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The sound of the alarm clock jolted Kanon from her sleep.

As she slowly got up, she stretched her legs and rubbed her eyes. The faint light filtering through the window curtains indicated that it was already morning. 

"My head hurts," she mumbled, still trying to piece together the events of yesterday. The last clear memory she had was returning home, really exhausted from work.

Cerebrum HQ had successfully captured a very powerful Gifted, and she had been too occupied with managing the aftermath of the confrontation.

"I need to get ready," she mumbled, dragging herself out of bed and heading to the bathroom. 

The sea of books on the floor seemed like a chaotic obstacle course, but she navigated it with ease. Each book, strewn about in seemingly random fashion, held a specific place in her mental map.

"Something is wrong?" She muttered to herself after she reached her bathroom.