
New Born Billionaire

I HATE YOU! Joan Screamed. As Ji-woo contemplates of the shared love between His Girlfriend and His Farm, which was his only means to become a Millionaire and maybe a Billionaire. He is left with this hard-choice as his heart melt, I Ji-Woo, a man on the brink of oblivion. Formerly a humble farmer, he had endured countless hardships and losses, his dreams shattered by the cruel hand of fate. But in the darkest hour of his life, when all seemed lost and despair threatened to consume him whole, the gods intervened, choosing Ji-Woo for a task of unimaginable magnitude. With a surge of divine power coursing through his veins, Ji-Woo felt a transformation take hold of him—a transformation that defied all logic and reason. His muscles bulged with newfound strength, his senses heightened to an otherworldly degree. Where once there had been doubt and despair, there now burned a fierce determination and resolve. In an instant, Ji-Woo was no longer a mere farmer, but a formidable force to be reckoned with—a warrior forged in the crucible of adversity, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. And so, armed with nothing but his newfound strength and courage, Ji-Woo set out on a journey that would test his mettle like never before. As he approached the village in the north, where the outlanders held sway with an iron grip, Ji-Woo could sense the tension in the air, the palpable fear that gripped the hearts of the villagers. But he paid it no mind, his gaze fixed on the horizon, where the enemy lay in wait. With a mighty roar that echoed across the battlefield, Ji-Woo charged headlong into the fray, his fists flying like thunderbolts as he laid waste to the outlanders who dared to stand in his way. One by one, they fell before him, their ranks decimated by the unstoppable force of his wrath. But the outlanders were not so easily vanquished, their numbers seemingly endless as they swarmed around Ji-Woo like a pack of rabid wolves. Yet he fought on, undaunted by the odds stacked against him, his resolve unshakeable in the face of adversity. And then, in a moment of divine intervention, the gods themselves intervened, lending their strength to Ji-Woo's cause. With a surge of power that defied comprehension, Ji-Woo unleashed a devastating barrage of blows upon his foes, his every movement a testament to the unstoppable force of his will. As the dust settled and the last of the outlanders lay vanquished at his feet, Ji-Woo stood triumphant, his chest heaving with exertion as he surveyed the battlefield. The villagers emerged from their homes, their faces alight with hope and gratitude as they gathered around their savior. But Ji-Woo's journey was far from over, for the gods had made him a promise—a promise of wealth beyond his wildest dreams if he could rid the land of the scourge of the outlanders once and for all. And so, with a renewed sense of purpose and determination, Ji-Woo set out on a quest to fulfill his destiny, his heart ablaze with the fire of a thousand suns as he embraced the challenges that lay ahead.

VivienneDelacroix · Ciudad
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6 Chs

Seduced by lady Ki

As Ji-Woo stepped into Lady Ki's home, he was immediately struck by its opulence and grandeur. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries and paintings, while the air was heavy with the scent of exotic spices and perfumes. Ji-Woo couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he took in his surroundings, marveling at the wealth and luxury that surrounded him.

Lady Ki led Ji-Woo through the lavish halls of her home, her laughter echoing like music in the air. She seemed to float effortlessly, her movements graceful and fluid as she glided across the polished marble floors.

"Welcome to my humble abode, Ji-Woo," Lady Ki said, her voice smooth as silk. "Please, make yourself at home."

Ji-Woo followed Lady Ki into a spacious sitting room, where plush cushions and silken draperies beckoned invitingly. He sank down onto a velvet chaise lounge, feeling the weight of the day's events begin to catch up with him.

Lady Ki poured Ji-Woo a glass of rich, ruby-red wine, her smile warm and inviting. "Here," she said, handing him the glass. "Drink up. You've had a long day."

Ji-Woo took a sip of the wine, savoring its sweet, intoxicating flavor. He felt a wave of warmth wash over him, his muscles relaxing as the tension of the day melted away.

As the evening wore on, Ji-Woo found himself lost in conversation with Lady Ki, their words flowing freely like a river winding its way through the countryside. He found her company captivating, her laughter like a melody that he couldn't get out of his head.

But as the hours passed and the wine flowed freely, Ji-Woo began to feel the weight of exhaustion pressing down upon him. His eyelids grew heavy, his thoughts muddled and hazy as the wine took hold of his senses.

"I should be going," Ji-Woo said, his words slurred as he struggled to push himself to his feet.

But Lady Ki merely smiled, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Nonsense," she said, her voice soft and soothing. "You're in no condition to go anywhere. You should stay the night."

Ji-Woo hesitated, his mind foggy with drink and fatigue. He knew he should resist, that he shouldn't trust this woman whose motives were shrouded in mystery. But as he looked into Lady Ki's eyes, he found himself unable to resist her allure.

And so, with a sense of resignation, Ji-Woo allowed himself to be led to a sumptuous guest room, where he sank down onto the soft, featherbed mattress and drifted off into a troubled sleep.

As he slept, Ji-Woo's dreams were filled with visions of Lady Ki, her laughter echoing in his ears like a siren's song. And though a part of him knew that he should be wary, that he should keep his distance from this woman who seemed too good to be true, another part of him couldn't help but long for her company, for the warmth of her touch and the sweetness of her smile.

As the first light of dawn broke over the village, Ji-Woo stirred from his troubled sleep, his mind foggy with the remnants of wine-induced dreams. Slowly, he opened his eyes, blinking away the haze of sleep as he tried to orient himself to his surroundings.

But as his senses came into focus, Ji-Woo's heart seized in his chest, a cold knot of dread forming in the pit of his stomach. He was no longer in Lady Ki's opulent home—instead, he found himself lying on the hard, cold ground outside the village walls.

Panic surged through Ji-Woo's veins as he scrambled to his feet, his mind racing with questions and fears. What had happened? How had he ended up here, alone and vulnerable in the pre-dawn light?

With a sinking feeling in his heart, Ji-Woo hurried back to the village, his steps quickening with each passing moment. But as he rounded the final bend in the road and caught sight of the village ahead, his worst fears were realized.

The village lay in ruins, its once-bustling streets now silent and deserted. Buildings smoldered with the remnants of fire, while smoke hung heavy in the air like a shroud of mourning. Everywhere Ji-Woo looked, he saw destruction and devastation—the work of the outlanders who had descended upon the village like a plague in the night.

With a cry of anguish, Ji-Woo raced through the wreckage, his heart pounding in his chest as he searched desperately for any sign of life. But the village was eerily silent, save for the crackling of flames and the distant cries of birds.

And then, as Ji-Woo reached the center of the village square, he saw him—a figure lying motionless on the ground, his form obscured by the shadows cast by the rising sun.

With trembling hands, Ji-Woo knelt beside the figure, his heart breaking as he recognized the face of his beloved grandfather, Master Chang. His eyes were closed, his body still and lifeless—a silent testament to the brutality of the outlanders who had torn through the village like a storm unleashed.

Tears streamed down Ji-Woo's cheeks as he cradled his grandfather's lifeless form, his heart heavy with grief and regret. He had failed him, failed to protect him from the horrors that had befallen their home. And now, all that remained was a shattered dream and a sense of profound loss.

In that moment, Ji-Woo's anguish turned to rage—a burning fire that consumed him from within, driving him to seek vengeance against those who had taken everything from him. With a cry of defiance, he rose to his feet, his fists clenched in determination as he vowed to avenge his grandfather's death and restore honor to the village.

But even as he vowed to fight, a voice whispered in the depths of his soul—a voice filled with regret and sorrow, a voice that reminded him of the choices he had made and the consequences they had wrought.

And in that moment, as Ji-Woo looked upon the ruins of his home and the lifeless form of his grandfather, he knew that he could never forgive himself for the decision he had made—the decision to spend the night in Lady Ki's house, oblivious to the danger that lurked just beyond its walls.