

**Chapter 984: The True Purpose of This Mission**

Jiang Feiyan's slightly self-deprecating remark once again stung Zhao Li's not-so-strong heart. Lin

He recalled his life of over a hundred years. Since he began cultivating, even when he was an ordinary person, he was called a genius by those around him.

No matter the occasion, as long as he was present, he was the brightest star.

Even after becoming a super god, his reputation in nearby star systems was still significant.

The name of a genius resounded through the stars.

His smooth journey from childhood made him somewhat arrogant, even conceited.

He believed he could enter the Divine City, eventually becoming a god sovereign, or even surpassing a god sovereign.

In this operation, although he didn't say it, his arrogance made him feel that he should be the leader of this mission.

But after entering the secret realm, Lin Moyu acted on his own without consulting him at all.

This made him feel stifled.

This was the first time he had felt such an emotion, and he was eager to prove himself while also trying to deny Lin Moyu.

He completely didn't believe that Lin Moyu could sense the Law Star, and he didn't believe what Lin Moyu said.

As a result, he hit a wall again, encountering a secret realm creature with similar attributes to his own.

After fighting for a long time without being able to kill it, Lin Moyu finally killed it instantly.

If it had been a secret realm creature with different attributes, he could have killed it instantly too.

Later, things developed in a way he didn't want to see. Lin Moyu actually sensed the Law Star.

Whether it was luck or not, the fact was that it happened.

He couldn't accept it, feeling like his lungs were about to explode with anger.

Fortunately, Lin Moyu agreed to a duel on the arena after they returned.

He would let Lin Moyu know who the real genius was.

But now, Jiang Feiyan's remark once again provoked him.

A burden!

Who was the burden?

"I can never be a burden, not before, not in the future."

Zhao Li's eyes blazed with fire, and he roared, charging in the direction Lin Moyu had gone.

Jiang Feiyan looked at him in astonishment, "Is this guy crazy?"

Xuan Xuan blinked her big eyes, also looking bewildered, "He doesn't seem quite right."

Only Xia Man saw things clearly and roughly guessed why Zhao Li was acting this way. He couldn't help but shake his head, "Let's go, we need to catch up quickly."

Zhao Li, like a mad flaming lion, charged through the secret realm like a meteor.

The commotion he caused was even greater than Lin Moyu's, immediately attracting more attention from the secret realm creatures.

Many secret realm creatures pounced on Zhao Li, treating him as their enemy.

Zhao Li activated his law domain and began a massive slaughter.

The secret realm creatures were all composed of certain laws, and many of them were of the fire law.

Zhao Li couldn't quickly kill them and soon found himself surrounded.

Sharp sword light flew from behind, accompanied by lightning and thunder, quickly dealing with some of the fire-type secret realm creatures surrounding Zhao Li.

"Zhao Li, what are you doing?"

"What if you attract a true god-level secret realm creature?"

Jiang Feiyan coldly reprimanded him, completely disapproving of Zhao Li's actions.

By doing this, Zhao Li attracted a large number of secret realm creatures. If he accidentally attracted a true god-level one, they would be in big trouble.

Xia Man also said sternly, "Zhao Li, calm down."

Zhao Li snorted, "I'm very calm. We're in a hurry, let's kill our way through quickly."

With that, he charged forward again.

Judging by his momentum and fiery eyes, he didn't seem calm at all.

Xuan Xuan, holding a snack in her small hand, said while eating, "This guy seems to be blinded by anger."

Jiang Feiyan laughed, "I think it's more like jealousy."

Xia Man sighed lightly. He didn't like Zhao Li's approach either, but now the mission was urgent.

Moreover, as fellow humans, they couldn't just watch Zhao Li being surrounded without helping.

The three of them felt somewhat helpless. How did a perfectly good mission turn into this?

They couldn't blame Lin Moyu. From beginning to end, Lin Moyu hadn't said anything excessive or done anything wrong.

The only one to blame was Zhao Li, who was too petty.

Lin Moyu, riding the Wings of the Undead, increased his speed to the limit, ignoring the laws along the way.

In the blink of an eye, a group of secret realm creatures appeared behind him.

But these secret realm creatures were clearly slower than Lin Moyu. Seeing that they couldn't catch up, they gave up the chase.

Some were more persistent and continued to chase Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu dragged them along, rushing towards the Law Star without stopping.

The demons also seemed to sense Lin Moyu and the others' presence and sped up again.

Now it was a race to see who could reach the Law Star first.

Whoever got the Law Star first would have a significant advantage.

Finally, the Law Star appeared in sight.

It was a Law Star emitting a blue light, with what seemed like ocean waves rolling on it.

From a distance, it looked like a water ball.

Lin Moyu was slightly surprised, "Why is there a life aura in the Law Star?"

Lin Moyu's sensitivity to life auras was too keen, and he immediately sensed the life aura in the Law Star.

Although the life aura was weak, just a trace, it was incredibly tenacious.

"This is the life aura of God Sovereign Night Rain. God Sovereign Night Rain is still alive and hasn't completely died." Lin Moyu was slightly shocked.

He didn't expect that God Sovereign Night Rain, who had already turned into a Law Star, hadn't completely died but had left a trace of life.

"No wonder they insisted on retrieving the Law Star. God Sovereign Night Rain can still be saved, maybe even revived."

Lin Moyu roughly guessed the true purpose of this mission.

The real purpose wasn't just to retrieve the Law Star but to bring back the last hope of God Sovereign Night Rain.

A god sovereign is not someone who can be easily lost. The fall of a god sovereign is no small matter for the human race.

The demons' purpose was also clear: to seize the Law Star and prevent the revival of God Sovereign Night Rain.

The Law Star emitted a blue light, leaving a long trail of light in the air.

Lin Moyu quickly approached along the trail of light.

On the other side, the demons were also closing in on the Law Star.

Lin Moyu saw one of the demons holding a pitch-black small sword.

The small sword was filled with destructive power, giving him a very bad feeling.

If this small sword struck the Law Star, it would be enough to obliterate the last trace of life in God Sovereign Night Rain.

The demon was now less than ten thousand meters away from the Law Star, and the small black sword was shining brightly.

The demon looked at Lin Moyu with a cruel and bloodthirsty gaze.

It was a six-winged demon with three pairs of wings on its back.

Six-winged demons could control three types of laws and were a very powerful branch of the demon race.

They were bloodthirsty and cruel.

"You're too late!" The six-winged demon laughed sinisterly.

Seeing the small sword about to fly out, if it struck the Law Star, God Sovereign Night Rain would be doomed. Lin Moyu let out a light shout, his whole body shining brightly.

Stellar-level spell: Gather Power!