
New Dawn- A Harry Potter Transmigration Fanfic

Disclaimer- Harry Potter belongs to J.K Rowling. Transmigration into Harry Potter world as Harry, hell yeah. There’s so much to explore in magic that other’s never did. Dumbledrore? Fuck him. Canon Plot? Fuck that too. Voldemort? Hmm… how to best make use of that dumb cunt who turned me into his living horcrux. Ah… and there are a few girls in here that I always fancied so tagging them along is just a natural thing to do. Not too many. Just two or three would be best. Now that I’m here, I’ll carve my own path for the future and if I fuck up everyone else’s life in the process. Who cares? Average number of words in a chapter- 1500 Number of chapters I'll release every day- 2 Please support me at - https://www.patreon.com/ankit1

Fortunate_Soul · Otras
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158 Chs

The story of a death eater

Alecto woke up to the sound of the door opening along with the room filling with light and the silence in their little prison was broken was two men were forcefully shoved inside the room.

She held up the bed sheet to cover her body and protect her from the cold as she stood up and tried to see who those two men were.

They cursed at the masked boy as they were roughly shoved inside their own cells with no clothes on their bodies.

Huh… this was new.

She remembered that she was knocked unconscious before she was brought here. As was her brother and Walden Macnair.

She wondered why those two men were brought here while they were still conscious.

Were those two easier to capture than her and her brother.

Or was it simply that the masked boy had now become more arrogant.

Not that he did not have the right to be arrogant.

She had seen how powerful he was from the way he used wandless magic like it was nothing.

But still, if he was growing arrogant then maybe, there was a chance that he might make a mistake and they might still be able to escape this place.

She remained silent as the two men continued to curse and tried to remember where she'd heard those voices.

She had a good idea about who they were. They were purebloods. Both of them. And death eaters. Just like her and her brother.

She just couldn't connect the voices with their faces. It's been a long time since she and her brother broke contact with other pureblood families as those families had shown nothing but scorn and disgust to the both of them for their incestuous relationship.

She felt a bit of hatred bubble inside her head at that thought but manage to control herself in time.

She didn't want to think about the injustices they had suffered at this point.

Didn't want to remember the scorns and disgusted glares they had received.

As if those morons were any better than her and her brother with all that pureblood crap.

Yes, she had never truly believed in all that pureblood crap and she knew that deep down, none of the other death eaters did either.

It was just a way for them to hide their weakness and believe that they were still all powerful while in truth they groveled at the feet of a madman for his favor. Fighting to keep the last bit of their powers from the muggleborns and halfbloods by terrorizing them.

But she still went ahead with all that crap and joined the death eaters because it was convenient for her and her brother. Though she had doubts that her brother was now starting to believe that they were truly better than other wizards and witches from humble births because of his blood purity.

The fool.

Even though she would never be known for her intellect, she had the uncanny ability to discern the lies from the truth. Her loving brother on the other hand, had always been a bit dense. Not that she loved him any less for it.

She and her brother only became become death eaters in order to gain more respect from their fellow pureblood wizards and witches.

She knew that she would not gain respect from them even if she become death eater but if she proved herself to Lord Voldemort and was selected in his inner circles, then at least they would not

dare to say anything to her face.

And she had chosen correctly as well since Lord Voldemort was winning the war. They were winning the war. Spectacularly at that.

Dumbledore for all his power and title, had always been a sympathetic fool. He might have been a good teacher in his time but he never made for a good war general.

The ministry on the other hand had been crippled by the relentless indirect assaults from them with the help of the Imperius curse.

She and her brother had gone into their fair share of missions and completed all of them, rising higher and higher in the ranks until they had finally reached his inner circle.

They had finally gained the respect that she thought they deserved.

And then one day, Snape came to the meeting. Grovelling about a prophesy some crazy bint made.

She herself did not gave the prophesy another thought but Lord Voldemort did.

So after they found Peter Pettegrew and turned him into a death eater, he finally went after their Prophesied children.

And never returned.

Destroyed by one the Prophesied child he sought to kill.

Most of the death eaters were captured soon enough after that but because a lot of those still held a lot of connections and lot of sympathizers in the corrupt ministry, so all but the most fervent servants of the dark lord were able to plead innocence and escape Azkaban.

If it had been to her brother, then she had no doubt in her mind that he would have done something truly stupid like declaring his allegiance in the court but she had reined him in and they had been able to escape justice by using the 'Imperius curse' card that everyone else seemed to be using and by bribing a few important people with the money that they had collected over the war.

And they had escaped being Imprisoned in Azkaban just like many other death eaters.

They thought they had escaped justice.

But it seemed like justice has finally caught up to them.

The two men continued to curse long after the boy in the death eater attire left.

And wasn't that an irony in itself. To be tortured by someone wearing death eater attire.

After that, she continued to focus on the two voices before she gradually remembered who they were.

Travers and Mulciber.

Low level death eaters. Nothing powerful or special. Though in essence, she and her brother were not very powerful either so she had no right to judge them.

But she and her brother at least knew a fair bit of dark curses and knew how to hold their own against the weaker aurors. She doubted that the other two low level death eaters would be able to do so. Though that could simply be her scorn for the Purebloods speaking.

So Travers and Mulciber.

Such a pity.

Both were boring conversationalists and spent most of their time spouting nonsense about pureblood purity and what not.

Why couldn't it be someone more interesting.

Bellatrix Lestrange had been interesting.

But Bellatrix had also been mad and a devout follower of the dark lord so she had been very wary of the woman. Not that she ever let it show in her face. It would be foolishness to show weakness to others in the death eater circles.

Regardless, there was no one interesting in the cells aside from her brother at the moment.

She looked at his naked sleeping form and felt her lips tug upward.

Last night had been… tiring.

She had gone along with the wishes of the masked boy and did as she was told without any resistance.

When he told her to jump, she did.

When he told her to lift weight, she did.

When he told her to lay down naked on the table so that he could experiment on her, she did.

It grated on her pride to do as he told her to do but she was a prisoner. A test subject.

She had little choice and putting up resistance would only get her those terrible shocks from the collar that she still wore on her neck.

So she had gone along with his whims and as a reward, he had allowed her to sleep with her brother last night.

'Small mercies.' she thought bitterly.

It won't be long before he returns for a test subject.

She couldn't tell the time in this dark prison cell. Whether it was night or day outside.

Or how many days it'd been since they were brought here.

But she could guess that it would soon be time for new experiments and she didn't knew how long it'll be before she get the chance to spend more time with her brother.

He was certainly dense enough to still put up resistance every now and then.

So she might as well make the most out of their time together.

Hopefully her brother would last longer this time then he did last night.

With that thought she leaned in wake him up with her body.


Tonks ran to her Boss' room.

This was bad news.

This was very bad news.

She almost tripped a few times on her way out of the ministry cells because of her inherent clumsiness brought by her gift of Metamorphmegus but continued her run regardless.

And when she finally reached her Boss' room, she opened in without any warning and met with the sight of Amelia and Rufus Scrimgeour both suddenly pointing their wand at her at nose point.

She gulped in the resulting silencing that followed after her arrival as Amelia gave her an unimpressed look while Rufus simply glared at her like he always did.

"May I ask what it meaning behind your abrupt arrival in my office Auror Tonks?" Madam Bones asked in a cold tone.

She gulped once again.

She could tell that Madam bones was angry by this blatant show of disrespect and felt fear for the punishment that she was going to receive for this transgression before she remembered why she was here and all her fear ebbed away at once as she replied.

"Madam Bones. Peter Pettegrew. He has escaped."

I've read a lot of fanfictions where the antagonists are shown as cruel and merciless just because they were supposed to be the bad guys.

I never liked such antagonists and believe that everyone has a reason for doing what they did. Even the bad guys.

Hope you like the chapter.

And if you like my work and have some extra cash floating around then please support me at:- Pat.reon.com/ankit1

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