

Editor: vb24

Why did things become like this?’ Hoshi inwardly wondered.

Why and when did his sisters... stop being his sisters?

Hoshi still remembered his childhood. Back then, he played happily together with Rion and Kotomi.

His sisters definitely weren’t like this back then; they were as simple and innocent as other girls their age, just a little smarter and cuter.

Hoshi had been proud of his sisters back then since they could do anything, and they always did it well while taking care of their weak-willed younger brother.

The memory which left him with the deepest impression was the time where he’d accidentally enraged a wild dog and was desperately scrambling to shake it off his tail. His sisters rushed over to his side, and despite their fear, risked being bitten in order to drive it off.

This memory had turned hazy with the passing of time, but the image of his sisters smiling at him with teary eyes remained clear.

But as for now...