

Chapter 447: Mysterious Green Pool

Lin Moyu had never truly understood the lower space. 

Meng Anwen and Bai Yiyuan also thought it was too early, so they never mentioned the lower space to Lin Moyu.

The lower space is somewhat different from the upper space.

The world of the lower space is composed of several continents.

Between each continent, there are either boundless oceans or endless voids.

To travel from one continent to another, various methods are needed.

There are powerful sea monsters in the ocean, and flying monsters in the air.

Some endless voids are even forbidden zones where flying is impossible.

The environment of the lower space is far more harsh and complex than the upper space.

According to Meng Anwen's sensing, Lin Moyu is currently on a continent called the Wild Continent.

This place is a paradise for monsters, with bosses everywhere and terrifying monsters in abundance.

Generally, top-level professionals above level 70 wouldn't come here.

Only some top-tier professionals would team up to venture here, hunt bosses, and collect equipment.

Even with Lin Moyu's strength, if he gets caught in it, the danger is not small.

That's why Bai Yiyuan is so anxious.

His first thought was to go to the deep space, find a space-time passage in the deep space, go to the lower space, and then rush to the Wild Continent to find Lin Moyu.

Meng Anwen looked at Bai Yiyuan and didn't move.

Bai Yiyuan, anxious, urged, "What are you standing there for? Set up the teleportation!"

Meng Anwen shook his head and sighed, "Why are you in such a hurry? Even if you go, it won't help. Listen to me, there's no need to go."

Bai Yiyuan stared blankly at Meng Anwen, "Why?"

Meng Anwen said, "You're too worried. Don't forget, Xiaoyu went to the Ancient Battlefield to make a deal with that person, to deliver something for the Righteous God."

"Think about it, why did Xiaoyu end up in the lower space? It must be that person who sent him there."

"This must be part of a deal between the two. Let me ask you, do you and I have the ability to send Xiaoyu to the lower space?"

Lin Moyu is only level 50 now, and theoretically, it's impossible for him to enter the lower space.

Even Meng Anwen and Bai Yiyuan don't have the ability to send him there.

The only one who can do this is the old man from the Creation God Academy.

Bai Yiyuan instinctively shook his head; he indeed couldn't do it.

Meng Anwen said, "Since that's the case, the answer is clear. Xiaoyu didn't accidentally enter the lower space. So you don't need to worry about Xiaoyu's safety. With that person around, Xiaoyu will be fine."

"Even if you go, you might not be able to bring Xiaoyu back, and you might even upset that person."

"Do you understand?"

Meng Anwen's analysis was so thorough that Bai Yiyuan couldn't help but understand.

Meng Anwen convinced Bai Yiyuan and calmed him down.

Although he still felt uneasy, at least he wouldn't act rashly.

It must be said that Meng Anwen's analysis was very logical and made perfect sense.

But this time, his analysis was wrong.

Bai Yiyuan asked, "Why do you think the Righteous God asked Xiaoyu to deliver that bead?"

Meng Anwen chuckled, "What else? To be resurrected, of course."

"The Righteous God was level 98, a half-step super-god, comparable to the old man."

"If he wants to be resurrected, even the old man can't do it."

The only one who can resurrect a half-step super-god is that person.

Meng Anwen said, "Perhaps soon, our human race will have another half-step super-god. Whether this is good or bad remains to be seen."

Bai Yiyuan pondered for a moment, "Overall, it should be a good thing. At least the strength of the human race will increase significantly. Having one more half-step super-god is more useful than having ten god-level experts."

"Let's hope so," Meng Anwen sighed.

Ancient Battlefield, lower space, Wild Continent.

Lin Moyu didn't know the name of his location.

He left the territory of the Great Leaf Mother Tree, avoiding the flying python that had soared away.

He realized that the area he was in was unusual and extremely unsafe.

He concealed all his presence and moved cautiously.

The area was filled with rocks, with small rocks taller than a person and large rocks as high as small mountains, over a hundred meters tall.

They weren't mountains but massive rocks.

The shapes of the rocks were bizarre, with some having sharp ends like swords piercing the ground, while the other end pointed straight to the sky.

In between, they were bulging and fat.

Some monsters lived here, and Lin Moyu had seen a few from a distance.

He avoided them whenever possible.

Most of these monsters were snake-like, and Lin Moyu feared that killing the small ones would attract the big ones.

Just like with the Great Leaf Dwarf Trees, killing them had attracted the Great Leaf Mother Tree.

At this moment, he missed the purification potion.

These monsters were sensitive to presence, and Lin Moyu had almost been discovered several times.

It wasn't that he was seen, but his presence was sensed.

If he had the purification potion to cleanse all the foreign odors from his body, it would be much better.

Lin Moyu moved through the rocks, his mental energy flowing outward like water, allowing him to detect the presence of monsters and avoid them in time.

The temperature was gradually rising.

Previously, in the territory of the Great Leaf Dwarf Trees, the temperature was very low, not exceeding 10 degrees.

Now, it was at least above 20 degrees and rising as he moved forward.

In the distance, Lin Moyu saw wisps of light green smoke slowly rising into the sky, forming a column of gas.

The gas column formed a green cloud in mid-air, lingering for a long time.

A slightly fishy smell began to permeate the air.

The fishy smell seemed to mask Lin Moyu's foreign scent, greatly reducing his presence and the likelihood of being discovered.

Lin Moyu was considering whether to go over.

An unusual environment must have unusual occurrences.

Lin Moyu didn't know if going over would be safe or more dangerous.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Lin Moyu decided to take a look.

But he wouldn't go himself; he would send a skeleton.

A Skeleton Berserker appeared silently beside him and then ran towards the source of the green smoke.

Through the perspective of the Skeleton Berserker, although it couldn't compare to seeing with his own eyes, he could at least get a general sense.

The Skeleton Berserker's unavoidable clattering immediately attracted the attention of some monsters.

The monsters here were all snakes, with no other types.

They varied in size, thickness, and length, with different species.

Many monsters emerged from under rocks, corners, and crevices upon hearing the sound, following the Skeleton Berserker.

It looked like the Skeleton Berserker was leading a group of monsters.

The Skeleton Berserker ran quickly, ignoring the snakes chasing it.

It faithfully executed Lin Moyu's command to head towards the source of the green smoke.

Lin Moyu suddenly saw something unexpected.

Many of the snakes chasing the Skeleton Berserker suddenly stopped.

As the Skeleton Berserker got closer to the green smoke, more and more snakes stopped.

Lin Moyu noticed that the smallest snakes were the first to stop.

The larger the snake, the later it stopped.

The snakes stopped but still stared at the Skeleton Berserker, not moving forward.

"It seems the smaller the snake, the more it fears the green smoke."

"There seems to be a clear hierarchy."

Lin Moyu couldn't use the detection skill, so he could only judge by size.

Generally, the larger the size, the higher the level and the stronger the strength.

The stronger the strength, the closer they could get to the green smoke.

Lin Moyu became more curious about what was in the green smoke that made these snakes afraid to approach. If he could reach the green smoke, wouldn't he be able to escape these snakes?

Through the Skeleton Berserker's perspective, he finally saw the green smoke.

At this point, only two snakes were still chasing it.

These two snakes were over ten meters long, giants among the snake group.

If they were bosses, it wouldn't be surprising, but for ordinary monsters to be so huge was quite unusual.

The green smoke was rising from a pool, with bubbles constantly forming and releasing green smoke.

Upon seeing the green smoke, the Skeleton Berserker was suddenly covered in a green hue and took some damage.


Lin Moyu was slightly surprised.

The Skeleton Berserker was poisoned, and the poison was quite strong.

The last two giant snakes also stopped.

They didn't want to get close to the green pool, stopping just before the point where they would be poisoned.

It seemed there was an invisible line separating the poisonous and non-poisonous areas.

The Skeleton Berserker was already poisoned and couldn't be recalled.

Fortunately, with the Comprehensive Connection talent, the damage taken by the Skeleton Berserker was shared by all the undead.

In the short term, it wouldn't be in much danger.

Lin Moyu let it continue to approach, wanting to see more clearly.

In this rocky area, a green pool filled with poison seemed mysterious and unusual.