
Part of a Set

After hearing my question, she seemed uncertain for a moment. However, in the end, she caved in after I gave her a serious look.

"In the future," she opened her soft lips, "I saw you becoming the god of this world. At first, I thought it was our son, but now I'm sure it's you," she said, her words sounding thoughtful.

"How can you be sure?" I asked, still not ready to accept the idea that I could be her husband, let alone have a son.

I disliked kids, to the point that I ensured all my partners used contraceptives to prevent any chance of accidental pregnancy.

And even if what she said was true, the old me and the current me are just not the same. I don't see any reason to connect with that past version of myself.

In fact, I'm a different person now, even compared to who I was before I got the system. Imagine how much more distant I am from her husband who existed years ago.