

Chapter 484: Even If Revived, It Wouldn't Be Me

**[Electric Element Immunity Permanently Increased by 1%]**

Lin Moyu held a piece of Electric Element Essence in his hand and activated it with his mental power. The Electric Element Essence immediately flowed into his body like water, and he received a notification.

Although it only increased by 1%, Lin Moyu was very satisfied. After all, his current electric element immunity was already at 80%, and the upper limit was 90%. Increasing it by 10% was quite difficult.

The Electric Element Essence contained extremely pure electric elements, which Lin Moyu sensed were much purer than those in Lightning Gems. If someone without any electric element immunity used it, it could directly increase their electric element immunity to over 50%.

However, the closer one gets to the upper limit, the harder it is to increase immunity. Unless there is a treasure similar to the Poison God Stone, which can instantly reach 80%, the ordinary person's upper limit.

The first piece of Electric Element Essence increased his electric element immunity by 1%, bringing it to 81%. It took two more pieces to reach 82%. The closer to the upper limit, the harder it was to increase.

It took three more pieces to reach 83%, with the demand continuously increasing. Fortunately, there was enough Electric Element Essence in the cave, and Lin Moyu collected and activated them as he walked.

Soon, his electric element immunity reached 90%, once again hitting the upper limit. To break this limit again, he would need a special opportunity.

However, Lin Moyu had a faint feeling that the opportunity might be ahead. Although he had reached the upper limit of electric element immunity, he didn't hesitate to collect more Electric Element Essence.

Even though Electric Element Essence had no specific levels, in the eyes of many, it was comparable to legendary treasures. The electric elements in the cave had accumulated for countless years to form these essences, and now Lin Moyu was taking them all.

The cave wasn't very long, just over a thousand meters. Soon, he reached the end. By then, Lin Moyu had collected over 500 pieces of Electric Element Essence in his storage space. The value of these alone was immeasurable.

At the other end of the cave, Lin Moyu saw a huge cavern inside the mountain. The cavern was filled with dense lightning, but it was still silent. Lightning flowed silently in the cavern, with electric snakes everywhere, flowing like water.

Lin Moyu swallowed and murmured, "As expected."

"It's really the Thunder God's Palace."

His voice disappeared as soon as it was spoken. Sound couldn't be transmitted here. All sounds vanished, maintaining absolute silence.

He saw a majestic palace. The palace was the source of all the lightning. Whether it was this cave or the entire Burial Thunder Valley, the Thunder God's Palace was the source.

Lin Moyu knew he wasn't mistaken. The Thunder God's Palace had a special mark, a Thunder God's Sword. He also had an identical Thunder God's Sword in his hand.

**[Thunder God's Sword: The sword of the Thunder God, the key to the Thunder God's Palace!]**

When he obtained the Thunder God's Sword, he knew it was the key to the Thunder God's Palace. But no one knew where the Thunder God's Palace was. No one would have thought it was in the deadly Burial Thunder Valley.

Lin Moyu arrived at the entrance of the Thunder God's Palace, where the door was tightly closed. In front of the door was a Thunder Stone with a notch. Lin Moyu understood and inserted the Thunder God's Sword into the notch.

The Thunder God's Sword immediately burst into brilliant electric light, reflecting the lightning in the air. For a moment, the entire cavern became a sea of lightning. Lin Moyu stood in the sea of lightning, letting the lightning fall on him without any reaction.

As the holder of the Thunder God's Sword, the lightning not only didn't harm him but also felt welcoming. Lin Moyu indeed felt emotions from the lightning. The electric elements seemed to be welcoming him, excited and joyful.

The palace door slowly opened in the lightning, and Lin Moyu stepped inside. The palace had been sealed for countless years and finally welcomed a new guest.

The Thunder God, like the Poison God, was a mid-level deity. In the legends, the Thunder God was even more powerful than the Poison God. The Thunder God's strength was very close to that of a high-level deity.

Lin Moyu had seen the Thunder God's shadow before; it had died at the hands of the King of Wild Beasts. At that time, Lin Moyu had sighed. The history of that time had been buried by time, and no one knew what had happened between the deities and the wild beasts.

Perhaps in the Thunder God's Palace, he could find the answer. The palace wasn't large, with only simple furnishings. Everything here was made of electric elements. After countless years, only elements could remain intact; anything else would have decayed over time.

Passing through the front hall, Lin Moyu arrived at the main hall. He saw a missing corner in the main hall, feeling the aura of past battles. He realized that a battle had taken place in the Thunder God's Palace.

"Did someone attack the palace?"

Lin Moyu thought to himself. Entering the main hall, he saw a corpse.

"A deity's corpse!"

It was the corpse of the Thunder God, just like the Poison God's corpse. Despite countless years, the corpse remained intact. The dense lightning wrapped around the corpse like armor, flowing slowly.

Only the forehead was free of lightning, leaving a small space. Under this space, on the forehead, was a small grass mark. Lin Moyu understood and took out the Electric Grass, placing it on the mark.

**[Electric Grass: Can be used to awaken the Thunder God]**

The Electric Grass was absorbed by the Thunder God, and lightning emerged from the forehead, merging with the lightning covering the body. In an instant, the lightning surged, and Lin Moyu quickly took two steps back.

The Thunder God's corpse slowly awakened in the lightning. Lin Moyu watched nervously, unsure if what he was doing was right or wrong. If the Thunder God had ill intentions towards him, he would be doomed.

Facing a true deity, his lich self-destruction might not work. Perhaps detonating the Poison God's corpse was the only way. Lin Moyu had been moved by the loneliness of the Thunder God's Sword and had promised to awaken its master if he had the chance.

Now he had fulfilled his promise. But at the same time, Lin Moyu was prepared. If the Thunder God had ill intentions, he would fight to the death, even if it meant killing a god.

Under Lin Moyu's watchful eyes, the Thunder God slowly rose, and the lightning began to gather at the forehead. Soon, the lightning disappeared, revealing the true form of the Thunder God.

"A woman?"

Lin Moyu was slightly stunned, not expecting the Thunder God to be female. She was tall and looked no different from a human. Two pairs of lightning wings gently moved on her back, very beautiful.

Outside the Thunder God's Palace, the Thunder God's Sword turned into electric light and flew into her hand. Lin Moyu was extremely vigilant, ready to act at any moment.

The Thunder God held the Thunder God's Sword, gently stroking it, and opened her eyes. Lin Moyu was stunned; her eyes were filled with unimaginable loneliness. It was a loneliness that couldn't be described in words, as if all her friends and family had left, leaving her alone in the world.

The feeling of loneliness spread through the palace, affecting Lin Moyu. He realized that the loneliness of the Thunder God's Sword came from this. He also understood why there was no sound here. It was because the Thunder God didn't like to talk, so all sounds were erased.

The Thunder God, with a look of reminiscence, gently stroked the Thunder God's Sword like an old friend. "Thank you, young human."

The voice directly sounded in Lin Moyu's mind. The Thunder God didn't speak but communicated through mental power. Lin Moyu did the same, "I promised the Thunder God's Sword to awaken its master."

"This is my closest comrade. Seeing it again before I die, I have no regrets!"

Lin Moyu was shocked, "Aren't you alive?"

"Alive?" The Thunder God slowly raised her head to look at Lin Moyu, "This is just a remnant soul attached to the Electric Grass. My soul was destroyed in that great battle long ago."

Lin Moyu instinctively asked, "Can't you be revived? I know it's hard for deities to die."

The Thunder God shook her head, "It's too difficult. Even if revived, it wouldn't be me. What's the point of revival?"

"That battle was too cruel. All my preparations were in vain."

"I'm not afraid of death, but I regret dying too late."

"My comrades are gone, my kin are dead, only I was left..."

"Seeing the Thunder God's Sword one last time is enough."

The loneliness was tinged with sadness, but also a bit of relief. It was clear that the Thunder God had no fear of death. Lin Moyu asked, "Was it the King of Wild Beasts who killed you?"

The Thunder God chuckled, "Sort of, but not exactly."

"Young human, how is the world outside now?"
