
New Deus

(Rewriting-) A story about the big bad. The last boss. The ultimate villain queen that can't be bested, unless multiple broken rank heroes gang up on her. ..... Kel Lucifer is a 16 year old tall, handsome and strong schoolboy. He one day randomly finds a weird card on his desk and tries to pick it up. The next thing you know, the card phases into him and he ends up passing out. Once he awakenes, he finds that his glorious pecks are replaced with two huge mountains. He turned into a woman! However as a woman he has superpowers. He soon finds out that he can turn into a man again and has a female form and a male form. However as a man, he is ordinary. Only being able to use superpowers in his female form. At first he doesn't think about this eldrich scene too much, except for the fact that it interrupts his life and how to fix it. But soon he gets a message that he awakened as something called a Dea. And the world of Deas is a bloody and murderous one. *Warning!!! Mc is evil and will commit things that might make your stomach churn. Do not read this if you are faint of heart. *As the Mc is originally a man, there will be no sexy stuff with men, in his female form. As a woman, he is strictly lesbian. Ps. The novel is in the female mc category, since he will be in his female form for most of the novel. Additional tags: #Action, #Overpowered, #StrongToStronger

GlassFrame · Ciudad
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29 Chs


A tall woman walks through the streets at night. Her appearance in stunning. She could be easily put in the top procentage of women in the world, based on the appearance alone.

Despite her beauty, her walking style is a bit gruff and she has a deep frown on her face. That, including her clothing choice, makes her look like a female delinquent.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." She repeats to herself, as she stomps towards an unknown direction.

From a bit ahead of her, a shadow appears.

"Oya? What are you doing here girl? It's a bit late isn't it." A gruff looking man steps out from the corner of a building. Following him are a group of others. From their looks, you can clearly tell that they are thugs.

They step in front of the girl and cause her to halt her steps. The leader walks over to her with a grin and stops straight in front of her.

Because he is so close, he is finally able to make out her face and he yells out. "Oh my god! This chick is super hot. We are really lucky tonight."

He goes to grab the girl, but his vision mysteriously blacks out. The group of men see clearly what happened to the man.

The girl punched the approaching man in the face and his head tilted back. Nah, tilted is the wrong word. As you see, his neck broke and his head went back in such a way, that the top of his head is touching his back.

"Die." The girl growl and leaps towards the rest of the thugs. A few minutes later she walks away, leaving a scene covered in blood behind her, with body parts strewn all around the place.

The girl's name is Kel Lucifer and she is a man.

Before you say what the fuck, listen to this story.

Kel Lucifer is a 16 year old boy, who has blonde hair and blue eyes. He is good looking, buff and tall. He's a big, strong man that can makes many women swoon.

His background is rather sketchy. None of his friends know more than a year back from his life. Some rumours go around that he's mafia, but these rurmors are neither confirmed or unconfirmed.

Kel Lucifer joined the high school he's going to right now, a year ago. Right now he's on the end stretch of his first year of high school.

If you would rate Kel's personality, it would be a very high rating. He's funny, charismatic and very attractive. Even though that's the case, he prefers to spend his time with only a few of his friends and does not engage lots of people, unless necessary.

A lot of girls are also interested in Kel, but they are too shy to ask him out. He himself doesn't seem to have much interest in girls. No one could expect the real reason for this to actually be the fact that he's just too shy!

He likes girls a lot and has a much stronger libido that the average man, but he has almost no experience with talking to girls. This along with getting teased by a woman, in his childhood, have caused a great deal of anxiety in him, when it comes to talking to girls.

Now of course he isn't a pussy. To remedie this situation and get over his anxiety, he started going out and approaching girls on the street. He chose to approach strangers, instead of people from the school, because he doesn't want to develop a reputation as a weird guy.


Life is going well for him. He has been going out and approaching girls for a month now and he is improving at a rapid pace. Getting over his shyness and anxiety.

However one day, when he woke up, he found a mysterious card on his desk. It is about twice as big as a playing card and it looks both mechanical and fantastical.

He picked it up, to examine it. The appearance of the card is very appealing. Kel had no idea where this card came from, but he decided to keep it.

The next moment however, the card turned ethereal and slipped through his fingers, into his chest.

Kel's eyes went as wide as possible at this eldrich scene. He isn't a believer of magic or the supernatural, but this scene is making him doubt all his beliefs. Maybe even his sexuality.

Naah. His sexuality is safe.

Once the card is inside him, he starts to feel sick. He lies down on the bed and closes his eyes. He tries to bear the feeling of vertigo assaulting him and feels like he's successful. But before he knows it, he passes out.




Kel PoV

I wake up and discover myself in my bed. It takes a few seconds to collect myself and when I do, I remember what transpired before I passed out.

"Hmm?" What actually happened.

"Eh?" Wait. What is up with my voice? Now that I noticed it, I feel really weird in my body as well.

I sit up and look down at myself.

"Oh." I mutter. This is certanly a suprise. Right now what I'm seeing, as I gaze down, is one of the biggest pairs of boobs, that I have seen in a while.

"Eh?" I am confused. Why is this huge rack attached to me? And why is my voice sounding so high pitched?

I make the decision to stand up and stumble as I do so. My sense of balance is all fucked up. I feel like an alien right now.

I stamper over to my bathroom mirror and look at myself.

"..." My brain freezes. The person in the mirror isn't the handsome gentleman, that always stares back at me. Intead now there is a stunningly gorgeous female looking at me.

I move around to confirm that the person in the mirror is indeed me. Then I actually test wether the mirror is fake or not.

Ultimately I find that the reflexion is indeed true. This causes me to sit down and almost pass out again.

I have no words. I have become a woman? How?

I sit on my bathroom floor for more than half an hour, just digesting the fact that I randomly morphed into a female.

Finally feeling like I've accepted the fact that I'm now a female, I stand up again and look at the woman in the mirror.

She has droopy, golden eyes and light blue hair. That's exactly the opposite to my blonde hair and blue eyes, that I had. Her face is really beautiful, skin smooth and so on. Honestly her face kind of looks like she bullies a lot of people.

The hair is shoulder length. Now that I think about it, my clothes are too big in one area and too small in another. My chest and ass area is very tight right now, but my shoulder area is loose.

It doesn't look like my height has changed, based on the feeling of my viewpoint. That means I'm a 196 cm tall woman. Bloody hell.

Now the most important part. I direct my gaze on my crotch. I feel my heartbeat rising, as I start moving my hand there. I slowly grab my shorts with both hands and pull them back, enough to see into my pants.

I look down with utmost seriousness, as this is a very important moment for me.

"Ughhhh." Aaaaahhhh! My dick has disappeared! Instead of a magnificent penis, there is a slit, bordered by slight, light blue coloured hair.

I let go of my shorts and they snap back on. The sense of loss I'm feeling right now is almost crippling. In fact I feel a few tears coming.

"Huuh." I breathe in and out deeply, in order to calm myself. I succeed after a few minutes, then start to think.

I'm a woman now. Truly a woman. Wait. That's right, I'm a woman now.

I move my hands back to the waist band of my shorts and pull them back, to look at my pussy again.

"Ugrh." A tremendous pressure builds up in my head and I feel a fear of gushing out a ton of blood from my nose.

"This is a pussy." I mumble dazedly. As expected, a virgin like me has no defence against female viles.

I have never been a man to complicate things when it's not neccesary. Usually I like to keep a relaxed attitude. A monkey see, monkey do, kind of vibe.

Due to this, my gaze keeps oscillating between my crotch and my boobs.

"I think I'll skip school for the next few days." I muse, as an amused smile forms on my face.