
Neurolink System in the Modern World

What if you woke up one day with the power of a god? What would you do if you could control the mind of your most hated person ? Or better yet, the girls of your dreams? For Zyden, a bullied teenager who has endured years of discrimination and cruelty, this becomes a reality when a series of event grants him abilities beyond his wildest dreams. As he learns to use and improve his new powers, he must face shadowy organizations, powerful beings, and his own inner demons. Will his powers consume him? (Totally) (100%) Discover a life where one person's choices could change everything.

InnocentFox · Ciudad
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552 Chs

Awkward Situation

"Hey, what are you going to do now after you've ruined my mood, you fatty?" The woman's voice dripped with anger.

In the darkness, I couldn't see them clearly, but it was obvious she was really furious. It's quite intimidating—this is what can happen when you disturb a woman during her business. What a scary outburst!

The man seemed calmer. He didn't say anything. It's funny, I appreciate that. We men tend to be more logical.


Out of habit, I was about to apologize again, but then I realized I have the system! How could I be so dumb? This is the perfect opportunity to test [Suggestion]. In the worst case scenario, they'll just scold me.

But let's see their stats first. I will start with the male.


Name: Jeung Juck

Age: 24 years old

Overall Stats: 18

Level (5)

Strength : 3

Agility : 3

Stamina : 4

Endurance: 2

Intelligence: 1

Charisma : 5

Status : In love

Suggestion Chance : 10%



Name: Sang Hoe

Age: 20 years old

Overall Stats: 11.5

Level (3)

Strength : 1

Agility : 1

Stamina : 2

Endurance: 1

Intelligence: 0.5

Charisma : 6

Status : Horny

Suggestion Chance : 9-5 =4%


While observing them, I noted that both of them possess higher levels than me. This insight made me aware that some people had better stats compared to their level. However, as I thought about the success rate of my Suggestion ability, it became clear that it wasn't influenced by their levels, but rather by their state of mind.

Activating Suggestion just requires me to think about it while I'm speaking, so let's give it a shot.

"I thought someone was in danger, so I tried to shout to help," I replied, though there was still a touch of awkwardness in my voice. No one can't expect me to suddenly have great interpersonal skill just because I got a system. I'm still a NEET!

[Suggestion Failed] [-1% chance]

Wait a moment! What on earth? My chances decrease with every failed attempt? The system never mentioned this!

I should have anticipated this from the start. How could a system with such overpowered abilities not come with any drawbacks?

"I don't care about your excuses, Fatty! Let me guess, you were just jealous because you wanted some action too, but you're too ugly to get yourself a girlfriend!" Her words dripped with insult.

This person! I was honestly taken aback. She really had a sharp tongue. What's happening to the world? Did something change in the last three years that made women more assertive?

"I truly didn't mean it that way. I'm just a concerned citizen. Who could have guessed that two supposed adults would actually do it on a kid's playground?" I retorted, a hint of disdain in my voice. It's not my fault that you two are so horny.

I had reached my limit with this difficult girl, so I decided to speak my mind, not really expecting anything to happen. However, the next sound that reached my ears caught me completely off guard.

[Suggestion Succeeded] [+2% chance]

The woman paused for a moment, her anger seemingly diffusing.

"Fine, I'll let this matter slide. Come on, babe," she said, taking her boyfriend's hand as they walked away.

What happened ?Is this the result of my power? Or was it the specific way I phrased my sentence? I couldn't help but chuckle at this point. I tested my skill, but I'm not entirely sure if it worked as intended or if it was just coincidence.

"But at least I was able to escape that awkward situation. Hahahaha," I chuckled to myself.

I retrieved my phone from my pocket and checked the time after calming down for a few minutes. It was already 11:30 pm. I should find a place to sleep as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, getting a taxi in this part of town at this hour would be quite a challenge.

Then , I recalled a popular app that gained fame a few years ago. What was it called again? I tried to remember the name, it was right on the tip of my tongue.

"UBER! That's right, UBER!" I exclaimed, then opened my phone's interface.

I searched for the app on the Google Play Store, installed it, and followed the necessary steps. Luckily, all my information was already on my phone, so I could verify my identity quickly.

Once I was in the app's main menu, I noticed a user-friendly button labeled "RIDE." The app's design was impressively intuitive, and I was able to navigate it without any trouble. Kudos to the app designer.

Within the app, I was prompted to confirm my current location, a common feature in many apps nowadays. I pressed the "confirm" button and selected the nearest available ride.

Travel Time : 4 Minutes.

"Jackpot!" I couldn't help but smile as I noticed a car nearby in the app, displayed as a black sedan.

Now all I had to do was wait. After a couple of minutes, I spotted the approaching headlights of a vehicle. It parked on the other side of the street, and I made my way toward it.

"Are you my Uber driver?" I inquired as I approached the car.

"You again, Fatty?" came the surprising muffled response.

I was taken aback once more, recognizing that familiar voice. The car window rolled down, revealing the girl who had insulted me just moments ago.

With the window down, I could now clearly see her face. She had pink hair and fair skin, with small eyes and a cute nose. Undoubtedly, she was quite attractive, though still not on par with my aunt's beauty.

On the other hand, the man was also quite handsome, with black wavy hair and even visible muscles on his neck. This guy must be a regular at the gym to maintain such a body.

"Hey, Sang, don't treat our customer like that," her boyfriend interjected.

"I apologize for her behavior earlier," he added, addressing me directly.

"It's alright," I managed to force a smile, though I sensed that the tension from earlier still lingered. I couldn't believe my luck.

The boyfriend nodded appreciatively while Sang, the woman, maintained a rather cold demeanor.

"Yeah, sorry about that. We were just having a bit of a rough night," the boyfriend explained, his tone genuinely apologetic.

"Well, I appreciate the apology," I replied, still feeling a bit uneasy due to Sang's frosty attitude.

"You…" Sang began, her voice filled with frustration, but her boyfriend intervened by gripping her arm, a silent warning for her to hold back.

She spoke up again, her tone somewhat forced.

"Really, I didn't mean what I said earlier. It was just frustration talking."

I gave a polite nod, not convinced by her words at all. Who would believed such a fake ass apology ?

The boyfriend leaned forward slightly.

"Listen, I know it's tough to find an Uber at this hour. If you're okay with it, we can still give you a ride to your destination,"

I hesitated for a moment, uncertain about spending more time with his girlfriend, who had been quite unpleasant earlier. However, her boyfriend seemed more reasonable and accommodating.

"Uh, sure. Thanks," I replied cautiously.

And just like that, what started as an unpleasant encounter continued in an unexpected manner.

As we drove through the city streets, the atmosphere remained a bit tense. Sang barely engaged in the conversation, while her boyfriend Juck tried to bridge the gaps.

After the car came to a stop at my destination, I thanked them and walked on my way. I had already paid them, so there was no need for any more pleasantries.

"What a bad night ," I sighed.