
New Deus

(Rewriting-) A story about the big bad. The last boss. The ultimate villain queen that can't be bested, unless multiple broken rank heroes gang up on her. ..... Kel Lucifer is a 16 year old tall, handsome and strong schoolboy. He one day randomly finds a weird card on his desk and tries to pick it up. The next thing you know, the card phases into him and he ends up passing out. Once he awakenes, he finds that his glorious pecks are replaced with two huge mountains. He turned into a woman! However as a woman he has superpowers. He soon finds out that he can turn into a man again and has a female form and a male form. However as a man, he is ordinary. Only being able to use superpowers in his female form. At first he doesn't think about this eldrich scene too much, except for the fact that it interrupts his life and how to fix it. But soon he gets a message that he awakened as something called a Dea. And the world of Deas is a bloody and murderous one. *Warning!!! Mc is evil and will commit things that might make your stomach churn. Do not read this if you are faint of heart. *As the Mc is originally a man, there will be no sexy stuff with men, in his female form. As a woman, he is strictly lesbian. Ps. The novel is in the female mc category, since he will be in his female form for most of the novel. Additional tags: #Action, #Overpowered, #StrongToStronger

GlassFrame · Ciudad
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29 Chs

Time skip/ Introduction to the organisation

A year and 4 months pass by from the day the first Dea, Kel Lucifer, awakened.

The world is still the same, peacful place. Where people have the luxury to fight over stupid problems and spend their days wasting time, without anything threatening them. But below the surface big changes are happening. The undercurrents are moving and as the months pass by, tensions are rising...

Over a hundred thousand women have awakened as Deas since then. Countries have taken note of this and organizations are being created to recruit these women.

However certain Deas have created autonomous groups, that are bigger and far more dangerous than any of the groups that countries have made.

There are excactly 7 groups made by Deas themselves. Each faction has 1 collective organization.

The organizations go as follows: Azrael, for the red faction. Heavenly dragon, for the orange faction. Apollo, for the yellow faction. Chimera, for the green faction. Skyon, for the blue faction. Storm, for the indigo faction. Leviatan, for the violet faction.

Of course not everyone in the faction will join the factions representative organization, but it is considered as a crucial choice. Since the danger of dying for Deas has increased astoundingly. Without a backer, you are in grave danger.

Deas not only have to look out for other Deas. They also have to be wary of governments, as governments would love to cut them up and see how they tic, or manipulate them into giving themselves more power.




A girl, that looks to be no older than 15, is in an elevator. She looks a bit tense and nervous, which is natural, since she's about to enter a room with the most dangerous people on the planet.

The girl has black hair and blue eyes. She has asian features, but not enough to be a native there. Her figure is average and her height is about 165 cm. All in all, she's a pretty, young girl.


The elevator opens and her view lays upon an office type of area. It is not like an average office however. It's very spacious and has big leisure areas, with a pool table, couches, beanbags, a basketball hoop and more.

She steps out of the elevator and hesitantly moves inside. She doesn't know where to go.

"Hey you." A voice draws her attention.

The source of the voice turns out to be an incredible beauty! The beauty has white hair in twin tails and hazel eyes. Her figure is seductive and her bearing is elegant. She seems to be wearing some kind of black chinese style dress with patterns on it.

"You are the newbie right?" The beauty asks, with a Russian accent.

"Yes!" the girl responds enthusiastically.

"In that case nice to meet you, my name is Eleanor Blanc. I'll be the one to get you settled in." The beauty introduces herself.

"Nice to meet you as well. I'm Mira Inari." The girl bows.

"Hmm, Japanese?" Eleanor asks.

"Half. My father was." Mira responds.

"Alright. Now tell me what you know of why you're here." Eleanor asks with her arms crossed under her breasts.

"Umm, I was told I've been chosen to join the group of elites of Leviatan, from the purple faction. And to report here." Mira responds.

"Hmm, ok. Follow me." Eleanor says and walks away. Mira follows her like a duckling.

Eleanor approaches a bar and pours herself a drink, with 80% vodka and 20% orange juice. Then she proceeds to start drinking it and explaining stuff to Mira, in tandem.

"What you said isn't correct. You have been chosen to join the organisation above Leviatan. Only a select few people in the world know about us, so it's no suprise that you are not informed." Eleanor explains and sips on her drink.

Mira looks a bit nervous. Eleanor sees that and says. "Don't worry. This place is mostly a collection of pshycos and crazy people, so you don't have to feel pressured to do well." Elanor carelessly explains and finishes her drink.

*Crash* The sound of glass breaking is heard. Mira sees that the reason for this is that someone threw a glass at Eleanor's head and it shattered.

Eleanor is not amused and her face turns to look like one of a demons. She turn to the direction of the throw and sees a tall woman walk up to her.

When little Mira sees the newcomer, her eyes widen and she wants to yell out "SUGOI DEKAI", but manages to control herself in the last second.

"Did you wake up wanting to die? I will grant you it, ptui." Eleanor speaks and spits near the woman's feet. Her Russian accent seems to get thicker as she is angered.

"You damn abomination, you are teaching the newbie the wrong information" The newcomer yells at Eleanor, then turns to Mira.

"Don't worry newbie, I won't let this boozehag corrupt you." She says to Mira with a gentle smile.

Mira, who's still in a daze, smiles back at her, as if mezmerized.

"Anyway. My name is Jezebel Pagona, nice to meet you." Jezebel offers her hand to Mira and Mira shakes it.

Jezebel is a huge woman, standing at 203 cm tall. Her height is not the only thing that makes her huge however. She has two J cup mountains on her chest and she has long, slender legs. Her hair is pitch black in colour and her eyes are red. Much like Eleanor, she's also drop dead gorgeous.

"Hello." Mira greets her back.

"Piss of Juggernaut. She's my responsibility." Eleanor hisses at Jezebel.

"Ufufufu. The Destroyer taking care of a young girl? That's the funniest joke I've ever heard." Jezebel laugh sarcastically at Eleanor.

Eleanor squares up to Jezebel and stares up at her with a deep frown. Their height difference is 23 cm, so she has to crane her neck quite a bit. Jezebel isn't pertrubed by it and stares right back at her. The tension is at an all time high and it looks like a fight is about to break our any second now.

"Hmm? You two fighting again?" A soothing feminine voice breaks up the tension. Eleanor's and Jezebel's gazes go to the source of the voice, like getting sucked in by a vacuum.

""Vice-leader!"" They both exclaim.

"You girls know what happens if you fight in the building, don't you?" The vice leader asks with a raised eyebrow.

When the two girls think of the punishment they would recieve, they shudder in horror and their desire to fight disappeares like a fart in the wind.

"Jezebel come with me." The vice leader says and takes Jezebel with her.

Eleanor takes a second to collect herself, then turns her attention back to Mira.

"Shall we continue?" She asks. Mira nods.

"What are the names you called each other?" Mira suddenly asks.

"Hmm names?" Eleanor is confused.

"Juggernaut and Destroyer." Mira repeats.

"Oh those. Those are titles or codenames given to the most outstanding members. If you have a title, you're like a team leader and you have a certain degree of authority over the others. My codename is The Destroyer. Cool right?" Eleanor explains. Mira nods.

"How many women have those titles?" Mira asks.

"Hmm." Eleanor pauses and thinks. "I think it was ten. I don't really care about it, since it doesn't affect me, but it's good for you to learn them I suppose."

They continue to move and talk. Eleanor shows Mira the different facilities in the office and what kind of work is done in it. Then she talks about the job, the schedules, the living conditions, etc.

Suddenly Eleanor spots a familiar woman and comes to a halt. "Oh look. There is the leader." Eleanor points to a 196 cm tall woman, with blue shoulder length hair and golden eyes, wearing sportswear.

Mira looks at where Eleanor is pointing and is both awed and aggrived. Everyone seems to be a giant here. Even Eleanor is 180 cm tall. She feels like a midget.

"What is the leader like?" Mira asks with curiosity stemming from her eyes.

"Hmm... She's evil, very sadistic and irritable. But overall a pretty fun person to hang around." Eleanor explains off the top of her head. Then she turns to look at Mira, who looks both confused and appalled.

"Heh. Everyone here has a scew or two loose. For example the vice leader you saw earlier seems to be an elegant woman, but behind the scenes she's a massive pervert for the leader. She constantly steals the leaders used underwear and sniffs it like an animal. Sometimes when you are in the right place, in the right time, you can hear her pleasuring herself and calling out to the leaders name. It's turned into an event to find the fated time and place." Eleanor explains with an amused, saucy smirk.

"The funniest thing is that the leader has no knowledge of this dark hobbie of hers haha." Eleanor chuckles, then keeps talking.

"The tall chick, Juggernaut, that you saw earlier, likes little boys. Basically she's a massive shotacon. Hmm... What did she say? A yes '12 year old is the peak age for a man.' Hahahaha" Eleanor starts laughing her ass off. Meanwhile Mira is becoming more and more horrified.

"Then what is your vice?" Mira hesitantly asks.

"Me? I just drink a lot." Eleanor casually mentions and starts walking again.

What Eleanor failed to mention is the degree of her drinking. She has a habit of getting sloshed up drunk, then destroying property left and right. The only reason she seems well put together right now, is because the last time she got drunk in the base, she caused quite a lot of damage.

This in turn earned her a week alone with the leader, where she was locked up in a sex dungeon and learned just how deep the leaders sadism goes.

Eleanor blushes in shame, as certain pictures surface in her mind. But she quickly dispels those thoughts and continues instructing Mira.