

**Chapter 987: Elemental Law Origin Stone, Secret Realm Collapse**

The undead army officially engaged with the true god-level creatures at the center of the secret realm. Lin Moyu discovered that these true god-level creatures, apart from their realm and power, lacked other abilities. In Lin Moyu's view, they were not even as strong as the weakest true god-level cultivators.

Facing the undead army, these secret realm creatures were like crops being harvested mercilessly. Laws roared within the secret realm, various laws intertwined and exploded, mushroom clouds rose, and the ground shook continuously as if the end of the world had arrived. The mushroom clouds were not necessarily flames; they could be ice or lightning.

The undead army slaughtered the secret realm creatures amidst various laws. Lin Moyu collected many law origin stones, each only the size of a finger, and they came in various shapes due to the different laws they contained.

Lin Moyu was somewhat puzzled; these law origin stones didn't seem particularly special. Essentially, they seemed no different from materials like starfire gold. Why did the detection technique consider them valuable?

The detection technique was very rigorous, and the phrase "valuable" was not used lightly. Perhaps there was something he didn't understand, and he could only ask when he returned. His understanding of the big world was still too limited, and his knowledge was too shallow. Whether in the small world or the big world, Lin Moyu always felt that he didn't know enough.

Therefore, when facing Antares, he had endless questions. The secret realm creatures couldn't withstand the undead army, which advanced straight to the center of the secret realm. Lin Moyu, holding the law star, followed the undead army to the center and saw a miraculous scene.

A stone over two meters high stood at the center of the secret realm, covered in countless spikes, like a hedgehog, emitting myriad colors. Each color represented a law. The laws formed colorful clouds above it, brewing various elemental laws, so many that Lin Moyu couldn't count them all.

These laws collided within the colorful clouds, constantly releasing intense energy. The roaring never stopped, and the explosions of laws followed one after another. The giant stone trembled in the explosions, and some fragments of the spikes were blown away.

Seeing this, Lin Moyu finally understood. "This is the source of the secret realm..."

With a slight movement of his finger, the detection technique fell on the giant stone.

**[Elemental Origin Stone: A miraculous stone containing multiple elemental laws, extremely rare, extremely valuable.]**

The two "extremely" in the detection technique made Lin Moyu's eyes light up. Extremely rare, extremely valuable—he didn't expect to encounter such a thing here. He believed that no one from the demon race had ever been here; otherwise, a god would have come to destroy the secret realm and take the elemental origin stone.

"In that case, I won't be polite."

Lin Moyu immediately ordered the undead army to charge and seize the elemental law origin stone. As the skeletons approached, the ground suddenly shook. The elemental law origin stone automatically lifted off the ground, and all the elemental laws in the air fell around it.

A giant composed of countless colors of laws appeared before Lin Moyu. The elemental law origin stone became the heart of the law giant, constantly beating and releasing powerful law energy. The law giant's power increased rapidly, and strangely, the various laws did not conflict but fused wonderfully.

The law giant's aura finally stabilized at the fifth rank of the true god level. Lin Moyu was somewhat depressed; the attack power of the skeleton god generals was only up to the second rank of the true god level. If the law giant were only at the third rank of the true god level, he could still try to wear it down.

But the fifth rank of the true god level... Even if the skeleton god generals stood still and let them attack, they couldn't harm it.

"A fifth-rank true god-level creature in a secret realm that only allows super-god-level beings to enter is a bit of a cheat."

Lin Moyu sighed and took out the true god-level corpse he had just received. It was a sixth-rank true god-level corpse sent by Fang Xingzong. Lin Moyu pointed, and red light spread out. The time curse struck its soul, increasing the damage.

The law giant felt pain and roared, slapping towards Lin Moyu. Dozens of elemental laws erupted simultaneously, falling like meteors. Lin Moyu ignored the attack, his soul locked onto the law giant.

**Planetary-level Spell: Corpse Explosion.**

With a loud bang, the law giant collapsed on the spot. Its attack landed on Lin Moyu, not even causing a ripple. Lin Moyu's immunity to elemental law attacks was terrifying. Elemental damage was directly immune, elemental law damage was reduced by 40,000 times, and the entire undead army bore the brunt.

According to Lin Moyu's estimation, unless an eighth-rank true god appeared, it was almost impossible to kill him now. The law giant collapsed, and the huge elemental law origin stone fell. The skeleton god general immediately flew up to catch it and brought it back to Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu unceremoniously put away the elemental law origin stone. Extremely rare, extremely valuable—he would keep it well and see how many points it was worth when he returned. With the elemental law origin stone taken, the secret realm lost its support and began to shake violently. The laws within the secret realm disintegrated, and all the secret realm creatures wailed before collapsing collectively.

In just one minute, the secret realm completely collapsed amidst violent shaking. The scene before him changed, and familiar air rushed towards him. Lin Moyu found himself back in the big world.

It was very quiet here; the battle that was happening when he entered the secret realm had disappeared. However, Lin Moyu felt a sense of danger. He reacted quickly, took out the God-Slaying Fortress, and jumped in, then turned into a stream of light and flew into deep space.

"You can't escape!"

Amidst the roar, a giant claw appeared, grabbing towards the God-Slaying Fortress. Terrifying laws swept down, enveloping the God-Slaying Fortress. A true god-level demon was taking action, and the true god-level was too strong. No matter how Lin Moyu drove it, the God-Slaying Fortress couldn't move.

Lin Moyu gritted his teeth and activated the God-Slaying Fortress. The God-Slaying Fortress unfolded in the air, transforming from a flying state to a fortress state. The ancient tower shone, and a purple-gold God-Slaying Thunder illuminated the starry sky.

"It's useless!" The voice of the true god-level demon rolled in. It was still tens of thousands of kilometers away, but its voice had already reached. In the next second, its huge body appeared as if it had teleported.

A giant one-horned demon, extremely ferocious, tried to crush the God-Slaying Fortress with its giant hand. The God-Slaying Fortress creaked and cracked. Lin Moyu's heart trembled; he didn't expect the God-Slaying Fortress to be destroyed by a true god-level demon before it could exert its power in the big world.

At this moment, a sword light shot from the starry sky, transforming into a ten-thousand-meter sword aura, shattering the laws of the true god-level demon. The giant hand disintegrated, and Lin Moyu didn't hesitate to turn the God-Slaying Fortress back into a tower and fly away.

"Trying to escape? Impossible!" The one-horned demon punched out, not to capture but to kill. This punch would destroy the God-Slaying Fortress and kill Lin Moyu.