
What Lurks in the Night

Walking... Walking...

Three hours... *SNAP*

Vain's zombie-like walking froze as he let the adrenaline wake him up while looking around cautiously. After a few more moments of looking into the darkness, some bushes moved. Not needing any other stimulus Vain ran in the opposite direction without hesitation.

After he sprinted several other bushes started moving with the obvious intention of chasing him. He quickly noticed that the creatures hunting him had all come from several directions all seeming to push him in one direction. Seeing that they were trying to lead him somewhere, Vain changed direction without any other thoughts. 

The moment he turned several other places rustled as creatures pushed past the greenery to follow him. Taking a glance back he noticed many places where the leaves moved were further ahead in the direction he was originally running to making him sure he made the right decision.