
Necromancer book 1

It was supposed to be another day. But now I'm here, and I don't know where here is. Klaus just a simple kid ends up kidnapped by the monster race and finds a whole new side of life and a family secret that has long been forgotten. All around there is change on the wind and it's web of schemes will only get deadlier. Will he fight the change? Or will he embrace it. This is my first attempt at writing a story. Chapters will get longer and I will not drop this story. Please leave good constructive criticism so I can get better.

shadowpup · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Klaus rushed after the girl striding to his place to the left out of her sight. Following her as she led him through the castle down a corridor and up a flight of stairs, through another door into a bedroom. After closing the door the girl went to the closet and started looking through clothing and other miscellaneous items Klaus couldn't see. Klaus, not knowing what to do, stood there awkwardly. "Are you stupid?" Klaus was stunned at the annoyed yet sharp tone. "Get over here and help me!" Klaus moved to do as he's told. Seeing her closet and the multitude of outfits he just turned "What would you like miss?" "Three dresses, three outfits per season and make them modest." She replied. Klaus set to work and went about it quickly. 'He is a good looking one, and obedient.' she thought observing him. He paused when he got to her under garments, blushing he finished his task as quickly as possible. 'There are a lot of servants here.' Klaus thought, seeing other people finish packing the girls' things and hauling them out of the room. "Come and stand before me." "Yes miss." Klaus stood in front of her. "My name is Lenora. You are my slave. What is your name?" Lenora asked as she slowly circled him. "My name is Klaus Roderic, miss."

Lenora started her slow circle again. "You will serve me through my studies at school. Get some rest, you'll need your strength." She dismissed him with a wave of her hand pointing at a door at the other side of the room. "As you wish." Klaus replied. Next thing he knew he was lying face down. "You will address me with respect!" Klaus stood shakily and bowed. "Yes miss." He mumbled and left. 'It's not very cozy.' Klaus thought as he looked at the spartan-like room. His stomach growled as he noticed the plate of food on the lone table in the room. He quickly wolfed down the plate and lay in bed.

Klaus looked around the familiar looking castle noticing a boy around eight. "Now Deverell, you must focus on it. Feel the space in the back of your mind, do you feel it?" Ezekiel spoke softly. Deverell only nodded, his face strained. Feed it a little power and focus on the words I taught you. Deverell nodded and spoke with power, "Komspiritsr, heeð minn kalla!" The world rippled with an unseen force, as a pale mist emerged and solidified into a man. "HAHAHA good! Very good Deverell, You have my talent and your mothers power as I thought!" Ezekiel laughed. Deverell dismissed the man with a quiet word and watched him disperse into mist. "Come along son." Ezekiel said as he turned and walked into the castle Deverell following. Klaus walked with admiring and thinking about what he saw. 'There are very few that can use magic, and i've never heard of magic like that!' Klaus thought. "Go to the library and study the books you were assigned yesterday." Deverell ran off to do so, Klaus followed Ezekiel to his study. "I'm so close! What am I missing?!" Ezekiel whispered to himself angrily as he flipped through a book on sealing magic. Klaus Looked around as his vision became hazy.

Klaus looked around the room and noticed the light of dawn coming through the window. He stood and noticed a set of clothes and a note telling him the location of a bath. He quietly left, careful not to wake his new master and found the bath with soap and a towel laid out for him. Klaus quickly bathed and dressed in a simple purple tunic with black vest, and black pants. Leaving the bath he was stopped by a maid. "Would you kindly wake miss Lenora?" Though it was phrased as a question, her tone told him it was an order and wasn't to be refused. Klaus just nodded and continued on his way to his masters room. Knocking as he entered, "Miss Lenora, it's time to wake up."

He went to her closet, opening the curtains to let in the morning light as he walked. He selected her outfit for the day and laid them at the foot of the bed. He set about making the bed as she rose and made sure to keep his eyes averted as she dressed. Lenora turned and got a better look at him than she did the previous night. Noticing he was a little taller than her at 6 ft. with an athletic build, short sandy blonde hair and brown eyes. She then turned and left her room for the dining hall, Klaus following behind and to the left out of eyesight. After Lenora was seated Klaus stood out of the way as a proper slave should. Finished with her meal Lenora left for the entry hall. Hearing the doors open Klaus bowed as the lord of the castle entered. "I've come to bid you farewell. I expect great things from you." he said as he gently embraced his daughter. "Goodbye father, I will return as soon as I can." Lenora let go and left the castle seeing the carriage her father arranged for her. Klaus held the door and entered sitting opposite her.

Klaus didn't speak as they rode, he looked at the passing scenery. 'I don't know where we are going, but I miss my old school and the few friends I had. I really hope they survived the attack. What were those creatures? They were fast, I think they looked wolflike. But my teacher said the werewolves have been extinct for 150 yea-' "What are you thinking about?" Lenora said, pulling him from his thoughts. "I was thinking about my classmates and the attack on us, I'm hoping they're ok." "You were attacked? Is that how you became a slave?" "Yes, everyone in my school lived in the dorms. On our way to class we were attacked by wolf-like creatures, next thing I know I'm waking up in a cage." A heavy silence filled the carriage and remained for the rest of the ride to the academy.