

Chapter 581: Preparing for the Third Transformation Without External Help

Antares looked at the meditating Lin Moyu with great curiosity. Lin

It wanted to know what kind of skill could allow Lin Moyu, who was not even level 70, to harm an existence like itself.

To put it bluntly, even if the half-step super gods of the human race, the Demon Emperor of the Abyss, and the Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Clan joined forces, they wouldn't be able to harm it in the slightest.

And that's assuming it didn't fight back.

The reason it looked down on these guys was that they couldn't even break through its defense.

But now, it felt that Lin Moyu's skill might be able to harm it.

It trusted its own instincts.

Then it thought of a question: if that's the case, Lin Moyu's skill might be able to kill the Demon Emperor and others.

In Antares' understanding, a skill that could harm it would certainly be able to kill the Demon Emperor and others. This thought made it even more curious.

Lin Moyu's aura finally began to calm down, and the skill star core's absorption of soul energy was also coming to an end.

Antares was no longer sleepy; it wanted to ask Lin Moyu properly what kind of skill this was.

The previous skill had already surprised it enough, and now it wondered what new trick Lin Moyu had up his sleeve.

"This brat is really troublesome."

The second skill star core, like the first, exploded after absorbing enough soul energy.

Moreover, it connected with the first skill star core, attracting each other and starting to rotate around Lin Moyu's soul.

[Obtained soul energy, experience +1,000,000]

[Obtained soul energy, experience +1,000,000]

[Obtained soul energy, experience +1,000,000]

Information popped up crazily, and the skill star core's feedback of soul energy greatly increased Lin Moyu's experience.

Lin Moyu didn't care about the experience; he saw the golden glow on the Corpse Explosion skill star core, which was only about one-fifth.

Compared to the 50% fusion rate of the first skill star core, it was much lower.

Relying on the powerful recovery ability brought by divine power, Lin Moyu poured soul energy into it without regard for the cost.

But even so, the fusion rate was only about 20%.

"Corpse Explosion was extremely difficult to upgrade before, and now it's still difficult to upgrade even after integrating into the soul." Once the skill star core enters the soul, it no longer looks at levels but at the fusion rate.

Seeing the low fusion rate, Lin Moyu could only accept it calmly.

[Corpse Explosion (Fusion Rate 20%): Detonate corpses or remains, causing damage equal to 20% of the corpse's life value within a 100-meter radius to designated targets.]

After checking the changes in the skill, Lin Moyu fell into deep thought.

The changes in this skill were a bit strange; the range had greatly increased from 7 meters to 100 meters. And this 100 meters was probably not the limit and could increase in the future.

However, the power had decreased from 40% to 20%, halving the damage.

After thinking it over, Lin Moyu felt that this change had both advantages and disadvantages.

But overall, the advantages outweighed the disadvantages.

Lin Moyu knew that his talent could affect the Corpse Explosion skill.

So the range would increase from 100 meters to 7,000 meters.

This range was very large, capable of covering an entire battlefield, including the sky.

No longer would he need to throw corpses into the air to hit airborne enemies.

Secondly, he could lock onto enemies, allowing him to choose which enemies to target.

No longer would he have to worry about accidentally harming his own people.

These two changes made the Corpse Explosion skill much more flexible.

Although the power was halved, with the increase, it still had the equivalent of 14 times the damage of the corpse's life value.

Lin Moyu was stunned; he realized he had miscalculated.

In shock, Lin Moyu opened his eyes.

His eyes were filled with undisguised shock.

Antares had been watching Lin Moyu all along, and Lin Moyu's expression made it realize that Lin Moyu seemed to be shocked by his own skill.

"What kind of skill is this!"

Antares was extremely curious, "Brat, which skill did you move this time?"

Lin Moyu did not answer, "Antares, help me with a few experiments."

"Is it about the skill?" Antares asked.

Lin Moyu nodded, "Yes!"


Driven by curiosity, Antares agreed without hesitation.

Lin Moyu didn't expect Antares to agree so quickly; usually, it was very lazy and needed a lot of persuasion.

Just as Lin Moyu was about to start testing, a white light suddenly rose from his body.

Lin Moyu had leveled up, from level 69 to level 70.

After moving two skill star cores and consuming a large amount of soul energy, the skill star cores fused with his soul and returned the soul energy, becoming Lin Moyu's experience points.

He had unknowingly leveled up.

Level 70, time for the third transformation.

The third job change.

Antares said in a deep voice, "Don't test the skills yet, do the job change first."

"Do as I told you!"

Lin Moyu nodded, "Alright!"

The job change took precedence over everything else; skill testing could be done anytime, no need to rush.

Lin Moyu, who had just stood up, sat down again and adjusted himself to his best state.

Thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning, and recent experiences flashed through his mind like a slideshow.

Since level 60, he seemed to have entered the fast lane of leveling up.

It didn't take much time to level up.

Counting the time spent moving skill star cores, it took just over two months to go from level 60 to 70.

Compared to others who took one or two years to level up, he was like riding a rocket.

Finally, it was time for the third transformation.

Without relying on formations, without relying on external forces, except for the Talent God Stone, he used nothing else. This method of the third transformation had never appeared in this era.

Lin Moyu had asked Antares, since he wasn't relying on external forces, why use the Talent God Stone.

Antares' answer was that not relying on external forces meant not depending on them, but the Talent God Stone was more beneficial than harmful.

With a negligible cost and no harm to the future, it provided a very helpful talent.

That was naturally a good thing.

At that time, Antares had said that some people didn't even use the Talent God Stone, wanting to awaken their talent on their own.

It was said that self-awakened talents were stronger than those obtained through the Talent God Stone.

But this claim had not been confirmed, and that person had not been able to awaken their talent on their own.

The third transformation only happens once, and the opportunity to awaken a talent also only happens once, with no chance to redo it.

So overall, using the Talent God Stone was still better.

Lin Moyu remembered this but had a different view.

He had a system, which rarely appeared.

But every time it did, it played a huge role.

Integrating skills, integrating talents, the system only did these two things.

The system's existence was a secret Lin Moyu would never tell anyone.

Antares didn't know either, and Lin Moyu had his own ideas.

His ideal state was to awaken a talent on his own and then obtain another talent through the Talent God Stone.

Then, if the system could integrate the two talents, he might get a god-level talent.

This was Lin Moyu's vision of the perfect state.

Thoughts flashed by, and these ideas passed in an instant.

Lin Moyu's imagination was beautiful, and he couldn't help but smile.

Antares found it strange; the job change hadn't even started, so why was this guy smiling?

Lin Moyu's aura surged wildly, starting to rise violently.

All his energy began to rush towards the sky like a riot, forming a pillar of seven-colored light.

Then soul energy also merged in, making the energy even more intense.

The vast energy seemed to trigger some kind of law in the world, using the law to activate Lin Moyu's job change.

Originally, this should have been done by a formation, but now Lin Moyu was using his own power to trigger it. The difficulty difference was enormous.

Using a formation to trigger the descent of the law, the law acts on the formation and then transmits to the job changer.

This added a conversion process, causing some loss, and the effect was not as good as directly triggering the descent of the law with one's own power. This was what Antares meant by relying on external forces.

Lin Moyu's power continued to rise.

He believed that no job changer, upon reaching level 70, would have attributes and energy as powerful as his.

Especially his soul power, which was incomparable.

With the combination of the two, if he couldn't trigger the descent of the law, it would mean this path was too difficult to follow.

Antares also watched Lin Moyu, eyes filled with anticipation, "Even in ancient times, among the strongest, few could trigger the descent of the law with their own power."

"Sorry, I lied to you. They indeed didn't rely on external forces, but they had predecessors helping to trigger the law."

"But if you want to become the strongest, the strongest super god, or even reach higher levels, you must do it this way."

Antares had no intention of helping; if it did, it would be harming Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu's whole body shone brightly, the light piercing the sky as if to break through it.

All attributes seemed to be converging at this moment, and in his soul, the two skill star cores also burst into brilliant light, releasing soul energy to help their master.


The Divine Cauldron, which had been silent, suddenly made a light sound.

A ray of light descended from the sky!

The law roared!
