogance, though he was extremely proud and confident, his skills were quite lacking to back up his hubristic claims. As time proved and proved again and again, the young Fritz showed his remarkable skills, and surpassed his cousin Franz, who failed miserably every time to press his claims of superiority. The young Fritz took a liking on espionage and intel-warfare, he admired and saw Sir Francis Walsingham as his model. The infamous Sir Francis was one of the first if not the first spies or spy masters, serving the English queen - Elizabeth the First - in the 1500s. Many modern espionage techniques originated from him. His missions were to secure and safeguard the mainly protestant England from the catholic world. In his life time he built many spy networks across the world, from Scotland in the north - to the deep Ottoman territories in Anatolia.

The young kid admired Sir Francis for his incredible action in the field of espionage. So much in fact, he requested from his father to buy a portrait of him that was currently being auctioned at Vienna. Costing him 40k krones, equivalent to around 5k modern day dollar. He loved and adored the detailed painting of Sir Francis, to such an extent that he hanged it infront of his bed. To look and admire upon it every time he is awoken.

his childhood doesn't end here, but only gets more intresting and complex the older he grows, next time, let's zoom on a certain vacation, where he'd encounter a very important person, and that person, a formidable one, still a cute child, the same age as him, from the extremy prestigious royal house of Asturias. the two would meet, they won't acount or think much of this encounter, but it would be the one of the many times that their fate would intertwine.