
Neon Samurai

In the dystopian mega-city of Nexus Prime, culture was split between magic and technology. Vaelin Neonblast, a teenager, stumbles upon affairs between two secretive sects - Omicron and The Dreamweavers - which he found himself to be deeply rooted in it all. Alongside a sorceress and a technomancer, they strive to preserve the fragile equilibrium between magic and technology. Oblivious to the lurking menace of Vexra - a sinister AI, Vaelin becomes entangled in a web of cryptic murders intertwined with his past as a fallen blade. As their haunting pasts collide, a breathtaking romance emerges at an inappropriate juncture of his life, weaving him through a perilous labyrinth of cybernetic abominations, sinister techno-wizards and arcane magic. After an unfortunate uncounter with The Dreamweavers, he is greeted by an unusual phenomenon - a holographic screen... [CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have been granted THE SAMURAI SYSTEM.] In a heart-pounding fusion of spells and circuits, they confront Vexra, knowing that the fate of Nexus Prime and the world at large hangs in the balance.

Neonblast · Fantasía
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18 Chs

The Shadows Beckon

The moon cast a cold, eerie glow over the winding streets of Nexus Prime as a teenager silently made his way through the dimly lit alleyways. His footsteps were nearly soundless, his movements fluid like a phantom in the night.

After a long struggle, he finally connected the dots to his past. This was his domain, the place where his dark and deadly skills were honed. Eons ago, this land trembled at the mere mention of his name - Kaito Hamada. A name long lost within the folds of time.

But he was haunted. Haunted by the faces of his victims, their lifeless eyes staring back at him in his sleep. Their blood stained his hands, their ghosts whispered accusations in his ear. He was a fallen blade, a once-feared samurai consumed by guilt.

As he walked, memories of his dark past flooded his mind. The night he was taken in by the infamous Guild of Shadows, the piteous screams of his first kill, the twisted satisfaction that had coursed through his veins. He had thought he was invincible, untouchable. In those days, this place was a playground for him, a place where he meted out death with brutal efficiency.

But one fateful night changed everything.

A job gone wrong. The target had been a powerful nobleman, a corrupt figure who had amassed his wealth through bloodshed and deceit. He thought he was doing the city a favor, eliminating the cancer that ate at its core. But when he struck, something went terribly awry. The nobleman's guards were prepared, and he found himself battling for his life.


Eons ago...

The air inside the Jade temple hung heavy with incense, its heady scent weaving through the corridors. Soft, ethereal light filtered through the intricate stained glass windows, casting vivid hues upon the polished jade tiles. The sound of soft whispers echoed, blending with the distant hum of a rustling breeze, as if the temple itself held secrets in its innermost chambers.

Within this hallowed sanctuary stood a nobleman of great stature, adorned in gilded robes that cascaded down his regal frame. Lord Hironori, a man both feared and revered, emanated an aura of authority as he paced atop the temple's elevated dais. His sharp eyes, the color of fiery amber, seemed to penetrate through the veils of time, demonstrating a wisdom that only experience could bring.

Unbeknownst to the nobleman, a shadowy figure lurked within the temple's shadows. An assassin, clothed in layers of dark silk and adorned with weapons meticulously concealed. The scent of anticipation mingled with the incense, and his breath held an edge of ice as he watched his target.

The figure surveyed the room, calculating every possible escape route. He had trained his entire life to become the perfect instrument of death, his skills honed to perfection. Tonight's mission was daunting, but the assassin drew upon his years of experience, suppressing the anxiety that threatened to unravel his soul. With painstaking precision, he slid his hand towards the ornate hilt of his dagger, a weapon deserving of his lethal expertise.

Closing his eyes for a heartbeat, the assassin visualized how this moment would unfold—a sharp, fatal strike that would claim the nobleman's life within the sacred confines of the temple. The sound of steel meeting flesh whispered through his mind.

However, the thespian gods of fate seemed to have a different script in mind.

As Lord Hironori paced, the soft sound of footsteps reverberated through the temple's corridors. Skillful guards, trained to sense even the faintest trace of danger, moved in unison towards the hidden assassin. They materialized like wraiths, their forms draped in ebony armor that glimmered with a deadly sheen. Their eyes, like mirrored shields, reflected their unwavering loyalty to the nobleman, guardians bound to protect their master at any cost.

The assassin's heart quickened, a storm of panic now pounding within his chest. The dance of death he had envisioned was transformed into a treacherous struggle for survival. Panic clung to his thoughts, whispering like a double-edged blade in his ear. His meticulously crafted plan was wrenched into chaos, the very fabric of his existence now at the mercy of guardians he had gravely underestimated.

With a swift and silent grace, the guards encircled the assassin. They moved effortlessly, their movements a testament to their martial prowess. The hopefulness that had flickered within the assassin's eyes was now extinguished, replaced by a realization of his own vulnerability.

The jade temple, once a place of serenity, was now the backdrop for a sinister tableau. As Lord Hironori observed the unfolding skirmish, a quiet smile crept across his lips. In that moment, surrounded by the clash of steel and the unyielding might of the guards, he knew that even the most skilled of assassins could not dismantle the web of protection woven by his honor-bound defenders.

And so, the nobleman watched, in fascination and gratitude, as his loyal guards cornered the assassin.

Sweat dripped down the Kaito's forehead as he clutched a pair of glittering dual daggers tightly in his hands. Time slowed to a molasses-like crawl, each second magnified into an eternity as he surveyed the room, a shadowy pit teeming with nobleman's guards.

His heart pounded in his chest like the beat of a war drum, threatening to give away his position at any moment. There was no way out, no escape plan except to fight his way to freedom. Adrenaline surged through his veins like liquid fire, fueling his determination to survive against insurmountable odds.

Without hesitation, the assassin lunged forward, moving like a dark ballet of death. His muscles coiled and unleashed, propelling his lithe frame towards the nearest guard. He struck with blistering speed, his razor-sharp blades slashing through the air, his dark eyes gleaming with lethal intent.

The guard's eyes widened with shock as the cold steel kissed his flesh, slicing through armor and drawing blood. In one swift movement, the assassin spun, his agility surpassing that of a predator. His mind raced, calculating the trajectory of every blade swing, maneuvering his body like a dancer in a macabre symphony.

One by one, the guards fell, their bodies crumpling to the floor like discarded puppets. The air was heavy with the metallic tang of blood and the stifled gasps of dying men. The assassin's skill was an awe-inspiring display of fluidity and precision, a deadly dance of life and death.

As the last guard approached with a hesitant step, the assassin's breathing steadied, his senses heightened to a razor's edge. With the grace of a panther, he sidestepped the attack, his blades flashing like lightning in the dimly lit room. His movements were a lethal symphony, deflecting blows and parrying strikes with seamless ease.

His mind remained a calm oasis amidst the chaos, a calculating machine processing every detail with ruthless efficiency. He saw the smallest of openings, a sliver of opportunity in a battlefield filled with danger and uncertainty.

Exploiting that opening, the assassin lunged forward, striking a relentless blow that met its target with surgical precision. The guard crumpled to the ground, his life force seeping away into the temple's ancient stones.

With the room finally silent, save for the assassin's labored breaths, he cast a final glance at the once formidable guards who were now motionless corpses scattered across the floor. He knew he had no time to lose, no moment to bask in his victory.

With a chilly glance, he looked ahead at the astonished nobleman, who immediately got startled. However, before Kaito could advance to the nobleman's standpoint, he heard thundering footsteps of more guards approaching.

Closing his eye for a split moment, he narrowed his concentration, "Not one or two, but several dozens," he whispered, "with their level skill, I wouldn't ace this mission without certain dead."

At that moment, a memory of his grandmaster flashed "Kaito, self preservation matters most, because only then are you blessed with the opportunity to try again."

He opened his eyes, and as swiftly as he appeared, he darted towards the temple's hidden exit, his body gracefully maneuvering through the labyrinthine corridors as if guided by an innate instinct. With each fleeting heartbeat, he distanced himself from the jade temple, leaving behind a haunting memory and a testament to his unstoppable prowess.

As he stepped into the night, moonlight filtering through the treetops, the assassin disappeared into the darkness, his blades gleaming like shooting stars against the black canvas of the world. Unscathed and unfazed, he melted into the shadows, forever carrying with him the secrets of his deadly skills and the harrowing tale of his escape from the jaws of certain death.


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