
Neglected And Forsaken (Dropped)

From a young age, Kiseki didn't have what normal children have when growing up. No Family, No Friends, Nothing. So when he finally got picked up by a Family, he Swore on his Life, No Matter What or Who tried to take away the only happiness he has wouldn't see the light of day. He did everything to stop this from Isolating himself away to gain power to Hiding in the Shadow and kill anyone who tried to hurt It. What Kind of Road will Kiseki Go Down? Will He Truly Know Love and Happiness without it getting taken away? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S. This Fan-Fic was made a month or 2 ago so if my spelling or punctuation was bad than i'm sorry and it's my first one as well when i started reading Fan-Fic's.

TruckkunJr · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
4 Chs


This is the tale of about a child that has only know pain and suffering throughout his childhood. He could of had a very normal life but in the end the first couple that ever loved him, just to die in the span of couple of hours of his birth. This Couple Was Kushina Uzumaki Uchiha and her husband Minato Namikaze Senju, The Fourth Hokage of the Hidden Leaf or better know as Yellow Flash. But there Life's were shortly ended after fighting the Nine Tails before giving birth to 2 boys, 1 had short spiky blonde hair, sun kissed tan skin with a very beautiful azure eyes that could attract any women that look in them eyes. Adding to his cuteness, he had 3 whiskers on each side being a birthmark when he was born. In all he was the perfect copy of his father, you would be blind not to notice the similarities between them.

As for the other child, he was the exact opposite of his brother he had silky but spiky black hair with white in the middle of his hair that he inherited from his mother's parents but unlike his mother she had red silky hair, his eyes were midnight blue eyes that could reflect the moon when ever gazing upon it like water at night, he got the colour blue from his father's eyes but darkening because of his uchiha blood in his veins and pale skin colour. Though he didn't have his brothers whiskers, didn't mean he wasn't cute with his eyes and hair together most would say he would be a lady killer in the future.

Before dying from the fingernail of the 9 Nine tails, Kushina and Minato asked Hiruzen, The Third Hokage if he could take care of Kiseki, (Black-white haired Boy) Naruto (Blonde-Whisked Boy) and Make them be Looked As Hero's that stopped the Nine tail From destroying the village because Kushina knew how jinchuriki were treated espically after destroying family and homes. With a long Sad sigh Hiruzen nodded and told her he will make her and Minato's Dying wish come true and make them be seen as hero's of the Hidden Leaf No matter what, picking up both of the boys without waking them up told the anbu to clean up and take Minato and Kushina's body to be buried in Konoha then wait until a week and they will start the ceremony for all the deaths caused by the Nine tails, as they left Hiruzen and went to the Hokage tower in his office to slowly sit down with both Boys in his so they don't wake up. While sitting there for 15 minutes, suddenly someone shouted with sadness in there tone appearing in the office "Sensei, i have heard from gamabunta that Minato and Kushina died while fighting the Nine tails? is it true..?"

With another long sad sigh and down cast gaze Hiruzen said " I'm sorry Jiraiya but, sadly yes they have died sealing the Nine tails in Both of these Babies splitting the yang in this one"gesturing to naruto" and the yin in the other one"gesturing to Kiseki. As Hiruzen said this Jiraiya had a shocked but sad expression on his face for three different reason. first he fount out his student and his student's wife has died. Second Both of these babies infront of him, have the Nine tails in them. One having Yang, the other one Yin. Third One of the Babies look exactly like Minato's clone if younger.

As Jiraiya Thoughts were done processing what he just heard, Jiraiya cursorily glancing at Naruto in his sensei's arms spoke up saying " Sensei, is that Minato and Kushina's child in your arm he looks exactly like minato when he was younger." laughing after Hiruzen nodded. Both Hiruzen and Jiraiya thought glad that minato's legacy is still living on in his blood and possibly will. But both turned suddenly realisation hitting them turned too the other child in a confused expression asking themself "who is this baby then" due to Minato and Kushina only saying they were expecting one child not two, so they both just blocked out the idea of them having two children and to be fair in their mind this child infront of them didn't look anything like Minato and Kushina. Only if they knew he was an exact replicate of his grandfather and his great-grandfather together. As they stop thinking Jiraiya asked to Hiruzen "So sensei who is this little one beside gaki anyway, he doesn't look anything like Minato or Kushina, one has red hair the other having blonde so who?" with a Confused tone. Just after Jiraiya said this, Hiruzen spoke up "The only Clue i have about this one is he must be very close related to Kushina or his parents are friends with her Because she asked me on her last wish is to protect him as well as Naruto, so these are the only possible answer i can give before we ask Tsunade to check his blood and DNA then we can find if he is related to Kushina or a close friend."

"But just by his appearance alone makes you believe he is a Uchiha, Dark black hair and some white check, pale skin check and kind of big for a baby check. Almost everything makes sense but his eyes are dark blue surprisingly because Uchiha's normally have black eyes, must be half Uchiha and half another clan but what was his name again"thinking to himself" ahh, that's it Kiseki For Miracle...Anyway we have to call a meeting for the damage done, Minato's and Kushina's death and the new jinchuriki's."taking an long inhale and exhale Hiruzen thought to himself "im getting to old for this shit." also thinking "Arggghhh Minato why did you have to sacrifice yourself, i'm old and already nearing my early 60's i could have easily done it and get away from this hellish place" face palming inwardly.

As Hiruzen said that Jiraiya leapt at the option of having his student son and he knew how jinchuriki's were treated in the elemental world, there was only Kumo that had good relationship between jinchuriki's and the village but the rest they were scorned and scrutinized with hate wherever they went.(in this one jiraiya didn't leave naruto and knew how stupid it would be to think the village would look at them like a hero, they'll probably think they are the demon in human skin.)

So Jiraiya Did do that leapt at it, then Jiraiya spoke with small bit of pleading in his eyes"Sensei, i don't think it's a good idea to do that because i highly doubt they will look at the gaki like he's a hero, hell i wont be too shocked if they want him executed believing he's the Nine tails in a human form, so i'll put my offer on the table. I will take the gaki on my travels and train him into a fine shinobi for 13 years, i'll also be back a week before the genin exams come around so he can be a shinobi for the Hidden Leaf but i will need some income from the Uzumaki and Namikaze account so i can raise him."After Jiraiya spoke, Hiruzen touching his almost gray-beard thinking to himself if it was a good idea. After some thinking Hiruzen said with an neutral tone"Sounds reasonable but i will need daily reports on how he is and training fair?".

Straight away Jiraiya spoke with a grin on "Of course that reasonable. If its alright with you i'm gonna take gaki and pack up because my spy network is very busy lately and also my 'research'". After Jiraiya spoke, Hiruzen then said "yhyh just get going and look after naruto, i've already got enough of troublesome things going on." Hiruzen said with sternness but at the last bit, the nara head sneezed "guess someone is getting stressed by troublesome things" falling a sleep back after.

As Jiraiya quickly but quietly jumped out the window going back to his hotel, Hiruzen then said out loud "ANBU!!" Then two anbu with one being dog mask and another being different one, knelt down and said "Hokage-sama, is there anything you need." the dog masked said. Hiruzen then replied"Hai, I need you and Tenzo to collect the shinobi council and civillian as well as the advisor's for a meeting" with a sharp voice, Both Anbu captains went to collect there targets for the meeting.

In The Meeting all the shinobi head clans members including, Uchiha, Uyuga, Inuzaka, Aburame, Akimichi, Nara and Yamanaka. On the other side was the civillian council and finally the elders on the opposite end of the table.

As everyone was speaking, Hiruzen Shouted "Quite!" As he said it everything went silent, so Hiruzen Carried on "You all know that today has been one of the worst day's for Konoha with the Nine tails and alot of deaths because of it" as he said this, Hiashi (Hyuga clan, known for there familys dojustu, Byakugan,that is white in the eye and can see chakra point to block chakra flowing in certain spots so they can't use that certain limb with 360 degree view around them) spoke" Hokage-san, why isn't Minato here?." with a raised eyebrow being rather confused and everyone else nodding. As they said this Hiruzen tensed, relaxed again straight after but everyone else noticed this and was more curious so Hiruzen spoke with sadness evident in his voice said " Well this is another issue i summoned you all here for....Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki are now currently dead, but in the end the Fourth and Kushina won against It." Hiruzen said still in a low voice and pain in his voice, when these words left his voice everyone gasped, with a look of sadness on everyone's faces and some even tearing up. These were Tsume inuzaka, clan head of inuzaka (known for there tracking skills with there nin-dogs and combine jutsu's) she was 5'7ft brown hair, brown eyes and two marks on her face that are red, one on each side. She was very pretty C Size breast, curvy figure and overall sexy.

Next one was Hiashi Hyuga, 5'11ft, had the Byakugan in his eyes, long silky brown hair going down mid-back from either side. he is a very kind guy very few could tell and minato was one of them, they were rivals when in academy and grew up to be best friends in the end so it was emotional too lose a friend. The last one was Fugaku Uchiha (Uchiha clan Head, They are known for there fame Sharingan that can copy justu's and can predict attacks when they are incoming, including weapons and justu's And also they have high Affinities for Fire Release) Fugaku was 6ft and dark blue waking everywhere hair and normal built with the Uchiha crest on his Back. His relationship with Minato's was the same as Hiashi's rivals then best friends but unlike everyone else he pulled himself together and only let one lonely tear down his left cheek but inwards he was the opposite he showed anger for whoever killed them, praying for there death.

After 10 minutes of thinking about Minato and Kushina, everything went back to normal then Hiruzen spoke again "as you all know he defeated the Nine tails but some of you don't know, you can't kill a monster that body is only chakra so its basically immortal. So they did the best thing and sealed into a newborn." as he said this, everyone was confused until they finally noticed a blacked and white top haired Baby in a crib with blue blanket covering him next to the office table, slowly everyone processing it then it clicked in everyones mind, thinking exactly same thing"you can be insinuating Hiruzen that this Baby has the Nine tails in him/this baby is being controlled by the Nine tails." thought everyone, all civillian thinking the second one.

Then Hiruzen did what everyone was expecting, Hiruzen picked up the baby and shouted"They sealed it into this newborn Baby so that the Nine tails is not running around and Kushina asked on her dying Breath, that this child is treated like a Hero he is for holding the Nine Tails at Bay from destroying everything And if any of you tell anyone outside the meeting you will be eliminated without hesitation because this is now a SS Class Secret." With a his voice with Pride in it but danger at the end leaking some KI (killing Intent). As everyone was contemplating this new information that they just received just now, in there own train of thought a civillian shouted with distaste evident in his voice "Hokage, we need to eliminate the demon before it gets stronger and doesn't kill us all." after the statement, All that Hiruzen didn't want to come true just did and Jiraiya predicted this as well. Then a uproar happening multiple Civillian's agreeing to kill the Baby because its gonna 'lose' control and calling him a 'Demon'.

After listening to the complains, Hiruzen spoke up "HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT KUSHINA'S DYING WISH,GET OUT OF MY OFFICE BEFORE I'LL SHOW YOU A DEMON."Emitting KI dangerously towards the Civillians, will all of the gasping for air and running out of the room probably pissed there pants from the sheer amount. Then Hiruzen said This is a SS class Secret if you mention this outside my office... I will personally show the shinigami's deaths doors." After everyone leaving The office, there was a Certain man with bandages covering his arm and eye with x on his chin thinking. "I will kidnap this Child and use him to take over Konoha when he's powerful enough." Grinning up a storm inwardly he left.

There Hiruzen was thinking to himself "Well that didn't go well, but Everything will be fine? Right..?"


I'll be honest, this was made a month or 2 ago when i was starting Fan-fic's so it's not the best if i'm being honest. Though if people like the series i might continue but uploads will be longer because currently doing another Fan-fic about KnB.