
New Born Billionaire

I HATE YOU! Joan Screamed. As Ji-woo contemplates of the shared love between His Girlfriend and His Farm, which was his only means to become a Millionaire and maybe a Billionaire. He is left with this hard-choice as his heart melt, I Ji-Woo, a man on the brink of oblivion. Formerly a humble farmer, he had endured countless hardships and losses, his dreams shattered by the cruel hand of fate. But in the darkest hour of his life, when all seemed lost and despair threatened to consume him whole, the gods intervened, choosing Ji-Woo for a task of unimaginable magnitude. With a surge of divine power coursing through his veins, Ji-Woo felt a transformation take hold of him—a transformation that defied all logic and reason. His muscles bulged with newfound strength, his senses heightened to an otherworldly degree. Where once there had been doubt and despair, there now burned a fierce determination and resolve. In an instant, Ji-Woo was no longer a mere farmer, but a formidable force to be reckoned with—a warrior forged in the crucible of adversity, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. And so, armed with nothing but his newfound strength and courage, Ji-Woo set out on a journey that would test his mettle like never before. As he approached the village in the north, where the outlanders held sway with an iron grip, Ji-Woo could sense the tension in the air, the palpable fear that gripped the hearts of the villagers. But he paid it no mind, his gaze fixed on the horizon, where the enemy lay in wait. With a mighty roar that echoed across the battlefield, Ji-Woo charged headlong into the fray, his fists flying like thunderbolts as he laid waste to the outlanders who dared to stand in his way. One by one, they fell before him, their ranks decimated by the unstoppable force of his wrath. But the outlanders were not so easily vanquished, their numbers seemingly endless as they swarmed around Ji-Woo like a pack of rabid wolves. Yet he fought on, undaunted by the odds stacked against him, his resolve unshakeable in the face of adversity. And then, in a moment of divine intervention, the gods themselves intervened, lending their strength to Ji-Woo's cause. With a surge of power that defied comprehension, Ji-Woo unleashed a devastating barrage of blows upon his foes, his every movement a testament to the unstoppable force of his will. As the dust settled and the last of the outlanders lay vanquished at his feet, Ji-Woo stood triumphant, his chest heaving with exertion as he surveyed the battlefield. The villagers emerged from their homes, their faces alight with hope and gratitude as they gathered around their savior. But Ji-Woo's journey was far from over, for the gods had made him a promise—a promise of wealth beyond his wildest dreams if he could rid the land of the scourge of the outlanders once and for all. And so, with a renewed sense of purpose and determination, Ji-Woo set out on a quest to fulfill his destiny, his heart ablaze with the fire of a thousand suns as he embraced the challenges that lay ahead.

VivienneDelacroix · Ciudad
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6 Chs

Stroke Of Luck


Ji-Woo Kim sat cross-legged on the dusty attic floor, surrounded by cardboard boxes and forgotten relics of the past. The air was thick with the scent of old books and memories long tucked away. With each item Ji-Woo unearthed, a flood of nostalgia washed over them, transporting them back to simpler times.


In the midst of this journey down memory lane, Ji-Woo's fingers brushed against the rough surface of an old wooden box tucked away in the corner. Curiosity piqued, they pulled it closer, blowing away layers of dust that had accumulated over the years. With a creak of hinges, the lid opened, revealing a treasure trove of forgotten artifacts.


Among the yellowed photographs and faded letters, Ji-Woo's eyes fell upon a bundle of documents tied together with fraying string. Carefully, they untied the knot and spread the papers before them, their heart racing with anticipation.


And there, amidst the sea of words and faded ink, Ji-Woo's gaze fell upon a weathered parchment—a deed to a piece of land passed down through generations. The name "Kim" was inscribed at the top, a testament to Ji-Woo's ancestry and the legacy they had inherited.


With trembling hands, Ji-Woo traced the lines of the deed, absorbing the weight of its significance. This wasn't just any piece of land; it was a prime parcel situated in the heart of the city, ripe with potential for development.


As Ji-Woo poured over the details, a surge of excitement coursed through them. Could this be the opportunity they had been waiting for? A chance to carve out their own path in the world and leave their mark on the city skyline?


With newfound determination, Ji-Woo vowed to uncover the mysteries surrounding their family's legacy and breathe new life into the forgotten land. Little did they know, this stroke of luck would be the catalyst for an extraordinary journey—one that would test their resilience, challenge their beliefs, and ultimately redefine the meaning of success.




The days that followed were a whirlwind of activity for Ji-Woo. Armed with the deed and a newfound sense of purpose, they threw themselves into researching the history of the land and formulating a plan for its development.


Ji-Woo spent countless hours poring over old records and documents, piecing together the story of their ancestors and the land they had once owned. Each revelation brought them closer to understanding the significance of their discovery and the potential it held for their future.


But as Ji-Woo delved deeper into the past, they couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered at the edges of their consciousness. There were whispers of scandal and betrayal, hints of a darker truth lurking beneath the surface. Yet, despite the warnings, Ji-Woo pressed on, determined to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within the family history.


With each passing day, Ji-Woo's vision for the land took shape. They envisioned a vibrant community bustling with life—a place where families could gather, businesses could thrive, and dreams could take flight. But turning that vision into reality would require more than just ambition; it would require courage, resilience, and an unwavering belief in the power of possibility.


As Ji-Woo worked tirelessly to secure permits and funding for the project, they encountered obstacles at every turn. Bureaucratic red tape, skeptical investors, and rival developers all posed challenges to their plans, threatening to derail their dreams before they had even begun.


But Ji-Woo refused to be deterred. With the same determination and perseverance that had carried them through the challenges of their past, they forged ahead, undaunted by the roadblocks that lay in their path. And slowly but surely, their efforts began to bear fruit.




Months passed, and the once-neglected land began to undergo a remarkable transformation. Construction crews worked tirelessly to bring Ji-Woo's vision to life, erecting buildings, laying roads, and landscaping parks that would soon become the heart of the community.


With each new milestone, Ji-Woo's confidence grew, bolstered by the knowledge that they were making a difference in the lives of those around them. But amidst the flurry of activity, they never lost sight of the lessons learned from their humble beginnings—the importance of hard work, perseverance, and above all, the value of family.


And it was in the quiet moments of reflection, amidst the chaos of construction and the demands of business, that Ji-Woo found solace in the memories of their upbringing. They thought of their parents, who had sacrificed so much to give them the opportunities they now enjoyed, and their ancestors, whose legacy lived on in the land they had reclaimed.


But even as Ji-Woo celebrated their successes, they couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of their mind. There were still questions left unanswered, secrets yet to be revealed, and a sense of foreboding that refused to be ignored.




One evening, as Ji-Woo sat alone in their office, poring over blueprints and financial reports, a knock sounded at the door. Startled, they looked up to find a figure standing in the doorway—a man dressed in a sharp suit, with a look of smug satisfaction on his face.


"Mr. Kim, I presume," the man said, his voice dripping with arrogance. "I must say, I've been following your little project with great interest. Quite impressive, I must admit."


Ji-Woo eyed the man warily, a sense of unease prickling at the back of their neck. "And who might you be?" they asked, keeping their tone carefully neutral.


The man smiled, revealing a row of perfectly white teeth. "Oh, where are my manners? My name is Lee Chang-Ho, and I represent a group of investors who are... shall we say, interested in your property."


Ji-Woo's heart sank at the mention of investors. They had worked so hard to bring their vision to life, and the last thing they wanted was to hand over control to some faceless corporation.


"I'm afraid I'm not interested in selling," Ji-Woo said firmly, hoping to put an end to the conversation.


But Lee Chang-Ho merely chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Oh, I think you'll find that we can be very persuasive, Mr. Kim. After all, everyone has their price."


With that ominous warning, Lee Chang-Ho turned and sauntered out of the room, leaving Ji-Woo alone with their thoughts. And as they watched him go, a sense of dread settled over them like a heavy shroud, casting a shadow over the future they had worked so hard to build.


Little did Ji-Woo know, this encounter would be the beginning of a battle that would test their resolve like never before—a battle for control of their destiny, and the legacy they had fought so hard to reclaim.

Ji-Woo's family had always been the cornerstone of his life, their values and principles shaping him into the person he was today. His father, Ji-Hoon, had passed away when he was young, leaving his mother, Ji-Yeon, to raise him on her own. Despite the hardships they faced, Ji-Yeon had always been a pillar of strength, instilling in Ji-Woo the importance of resilience, integrity, and the value of hard work.


One crisp autumn morning, Ji-Woo found himself at the family farm, surrounded by the rolling hills and golden fields that had been a part of his family for generations. The air was alive with the sound of birdsong and the gentle rustle of leaves, a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of city life.


Ji-Woo's mother, Ji-Yeon, was already hard at work in the fields, her hands calloused from years of toil. She greeted Ji-Woo with a warm smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners in a gesture of affection.


"Good morning, my dear," she said, her voice soft but filled with determination. "I'm glad you could join me today. There's much work to be done."


Ji-Woo returned his mother's smile, a sense of nostalgia washing over him as memories of his childhood flooded back. He remembered long days spent toiling in the fields, learning the value of hard work and perseverance at his mother's side.


Together, they set to work, their hands moving in tandem as they tended to the crops that would sustain them through the winter months. As they worked, Ji-Yeon regaled Ji-Woo with stories of their ancestors, their struggles and triumphs woven into the fabric of the land they called home.


"Do you remember the first time you helped me plant these fields?" Ji-Yeon asked, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "You were just a boy, but you worked with such determination and grace. I knew then that you were destined for greatness."


Ji-Woo smiled at the memory, the warmth of his mother's praise filling him with a sense of pride. He had always looked up to his mother, admired her strength and resilience in the face of adversity. She was the embodiment of everything he aspired to be—kind, compassionate, and unwavering in her convictions.


As they worked, Ji-Woo and his mother engaged in lively conversation, their words flowing freely as they shared stories and laughter. They spoke of their hopes and dreams for the future, of the legacy they hoped to leave behind for generations to come.


And as the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the fields, Ji-Woo knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be—surrounded by the love of family, grounded by the wisdom of generations past, and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and determination.

As Ji-Woo worked alongside his mother in the fields, his mind wandered to thoughts of his best friend, Min-Jun. They had been inseparable since childhood, sharing dreams of a better future and supporting each other through thick and thin.


That afternoon, as the sun reached its zenith, Ji-Woo's thoughts turned to Min-Jun's recent achievement—a scholarship to study at the prestigious university in town. It was an opportunity that seemed almost too good to be true, a chance for Min-Jun to escape the confines of their small town and pursue his dreams on a grander scale.


Excitement bubbled within Ji-Woo as he imagined the possibilities that lay ahead for his friend. But beneath the surface, there lingered a twinge of envy—a nagging feeling that perhaps he too should be striving for something more, something beyond the familiar comforts of home.


As the day drew to a close and Ji-Woo returned home to his parents, he couldn't shake the sense of unease that gnawed at him from within. He longed to confide in them about Min-Jun's scholarship, to share in his friend's joy and excitement. But as he broached the subject, his parents' expressions grew solemn, their voices tinged with a hint of caution.


"Min-Jun is a fortunate young man," Ji-Woo's father said, his tone measured but firm. "But such opportunities do not come easily, especially for families like ours."


Ji-Woo's heart sank at his father's words, a sense of disappointment washing over him like a wave. He had hoped for his parents' support, their encouragement to chase his own dreams and aspirations. But instead, he found himself faced with the harsh reality of their circumstances—a reality that seemed to grow bleaker with each passing moment.


His mother, Ji-Yeon, placed a gentle hand on Ji-Woo's shoulder, her eyes filled with a mixture of love and understanding. "We have worked hard to provide for our family, Ji-Woo," she said softly. "But we cannot rely on luck or chance to secure our future. We must be willing to work for every opportunity that comes our way, to seize it with both hands and make the most of it."


Ji-Woo nodded, a sense of determination stirring within him. He knew that his parents were right—that success was not something to be handed to him on a silver platter, but rather something to be earned through hard work, perseverance, and unwavering dedication.


And so, as the days turned into weeks and the seasons shifted once more, Ji-Woo threw himself into his work with renewed vigor. He toiled in the fields from dawn till dusk, his hands calloused and his brow furrowed with concentration. But with each passing day, he felt a sense of pride and satisfaction in knowing that he was contributing to the growth and prosperity of his family.


Meanwhile, Min-Jun thrived at university, immersing himself in his studies and embracing the opportunities that lay before him. He wrote to Ji-Woo often, regaling him with tales of his adventures and accomplishments, his words filled with the boundless optimism of youth.


But even as Ji-Woo celebrated his friend's success from afar, a part of him couldn't help but wonder what his own future held in store. Would he ever have the chance to pursue his own dreams, to carve out a path for himself beyond the confines of the family farm?


As the years passed and Ji-Woo matured into a young man, the answer to that question remained elusive. But one thing was certain—he would never stop striving for a better future, for himself and for the family he held dear. And in the end, perhaps that was all that mattered.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the fields, Ji-Woo found himself seated at the kitchen table with his parents, Ji-Yeon and Ji-Hoon. The air was filled with the scent of home-cooked food and the comforting sound of crackling firewood in the hearth—a scene that felt like a glimpse into a bygone era, a simpler time when life moved at a gentler pace.


Ji-Woo watched as his mother poured steaming cups of tea, her movements fluid and graceful, her face illuminated by the flickering light of the candles that adorned the table. Beside her, his father sat with a contented smile on his face, his eyes twinkling with warmth and affection.


As they settled into their chairs, Ji-Yeon took Ji-Woo's hand in hers, her touch gentle but firm. "There's something we've been meaning to tell you, Ji-Woo," she began, her voice soft but filled with emotion. "Something that we've kept hidden for far too long."


Ji-Woo's curiosity was piqued, his heart pounding in anticipation. He had always felt a deep connection to his parents, a bond that transcended words and gestures. But there were still secrets buried within the depths of their shared history, secrets that he longed to uncover.


With a nod of encouragement from his father, Ji-Hoon cleared his throat and began to speak, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "Your mother and I met many years ago, under the most unlikely of circumstances," he said, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "It was a time of great uncertainty and upheaval, but amidst the chaos, we found something truly remarkable—each other."


Ji-Woo leaned in closer, his eyes fixed on his father's face, his heart swelling with anticipation. He had always admired his parents' love for each other, the way they seemed to complement each other in every way. But he had never heard the full story of how they had come to be, and now, he hung on their every word, eager to uncover the truth.


"It all began many years ago, in a small village nestled in the mountains," Ji-Hoon continued, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "Your mother had just moved there with her family, seeking refuge from the turmoil that gripped our country. And it was there, amidst the rugged beauty of the countryside, that our paths first crossed."


Ji-Yeon's eyes sparkled with warmth as she took up the tale, her voice soft but filled with conviction. "I remember the first time I saw your father," she said, a faint blush spreading across her cheeks. "He was unlike anyone I had ever met—strong, determined, with a spirit that burned bright even in the darkest of times."


Ji-Woo listened with rapt attention as his parents recounted the story of their courtship, each word a testament to the power of love and resilience. They spoke of long walks in the moonlit countryside, of stolen moments shared beneath the stars, of whispered promises and dreams of a future together.


But amidst the sweetness of their tale, there was also a hint of sadness—a reminder of the challenges they had faced and the sacrifices they had made to be together. Ji-Hoon spoke of the dangers that lurked around every corner, of the uncertainty that shadowed their every step. And yet, through it all, their love had remained unshakeable, a beacon of hope in a world filled with darkness.


As Ji-Woo listened to his parents' story, a sense of awe washed over him—a realization of the depth of their love and the strength of their bond. They had faced adversity with courage and grace, forging a path for themselves in a world that seemed determined to tear them apart. And in the end, their love had triumphed, a testament to the power of the human spirit.


As the evening wore on and the fire burned low, Ji-Woo sat with his parents, his heart filled with gratitude and love. He knew that their story would always be a part of him, a guiding light in the darkest of times. And as he looked into the eyes of the two people who meant more to him than anything in the world, he knew that he was truly blessed to be their son.

As Ji-Woo sat there, absorbing the weight of his parents' words, a whirlwind of emotions churned within him. Shock, disbelief, and a deep-seated sense of awe mingled together, creating a storm of conflicting feelings that threatened to overwhelm him.


The image of his parents as he knew them seemed to blur and shift, replaced by the younger versions of themselves—two souls bound together by the threads of fate, navigating the tumultuous waters of life with courage and determination.


He couldn't help but marvel at the strength of their love, the resilience they had shown in the face of adversity. To think that they had endured so much, overcome so many obstacles, all in the name of love—it was almost too much for Ji-Woo to comprehend.


As the weight of their story settled upon him, Ji-Woo found himself grappling with a newfound sense of understanding—a deeper appreciation for the sacrifices his parents had made, the trials they had endured, and the unwavering love that had sustained them through it all.


But amidst the flood of emotions that threatened to consume him, there was also a glimmer of hope—a realization that love had the power to conquer even the darkest of times, to illuminate the path forward and guide him through the uncertainties that lay ahead.


With a newfound sense of purpose burning within him, Ji-Woo looked to his parents with newfound admiration and respect. They had shown him what it meant to love fiercely, to fight for what mattered most, and to never give up, no matter the odds.


And as he sat there, surrounded by the warmth of their love and the flickering light of the candles, Ji-Woo knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be—anchored by the strength of his family, guided by the wisdom of generations past, and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and conviction.

As Ji-Woo sat in his room, surrounded by the familiar comforts of home, he found himself drawn to an old, weathered book tucked away on his bookshelf—a relic from his school days that held a treasure trove of memories and secrets.


It was a gift from his long-time schoolmate, Joan—a kind and gentle soul who had always been there to offer a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on. She had given him the book as a token of their friendship, a collection of love quotes and musings that she had painstakingly curated over the years.


With a sense of nostalgia tugging at his heartstrings, Ji-Woo reached for the book and began to flip through its pages, his fingers tracing the faded ink and dog-eared corners. Each quote seemed to leap off the page, a testament to the timeless power of love and the myriad ways it could touch the human heart.


As he read, Ji-Woo found himself transported to a world of romance and passion, where words held the power to ignite the soul and stir the deepest recesses of the heart. He drank in each quote like a thirsty wanderer in the desert, savoring the beauty and wisdom contained within their pages.


And as he journeyed deeper into the book, Ji-Woo began to wonder about the girl who had given it to him—Joan, with her warm smile and twinkling eyes. He hadn't seen her in years, their paths diverging after graduation as they pursued their own dreams and aspirations.


But despite the passage of time, Ji-Woo couldn't shake the feeling of connection he felt towards Joan—a sense that their bond was deeper and more meaningful than mere friendship. He wondered if she ever thought of him, if she too harbored secret wishes and dreams of what could have been.


Lost in thought, Ji-Woo continued to read, each quote serving as a reminder of the love that had eluded him thus far—a love that was passionate, all-encompassing, and eternal. And with each turn of the page, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever find the one who would make his heart sing with joy and his soul dance with delight.


But just as doubt began to creep into his mind, a sudden knock sounded at the door, pulling him from his reverie. With a start, Ji-Woo set the book aside and crossed the room to answer it, his heart pounding with anticipation.


And there, standing on the threshold, was Joan—her smile radiant and her eyes shining with excitement. "Ji-Woo," she exclaimed, her voice filled with joy. "I've been searching for you everywhere. I have something I need to tell you."


Ji-Woo's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, a rush of emotions swirling within him like a tempest at sea. He couldn't believe she was here, standing before him after all this time, her presence filling him with a sense of warmth and longing he had almost forgotten.


With bated breath, Ji-Woo listened as Joan poured out her heart, her words tumbling forth like a waterfall of emotion. She spoke of the memories they had shared, the moments of laughter and tears that had bound them together inextricably. And then, with a trembling voice, she confessed the truth that had been weighing on her heart for so long.


"Ji-Woo," she said, her eyes brimming with tears. "I've loved you for as long as I can remember. And now, standing here before you, I realize that I can't imagine my life without you in it."


Ji-Woo's heart soared at her words, a surge of emotion flooding his senses like a tidal wave. He had never dared to hope that Joan felt the same way about him—that their connection ran deeper than mere friendship. But now, as he looked into her eyes, he knew that their love was real, pure, and undeniable.


With a sense of joy and gratitude swelling within him, Ji-Woo reached out and took Joan's hand in his, his heart overflowing with love. And as they stood there together, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, he knew that their love was a gift—one that would endure for all eternity, like the timeless quotes in his old love book, a testament to the power of love to conquer all.

As Ji-Woo processed Joan's confession of love, a whirlwind of emotions swept through him. Joy, disbelief, and a profound sense of gratitude swirled together, leaving him feeling both elated and apprehensive about what the future held.


"Joan," he whispered, his voice barely above a breath. "I... I don't know what to say."


She smiled gently, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "You don't have to say anything, Ji-Woo," she replied. "I just needed you to know how I feel, before... before I leave."


The weight of her words hung in the air between them, a reminder of the fleeting nature of time and the preciousness of every moment they shared. Ji-Woo's heart ached at the thought of Joan leaving, of their bond being stretched across the miles that would soon separate them.


"When... when are you leaving?" he asked, his voice trembling with emotion.


Joan took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to say. "I leave next week," she said softly. "I've been accepted to study abroad at the university of my dreams."


A wave of conflicting emotions washed over Ji-Woo at her words—happiness for Joan and her exciting new opportunity, sadness at the thought of her leaving, and a gnawing sense of regret that he hadn't realized his own feelings for her sooner.


But amidst the turmoil of his emotions, one thing remained clear—his love for Joan burned brighter than ever, a beacon of hope in the darkness of uncertainty.


"I'm so proud of you, Joan," he said, his voice choked with emotion. "You deserve this opportunity more than anyone I know. But... but I'll miss you. More than words can say."


Tears welled in Joan's eyes as she reached out and took Ji-Woo's hand in hers, their fingers intertwining like the threads of fate. "I'll miss you too, Ji-Woo," she whispered. "More than you'll ever know."


In that moment, as they stood there together, their hearts laid bare before each other, Ji-Woo knew that their love was a rare and precious gift—one that transcended time and distance, binding them together in ways that were both profound and eternal.


And as they shared one final embrace, a silent promise passed between them—a promise to hold onto their love, no matter where life's journey may take them, and to cherish every moment they shared as if it were their last.




As the days passed, Ji-Woo found himself caught in a whirlwind of emotions—joy at Joan's success, sadness at the thought of her leaving, and a deep-seated longing for the moments they had shared together.


He spent his days lost in thought, his mind wandering back to the memories they had created—the laughter, the tears, the moments of quiet companionship that had bound them together inextricably.


And as the day of Joan's departure drew near, Ji-Woo knew that he couldn't let her go without expressing his true feelings, without telling her how much she meant to him.


With a sense of determination burning within him, Ji-Woo set out to find Joan, to pour out his heart and soul before her, to lay bare his deepest desires and hopes for their future together.




Finally, the day arrived—the day of Joan's departure. Ji-Woo stood at the airport, his heart heavy with the weight of impending loss, his mind racing with a thousand unspoken words.


And then, as if by some twist of fate, he saw her—Joan, standing amidst the crowd, her eyes searching for him amidst the sea of faces.


Their eyes met, and in that moment, all the words Ji-Woo had been longing to say spilled forth like a rushing river, unstoppable and uncontainable.


"Joan," he said, his voice trembling with emotion. "I can't let you go without telling you how I feel. I love you, Joan—more than words can say. And I know now that I've loved you all along, that you've always been the one I've been searching for."


Tears welled in Joan's eyes as she listened to Ji-Woo's confession, her heart swelling with love and longing. "Ji-Woo," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath. "I love you too. I've loved you from the moment we met, and I'll love you for all eternity."


And then, as if guided by some unseen force, they were drawn together in a tender embrace, their hearts beating as one, their souls intertwining in a dance as old as time itself.


In that moment, as they stood there together amidst the hustle and bustle of the airport, Ji-Woo knew that their love was a force to be reckoned with—a love that transcended time and space, binding them together in ways that were both miraculous and divine.


And as they shared one final kiss—a kiss filled with all the passion and longing they had kept hidden for so long—Ji-Woo knew that their love would endure, unyielding and unbreakable, for all the days of their lives.


For in each other's arms, they had found their true home, their sanctuary in a world filled with chaos and uncertainty—a love that would light their way through the darkest of nights and guide them towards a future filled with hope, happiness, and endless possibility.

As Ji-Woo stood before his parents, his heart heavy with the weight of his decision, he knew that telling them he wanted to attend university would not be easy. They had worked tirelessly to provide for him and his siblings, sacrificing their own dreams and aspirations to ensure that their children had a better life than they had.


But Ji-Woo couldn't ignore the burning desire within him—the longing to pursue his education, to chase his dreams and carve out a future for himself beyond the confines of their small town.


Taking a deep breath, Ji-Woo braced himself for their reaction as he broached the subject. "Mom, Dad," he began, his voice steady but filled with apprehension. "I... I want to go to university."


His parents exchanged a glance, their expressions unreadable. And then, as if on cue, they both burst into laughter—a sound that echoed off the walls of the small room like a bitter echo of disappointment.


"University?" his father scoffed, his tone laced with disbelief. "And where do you expect us to find the money for that, Ji-Woo? Can't you see that we're barely scraping by as it is?"


Ji-Woo's heart sank at his father's words, a sense of guilt gnawing at him from within. He knew that his parents had sacrificed so much for him and his siblings, working long hours in the fields to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. And now, here he was, asking for even more—a luxury they could ill afford.


But still, the desire burned within him—the longing to break free from the constraints of poverty, to rise above the circumstances of his upbringing and forge a path for himself that was filled with promise and possibility.


"I know it won't be easy," Ji-Woo said, his voice tinged with determination. "But I can't ignore this longing within me, this desire to pursue my education and chase my dreams. I want to make something of myself, to build a future that I can be proud of."


His parents exchanged another glance, their expressions softening ever so slightly. "Ji-Woo, we understand that you have dreams and aspirations," his mother said gently. "But the reality is that we simply don't have the means to send you to university. We can barely afford to put food on the table, let alone pay for tuition and books."


Ji-Woo felt a pang of disappointment at his mother's words, a sense of frustration welling up inside him. He had hoped that they would understand, that they would support him in his decision to pursue his education. But now, faced with the harsh reality of their circumstances, he couldn't help but feel a sense of despair creeping in.


But even as he grappled with his own feelings of disappointment and frustration, Ji-Woo knew that he couldn't give up on his dreams—not now, not ever. He had come too far, overcome too many obstacles, to let them slip through his fingers now.


With a sense of determination burning within him, Ji-Woo looked his parents in the eye, his resolve unwavering. "I won't give up, Mom, Dad," he said firmly. "I'll find a way to make it happen, no matter what it takes. I'll work hard, save every penny, and do whatever it takes to make my dreams a reality."


His parents exchanged another glance, this time tinged with a hint of pride. And then, with a silent nod of acceptance, they embraced Ji-Woo, their arms wrapping around him in a gesture of love and support.


"We believe in you, Ji-Woo," his father said quietly, his voice filled with a mixture of pride and resignation. "And we'll do everything in our power to help you achieve your dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem."


And in that moment, as they stood there together, united in their determination to overcome the odds and forge a brighter future, Ji-Woo knew that anything was possible—that as long as he held onto his dreams and never gave up, he could achieve anything he set his mind to.