
Archduke Christian the great!

Lets talk more about the the mighty Duke Christian the great. He was born on 1858, 12 of January in leeuwarden, frisia. He had platinum blond hair, Dazling in the sunlight. his parents- Margaret Premyaslid and Christian the XI of Beneloux, knew that it was a sign of his destined success. as his parents suspected, he was an excellent leader. Not militarily or diplomatically, but economically. He ensured a full industrialization of his country, a gionermously impressive economic miracle. which led to a dramatical increas of his subordinates standart of living. Making him and his people one of the wealthiest in the European continents, which by itself means a decent bit since Europe is a birthing place for great powers. If its the greater galician kingdom in Iberia and Galia. Or the Nordictanian empire (also known as the untied kingdoms of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Denemark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, greater Sápmi, Karelia, royal Prussia and Livonia), which is the dominant super power in the world, controlling vast colonies and a significant amount of land in Europe. He wanted to join in on the fancy class of new nations, the "Global super powers". First by purchasing from the natives their ancestral lands and cessioning from less cooperative trives. in whats today is the Beneloux east indies. Lands filled with vast natural resources and man power to fuel their growing industries. Then he used all of the money that he saved up from the new colony to begin a project of mass industrialization. Which in a short span of 9 years, he saw a quadruple increase of the average income of his citizens and it tredecupled beneloux own GDP. And the area wich experienced the largest boom was Flanders. Now a major trading hub in the incredibly robust and treasureful English channel. Now a seasoned man, with the nickname "the great" in his possession, from his unbelievable accomplishments.

He foresaw a great destiny for the countries of the lowlands. Only time will tell if his prediction will come into fruition.