
New Deus

(Rewriting-) A story about the big bad. The last boss. The ultimate villain queen that can't be bested, unless multiple broken rank heroes gang up on her. ..... Kel Lucifer is a 16 year old tall, handsome and strong schoolboy. He one day randomly finds a weird card on his desk and tries to pick it up. The next thing you know, the card phases into him and he ends up passing out. Once he awakenes, he finds that his glorious pecks are replaced with two huge mountains. He turned into a woman! However as a woman he has superpowers. He soon finds out that he can turn into a man again and has a female form and a male form. However as a man, he is ordinary. Only being able to use superpowers in his female form. At first he doesn't think about this eldrich scene too much, except for the fact that it interrupts his life and how to fix it. But soon he gets a message that he awakened as something called a Dea. And the world of Deas is a bloody and murderous one. *Warning!!! Mc is evil and will commit things that might make your stomach churn. Do not read this if you are faint of heart. *As the Mc is originally a man, there will be no sexy stuff with men, in his female form. As a woman, he is strictly lesbian. Ps. The novel is in the female mc category, since he will be in his female form for most of the novel. Additional tags: #Action, #Overpowered, #StrongToStronger

GlassFrame · Ciudad
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29 Chs

Coming to

The next few days went by and strange noises kept coming out periodically from Kel's room.

"Haah, haah, haah." Kel pants, as another round of masturbation is completed. The strong scent of female ejaculate permeates the room.

She looks at herself from the full mirror that is built into the wall. The naked woman staring back at him/her(?) still feels like a stranger. This is nothing strange as Kel is used to seeing the same male figure for 16 years. A few days isn't enough to adapt.

"Ugh... Now I have to deal with getting proper clothing... Actually that's the least of my problems." He/she(?) mumbles.

Just as she is about to stand up and start taking action, she suddenly starts to morph. He sees himself in the mirror and is horrified. The visual picture of himself morphing into another is completely horrific!

He quickly morphs back into the same man, that he is used to seeing.

"What the fuck..." Kel mumbles dumbfoundedly. To say this is unnatural is an understatement.

He is more inclined to believe he took drugs accidentally and had an especially vivid drug trip for a few days. Rather than believe that he morphed into a woman and spent the past few days masturbating as one.

Kel looks at his body and sees nothing out of place. The two mountains he saw, when he looked down, are now gone. Replaced by 2 manly pectoral muscles. His little brother is also back where it belongs.

Kel has many thoughts and emotions running through him right now, but the most prominent one is relief. "Thank god I didn't lose my dick."

Yes... A man's treasure is just that. A treasure.

Another thing that he discoveres, is that he is wearing a necklace around his neck. This is weird because he has never put this necklace on, nor has he even aquired it from anywhere.

The necklace has a leather band, that is fastened to a purple stone. The purple stone looks like an uncut gemstone, emitting a distincive style.

Kel removes the necklace and looks at it. It looks very cool and he feels a faint emotional attachment to this necklace. He puts it back around his neck and decides to keep it there.

Then he gets up from the bed and puts on some pants. Then looks back at the bed.

"What a horrible mess." He frowns and quickly openes the windows. Then starts cleaning.

Around 2 hours pass and Kel emerges from his room. He finally finished cleaning and washed himself as well.

He is carrying a notebook as he walks over to the kitchen. He takes some food and sits down to eat and think.

He openes the notebook and writes out: "What the fuck happened."

Kel is a pragmatic and direct man. When something happenes that requires attention, he solves it immediately and with maximum efficiency.

While chewing on a sandwich he writes out everything that happened as best as he can remember. He obviously skips all the naughty business, as that is not useful. Right now atleast. It was very pleasant at the time...

"Ugh." He wipes the delirious smile off his face and focuses again.

"This is completely bizarre. I lack information as well. Tch. Now I kind of regret my stupidity at the time..." He frowns and taps the table irritatedly.

There isn't much information to go on. The most prominent point is the card. After it went inside him, he passed out and transformed into a woman. Then after an x amount of time, transformed back into a man.

Kel soon finishes eating and then finds a couch to relax on. Once there, he starts to focus inside of himself and feel if there is something out of order.

He spends a good chuck of time doing this, about an hour. However the results are middling at best. There is a weird feeling inside him, but it's vague and illusive. It's like trying to grab something big and slippery. As soon as you think you got it, it slips away.

Finally Kel decides to ignore it for now and keep trying later. He starts doing other things he has neglected for a few days and prepares to go to school tomorrow.




Saint Florence private academy. One of the best high schools in the country. It used to be a catholic school, but a few years ago it was changed to a private high school. They still kept the name same though.

This is also the reason that around half or more, of the students have religious beliefs, or atleast have religious families.

Saint Florence high school is an elite academy where you either have to have a rich background, or be one of the best in the country, to get in.

The teachers are top class and they have also thrown out the useless curriculum that most schools teach. They have adapted to teach practical things that have a lot of value in real life. This guarantees that the students that graduate from this academy will be much more competent than from any other high school.

The school creates a positive echochamber, which directs all it's students towards success. For example most students in the academy are fit, since being overweight is frowned upon. The only ones who arent fit are those who have some kind of reason they cannot work out.

There are many more reasons why this academy is such a behemoth in creating future stars, but even 10,000 words wouldn't be enough to describe the competence of the staff and the ingeniousness of the curriculum.

Mr. Kel Lucifer is a student of class 1-B. There are three classes within the same year. In class A are the ones that are the smartest. Class B is attended by the most physically gifted. Class C houses the ones that can't get in to class A or B.

The academy houses terrifying youths and focuses on making them even scarier. But that is to be expected when you concentrate the top people from a country that houses hundreds of millions of people.




Kel PoV

It's another day and as usual, in the morning, I am walking to school.

The Saint Florence academy requires it's students to wear school uniforms. The uniforms are professional and elegant.

Black velvet pants and black velvet shoes for boys. Girls have a skirt that is a bit longer than knee- lenght. Both genders have to wear a belt on their leg wear.

For the top half we have a white dress shirt, a black tie and a navy suit jacket. The top half is the same for both genders. Accessories are allowed, as long as they're not excessive.

I walk through the school gates and enter the grounds. I wave to the security guard on his post, who waves back with a small smile. I usually make sure to make friends with key people everywhere I go.

I head to the main school building and reach class. It takes me about 15 minutes to reach school on foot, so I live pretty close.

I head to my seat, which is in the second row, from the back, next to the window.

This school couldn't even be compared to normal schools. To start the classroom, the desks and almost everything, is more spacious. Making everything more comfortable. Then there is the quality of everything. It just isn't even comparable to a normal school, it surpasses it in everything.

As I indulge in my thoughts of promoting academy supremacy, a tall man walks up to me.

"Yo. Where were you for 2 days?" He speaks out to me.

I turn to the voice and see my good friend Christopher. Similar to me, he is a tall and handsome man. He has blonde hair and red eyes. We actually look somewhat similar, but I have a wider and more muscular build. He also has longer hair than me.

"Yo. I was just sick briefly, nothing much." I respond casually.

"What the hell kinda disease did you get that was enough to make you sick?" He asks with suprise, as both of us are very healthy and haven't been sick in years.

"It was actually the combination of two diseases that the doctor was able to identify." I say to him with a profound look. Chris nods and urges me to explain.

"Well the first was a virus called Massi virus. That was a bit hard, but rather made me feel heavy. The second one was the most potent, it's called the Vdk virus. Those two together actually managed to bring out a disease that is inherited from parents." I explain.

"So you were infected with Massi and Vdk, then these made an inherited disease?" Chris repeats in confusion and thinks a bit.

"Massi and Vdk... Massivdk... Massive dick. You're fucking with me right?" Chris finally puts 2 and 2 together and looks at me, like looking at a crazy person.

"Exactly. I was at home because I have a massive dick. It's very heavy." I nod in recognition for him working that out.

He apparently does not like my contentess and sense of peace, so he punches me in my arm.

"Ou! You filthy whore! What was that for?" I inquire with a frown.

"You fucking dumbass, I was actually worried for a second." He reponds with an air of annoyance.

"You stupid fucking creature. You're the one who fucking believed it. Obviously I'm indestructible and impervious to viruses, so I just skipped school." I argue back, stating the obvious.

"Fine, fine. It is my mistake. I shouldn't have trusted you, as you are clinically insane. I will now go kill myself as the humiliation is too much." He explains and starts walking away.

"It's a good thing you are finally doing something your mother should have done as soon as you were born." I sneer and ignore him.

We seperate and continue to wait until the class begins. Even though we speak quite loudly, our classmates do not look at us with intrigue and think we were fighting.

This is usual for us, as we rip into each other regularly. My favourite thing is to call Chris a failed abortion. He's favourite thing to call me is an inbred creature that is the result of crossbreeding a monkey and a donkey. Basically he likes to call me dumb, stupid and insane.

We continue to wait for the class to begin. Luckily we don't wait long and soon a male teacher, with an impressive mustache, enters the class.


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