
Necromancer book 1

It was supposed to be another day. But now I'm here, and I don't know where here is. Klaus just a simple kid ends up kidnapped by the monster race and finds a whole new side of life and a family secret that has long been forgotten. All around there is change on the wind and it's web of schemes will only get deadlier. Will he fight the change? Or will he embrace it. This is my first attempt at writing a story. Chapters will get longer and I will not drop this story. Please leave good constructive criticism so I can get better.

shadowpup · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

"W-what?" Klaus stuttered confused, looking up at a girl who had her foot back to kick him again.

"You don't question, you just obey!" She replied coldly. She one-handedly threw him out of a cage.

"Now get up." Klaus got to his feet and for the first time really looked at her. She had pale skin with black hair to her shoulders and brown eyes, he noticed she was shorter than him as well.

"Why are you looking at me?" Klaus took the hint and looked away, not wanting to get hit again.

"Who are you? What happened? Why am I he-" Klaus picked himself up slowly, wincing in pain from being punched to the ground. "Don't make me repeat myself, you don't get to ask questions, slave." She said with a hint of annoyance. She turned, gesturing him to follow, and Klaus subconsciously did as the woman asked.

"How did I get into this stupid mess, and what did she mean? Slave?" Klaus thought hard to himself to put together his fragmented memory. 'The last thing I remember is-'

Klaus' thoughts were interrupted by a flood of memories of his 'dream' from before he awoke, he then remembered the screaming. 'There were creatures and they moved so fast they were a blur. There was so much blood. Why were we being attacked?' Klaus remembered there were no conflicts in the last 100 years.

"Through there, and do as you're told. Don't want you to die before I get payment." He was told in a cruel voice. "Subject 54 is next, another human, but he is rather durable."

"Now go!" The woman hissed at him with a small shove. Walking through the curtained off door, he found himself on a brightly lit stage. 'There's a lot of people here, but I can't see what they look like.' Klaus thought, standing awkwardly. An average sized man came to stand next to him.

"Here we go my lords, the boy is not bad looking either. He looks strong as well, the opening bid is 100." The man announced to the crowd. 'I'm worth only 100 crowns to the nobles' Klaus thought worriedly. 'Nobles wouldn't protect an investment worth so little!'

"235...280...350...380...420…" Klaus' eyes didn't look so disappointed after hearing the numbers climbing rapidly. "560… look at this lords! He wants to be bought, he's eager to please! Do I hear 600?"

"760!" Someone said from the crowd. "Do I hear 765? 772...800...873...940"

"1500." A voice full of power quietly came from the very back of the crowd. It was calm but was clearly heard by all those in attendance. "Anyone else? Then, you may collect 54 anytime milord."

Klaus was led off the stage by an attendant and put into a very simple room. "You're to stay here and wait for your new master, and I would behave as a slave should." He said, giving an obvious warning. Klaus looked around the bare room without any furnishings.

"Wish I could wash up." He mumbled, looking at his dirt and blood stained clothes. 'I wish I knew how long I'll be here.' He didn't have to wait long, soon there was a knock at the door before it was opened and a middle-aged man in a suit stood in the doorway.

"My master has sent me to come collect you. I am to teach you the basics of what you are to do, and how to act while we travel with the master to the castle." The man said quickly before motioning him to follow as he walked away.

'He didn't even look to see if I was following.' As if reading Klaus' mind, he spoke up. "Running away won't help, nor will it be safe this far into monster territory." The servant led them through a door outside the auction house.

"May I ask your name?" Klaus voiced his question hesitantly, afraid of being hit. "My name is Talavus, and you should not speak so openly, you would be punished very harshly." Klaus was very worried as to what would become of him. As Klaus left the building, he looked around and saw what looked to be a small town.

'Where are we?' Klaus had to run to catch up to Talavus. He led Klaus a few streets away to a luxurious hotel. "Get in." Talavus spoke, shaking Klaus from his thoughts. Klaus entered a poor looking carriage and sat at the back. Talavus sitting across from him, he tapped the roof twice and the carriage started moving with a jolt.

"Now, when you are not alone, you are to do nothing and say nothing. If you do or say anything to bring embarrassment to yourself even when you are with other slaves or servants, they will tell their masters and it will work its way to punishment from the lord."

"Bu-" Klaus tried to explain he didn't belong there, but a sharp look from Talavus had him stopping instantly.

"When your lord is walking, then you will never be in eyesight. You will be one pace behind and half of one to the side. Left whenever possible and if not then the right." He stopped the lesson to make sure Klaus was paying attention. The lessons continued until they reached their destination.

'I hope that I have a nice lord. My treatment will be better and if I do well enough then I will get my freedom.'

Talavus led him from the carriage and opened the door to a very expensive carriage that just pulled to a halt. As a man stepped regally out, Klaus bowed slightly with his hand over his heart, making sure to look down and not at the man. He glanced over and kept walking, Klaus falling into step out of sight. As they entered the castle, Klaus marveled at how rich everything looked.

"Father! You're back!" A young girl came forward and knelt looking down.

"Rise my daughter. Go find your sister and have her meet me in the throne room." The lord commanded before his daughter could respond.

"Ok." She called as she turned and left down the hall on the right. Klaus followed with Talavus as the lord continued into the castle to the throne room, taking the lord's coat and then moving to stand behind the throne.

Klaus moved to stand behind the lord to the right of the throne. Before long there was a slight knock, and a girl slightly taller than Klaus walked in. He noticed that she had crimson eyes, and silver hair that was almost shiny, but she exuded a power that felt almost distantly familiar and surprisingly comforting.

She was wearing black leggings and a wine red tunic, with a simple emerald necklace. Klaus tried not to stare as the girl walked to the throne and knelt before the 2 steps to the raised area the throne sat on.

"You wanted to see me, father?" the girl questioned.

"Yes. You will be going to school, and you are only to have one servant per school rules." Hearing this, the girl seemed surprised. "I will go select one from the servants we have-"

"No! You have the audacity to presume you would take what's mine?" The lord seemed angry with her, and Klaus saw the surprise flash across her face. Before she could respond, he continued. "I had gone and bought one for you to train personally as you see fit. BOY! Step forward." Klaus jumped slightly at the loud shout but did as he was told.

"This is my daughter, you are to stay by her side. You now belong to her."

"Y-yes lord!" Klaus hurriedly said as he received a pointed look from Talavus. "Do not break him, as he cost a substantial sum for a slave." The lord finished as the girl and Klaus were clearly dismissed with a wave of the lord's hand.