

Tamim, an E-sports player and a university student realizes that he has power after a cosmological event. After he found this power he had no interest in his power but for killing his parents killer he started uaing his power and that slowly changed him to become a superhero. In the story Tamims motives will change based on his life flow. He might end up into a hero for good or a villain for bad maybe something he've never imagined.

Neonied27 · Acción
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123 Chs

White costumed guy?

Fahim's Home-

Fahim woke up and opened his eyes to find the room shrouded in darkness. "When did I fall asleep?" he wondered aloud. He checked his watch—it was already 8:00 PM.

He left his room and saw his father and stepmother watching TV. The news anchor was reporting, "In various places and countries around the world, people have spotted strange black creatures that appeared out of nowhere and disappeared after killing several people nearby. We have reports from 26 countries about these sightings."

Fahim's father turned to his wife and said, "I really don't know what's happening. I feel like the end of the world is near."

"Let's hope not," his stepmother replied.

Watching this, Fahim recalled Raunur's words when he was given his powers: "I think Earth is not safe, and this is clearly connected with Fjink. While fighting, Fjink mentioned that he had made all the plans for his comeback. That's why I'm giving you these powers."

Fahim thought to himself, "Is this connected to what Raunur mentioned?"

His father noticed Fahim standing there and said, "Finally, you came out. Well, actually, we're about to leave now."

"Dad, I'm sorry for my behavior earlier," Fahim apologized.

"I'm sorry too. I waited for you to wake up so I could say that," his father responded.

"Mom, I'm sorry too. If I said anything that upset you, I'm sorry," Fahim said to his stepmother.

"Oh, I didn't mind at all. Maybe I'm your stepmom, but I still consider you my son. I've raised you since you were 13, so I understand you," she replied.

"Why are you guys going?" Fahim asked.

"Oh, your sister. We left her with the nanny, and I don't think she should stay without her mother for too long," his father explained.

"Why didn't you bring her with you?" Fahim asked.

"I was supposed to come alone, but your mom wanted to come too, so I had to bring her. Also, it was risky for your sister to travel," his father said.

"Oh, I see," Fahim acknowledged.

"By the way, you mentioned your mom's death earlier. What did you mean by that?" his father inquired.

"Well, it's... I'll talk about that later, Dad," Fahim replied.

"You mentioned death. Do you really think you can hide that? Explain everything," his father demanded with a serious tone.


Coffee Shop

Foisal and Utso were seated in a coffee shop. "That's not good. What if Dr. Shohan does something bad?" Utso asked Foisal.

"Yeah, I was worried about the same thing, but as I mentioned, my words don't hold much weight there," Foisal admitted.

"By the way, sir, I heard your wife passed away a long time ago. Why don't you marry again? I also heard your daughter is an esports player, so she earns well. I think you should marry," Utso suggested.

"I don't want to. And don't bring this up again. I hate it when people talk about it," Foisal responded sternly.

"But sir, you're a supercop. You won't age easily, right? And your soul is more powerful than a normal human's. I heard that if nothing bad happens, you could live up to 400 years," Utso continued.

Foisal stood up and said, "I think we should go."

"Yes, sir, and I'm sorry, sir," Utso replied, standing up to leave.

**Dhaka, 3rd City Ruins**

The remnants of Dhaka's 3rd city were filled with dust and despair. Police and rescue teams were scattered throughout the ruins, while a crowd of people gathered on nearby hills and bridges, hoping for a glimpse of their loved ones. Some wept for the dead, others clung to the hope of finding survivors, and a few were concerned about their properties.

In the midst of this chaos, an old woman's desperate cry pierced the air as a thief snatched her bag and ran. Though the crowd witnessed the theft, they remained passive. The woman's voice trembled as she pleaded, "That was my last money. My son, my whole family died. Please, someone help!"

Still, no one moved to assist. A pair of blue eyes in the crowd watched silently.

The thief darted through the ruins, eventually reaching the main road. He stopped behind a tree to catch his breath, only to find a man in a white costume and black mask, with a white wig, standing before him.

Terrified, the thief tried to run, but realized the moneybag was no longer in his hand. He turned back, seeing no one. The masked man reappeared in front of him, grabbing him by the collar. "What do you think you're doing?" he demanded.

"Wh... what are you? A ghost? A grim reaper? I don't care, give me the money! My son is hungry, hasn't eaten for hours. The refugee food ran out before our turn. If people don't care about us, why should I care about them?" the thief retorted.

The masked man released the thief, disappearing with the moneybag. It reappeared in the old woman's hands, who gasped in shock. When she opened it, she found far more money than she had before.

"It's a miracle! Thank you, God! Thank you so much!" she exclaimed, tears streaming down her face.

Meanwhile, the thief walked dejectedly along the road, worried about his son. Suddenly, he was teleported to a corner of the street where he found a plastic bag. He opened it to find fresh food and heard a voice say, "It's yours, feed your child."

Inside the bag, he also found some money Looking around, he saw no one and muttered, "I don't know who you are, but thank you. Thank you so much. I'm grateful, whoever you are. Thanks, God, and thanks to the kind soul who helped me today."