
New Born Billionaire

I HATE YOU! Joan Screamed. As Ji-woo contemplates of the shared love between His Girlfriend and His Farm, which was his only means to become a Millionaire and maybe a Billionaire. He is left with this hard-choice as his heart melt, I Ji-Woo, a man on the brink of oblivion. Formerly a humble farmer, he had endured countless hardships and losses, his dreams shattered by the cruel hand of fate. But in the darkest hour of his life, when all seemed lost and despair threatened to consume him whole, the gods intervened, choosing Ji-Woo for a task of unimaginable magnitude. With a surge of divine power coursing through his veins, Ji-Woo felt a transformation take hold of him—a transformation that defied all logic and reason. His muscles bulged with newfound strength, his senses heightened to an otherworldly degree. Where once there had been doubt and despair, there now burned a fierce determination and resolve. In an instant, Ji-Woo was no longer a mere farmer, but a formidable force to be reckoned with—a warrior forged in the crucible of adversity, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. And so, armed with nothing but his newfound strength and courage, Ji-Woo set out on a journey that would test his mettle like never before. As he approached the village in the north, where the outlanders held sway with an iron grip, Ji-Woo could sense the tension in the air, the palpable fear that gripped the hearts of the villagers. But he paid it no mind, his gaze fixed on the horizon, where the enemy lay in wait. With a mighty roar that echoed across the battlefield, Ji-Woo charged headlong into the fray, his fists flying like thunderbolts as he laid waste to the outlanders who dared to stand in his way. One by one, they fell before him, their ranks decimated by the unstoppable force of his wrath. But the outlanders were not so easily vanquished, their numbers seemingly endless as they swarmed around Ji-Woo like a pack of rabid wolves. Yet he fought on, undaunted by the odds stacked against him, his resolve unshakeable in the face of adversity. And then, in a moment of divine intervention, the gods themselves intervened, lending their strength to Ji-Woo's cause. With a surge of power that defied comprehension, Ji-Woo unleashed a devastating barrage of blows upon his foes, his every movement a testament to the unstoppable force of his will. As the dust settled and the last of the outlanders lay vanquished at his feet, Ji-Woo stood triumphant, his chest heaving with exertion as he surveyed the battlefield. The villagers emerged from their homes, their faces alight with hope and gratitude as they gathered around their savior. But Ji-Woo's journey was far from over, for the gods had made him a promise—a promise of wealth beyond his wildest dreams if he could rid the land of the scourge of the outlanders once and for all. And so, with a renewed sense of purpose and determination, Ji-Woo set out on a quest to fulfill his destiny, his heart ablaze with the fire of a thousand suns as he embraced the challenges that lay ahead.

VivienneDelacroix · Ciudad
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6 Chs

The Ancient Spirit visits Ji-Woo

The flood came without warning, a merciless force of nature that swept through the countryside with devastating speed and ferocity. In its wake, it left nothing but destruction and despair, drowning fields and homes alike beneath a torrent of water and debris.

Ji-Woo stood amidst the wreckage of his farm, his heart heavy with grief as he surveyed the devastation that lay before him. The floodwaters had taken everything—his crops, his livelihood, his hopes and dreams for the future. Close to the harvest season, when his fields should have been ripe with abundance, they now lay barren and desolate, stripped of their once vibrant life.

As the reality of his losses sank in, a bitter rage bubbled up within Ji-Woo, threatening to consume him from within. He cursed the heavens for their cruelty, railing against the injustice of it all. How could this have happened? he wondered bitterly. How could everything he had worked so hard for be taken away in an instant, leaving him with nothing but heartache and despair?

In the depths of his despair, Ji-Woo found himself contemplating the unthinkable. He saw no way out of his predicament, no glimmer of hope on the horizon. With each passing moment, the weight of his losses grew heavier, crushing him beneath its suffocating embrace.

And so, with a heavy heart and a weary soul, Ji-Woo made a fateful decision. He would end his life, he decided, rather than face the pain and suffering that lay ahead. He would climb the tallest tree on his farm, tie a rope around his neck, and let himself fall into the abyss of oblivion.

But as Ji-Woo reached for the rope, his hand trembling with fear and uncertainty, he heard a voice—a voice that seemed to come from somewhere deep within his own mind. It was the voice of his favorite author, speaking words of wisdom and insight that cut through the darkness like a beacon of light.

"I know sometimes life is so hard and you wanna give up so easily," the voice said. "I know times change and your perfect plans become imperfect, and I know nobody cares. I know nobody will understand. But it is a fight, a struggle, and a setback is inevitable. But will you stand and watch your dream of becoming a billionaire die away? No, of course not."

The words struck a chord deep within Ji-Woo's soul, stirring something primal and elemental within him. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, he felt a glimmer of hope—a flicker of light in the darkness that threatened to engulf him.

And then, as if in answer to his prayers, Ji-Woo saw the spirit of his grandfather appear before him, his presence warm and reassuring. "I will stand by you, my boy," his grandfather said, his voice filled with love and determination. "I will stand by you until you become a billionaire, just as you've always dreamed."

With those words ringing in his ears, Ji-Woo made a decision—a decision to live, to fight, to persevere against all odds. He dropped the rope and climbed down from the tree, his heart filled with a newfound determination to rebuild his life from the ashes of his despair.

As he made his way home through the wreckage of his farm, Ji-Woo felt a sense of purpose and clarity wash over him. He would not let the flood defeat him, he vowed. He would rise from the ashes like a phoenix, stronger and more resilient than ever before.

With his grandfather's spirit by his side and the words of his favorite author echoing in his mind, Ji-Woo set out to fulfill his destiny—to become a billionaire and change the fortunes of his family forever. And though the road ahead would be long and difficult, he knew that with perseverance and determination, anything was possible.

Ji-Woo stood in awe as the spirit of his grandfather handed him two silver coins, their surfaces gleaming in the faint light of dawn. He couldn't believe his eyes as he accepted the precious tokens, their weight heavy in his palm.

"What are these for?" Ji-Woo asked, his voice trembling with anticipation and wonder.

"These coins are your ticket to a new beginning," his grandfather's spirit replied, his voice filled with solemn purpose. "They will take you to a faraway land in the north, a land where the outlanders rule and the villagers suffer under their tyranny."

Ji-Woo's heart skipped a beat at the mention of a distant land, a land where his destiny awaited him. He felt a surge of excitement and trepidation coursing through his veins as he contemplated the journey that lay ahead.

"Why must I go to this land?" Ji-Woo asked, his mind racing with questions and possibilities.

"Because, my boy, this land holds great promise and potential," his grandfather's spirit explained. "It is fertile and bountiful, with soil as rich as the dreams of those who tend to it. But the outlanders have laid waste to the land, destroying crops and looting harvests, leaving the villagers with nothing but despair and hardship."

Ji-Woo listened intently to his grandfather's words, his heart heavy with the weight of their meaning. He understood now why he had been chosen for this task, why his destiny had led him to this moment.

"I will go," Ji-Woo declared, his voice filled with determination and resolve. "I will go to this land in the north, and I will do whatever it takes to reclaim what has been lost. I will fight for justice and freedom, for the sake of the villagers who have suffered for too long."

With those words, Ji-Woo set out on his journey, his heart filled with hope and purpose. He traveled for days and nights, crossing mountains and valleys, rivers and plains, until at last he reached the distant land of the outlanders.

As he entered the village, Ji-Woo was met with stares of suspicion and mistrust from the villagers, who regarded him with wary eyes. But Ji-Woo paid them no mind, his gaze fixed on the horizon, where the fertile fields lay waiting, ripe for cultivation and renewal.

With the two silver coins his grandfather had given him clutched tightly in his hand, Ji-Woo set to work, sowing seeds of hope and resilience in the soil of the land. He worked tirelessly, day and night, tending to the fields with care and dedication, refusing to let the challenges and obstacles that lay ahead deter him from his mission.

And as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Ji-Woo's efforts began to bear fruit. The fields that had once lay barren and desolate now teemed with life, their soil rejuvenated by Ji-Woo's tireless efforts and unwavering determination.

But Ji-Woo knew that his work was far from over. The outlanders still lurked in the shadows, their presence a constant threat to the villagers and their way of life. And so, with courage and conviction in his heart, Ji-Woo resolved to confront the outlanders head-on, to reclaim the land and the harvest that rightfully belonged to the villagers.

With his grandfather's spirit by his side and the two silver coins as his guide, Ji-Woo embarked on a journey of courage and resilience, determined to change the fortunes of the land and the lives of those who called it home. And though the road ahead would be long and fraught with peril, Ji-Woo knew that with perseverance and determination, anything was possible.