

Book Chapter 285 - You've done it again, killing the Black Devil Dragon.

Outside the duplicate, the band of light remained. Lin

A gust of wind blew, and Lin Moyu and Mu Jianlian stood in the wind, both a little dazed.

"Why? There's no one. No humans, no demons, no dragons."

A light fell from the sky, and Mo Yun flew down, quickly talking to Lin Moyu about what had just happened. The fact that such a thing would happen was completely beyond Lin Moyu's expectations. Just for getting into the copy by himself, while slipping in a bunch of human teams after him. Causing the balance of the three races outside of the replica to be completely interrupted. Eventually, everyone stops beating the crap out of each other and all go into the replica ~ to fight the demon dragon.

Lin Moyu whispered, "It's a good thing I just -didn't- take you in." Mo Yun realized the -meaning of Lin Moyu's words after careful thought. If you go in by yourself, it could be dangerous.

Mo Rhyme whispered, "Well, you're fast following every. Day! More, New here? Since the little. Said the group. () Continue brushing it, the [Demon Dragon Hall] copy will disappear at any time."

"Okay, you be safe out there." Lin Moyu took out the Advanced Cooldown Amulet given by Bai Yi Yuan and directly reset the cooldown time for the two of them. The Advanced Cooling Amulet is for the [Temple of the Magic Dragon]. Compared to low-level cooldown amulets, high-level cooldown amulets can be used a full 100 times. The two of them, he and Mu Jianlian, can also use it together and repeat the brush 50 times. After both of them have cooled down, they enter the copy again.

Just as I entered the copy, I heard a roar. In front of him was a high mountain, pitch-black as hell. A boulder happened to roll down the high hill, raising a large cloud of smoke. Mu Jianlian swallowed, "It's the Black Demon Dragon." "The hardest to fight of all the Demon Dragons known to exist in the Demon Dragon Hall." "Shall we switch?" Lin Moyu thought for a moment, "Play through it." It's not in his character to say change without having played. What's more, Lin Moyu had her own plans. Mu Jianlian listened to Lin Moyu very well, "Last time, we used a total of 33 minutes, I don't know how long it will take this time." Lin Moyu said, "It will be much faster this time!" With that, he had run off.

The second time he swiped, knowing the situation of the Magic Dragon Hall, Lin Moyu began to let himself go again. A dark, huge cave without a single bit of light. The Black Demon Dragon was known as one of the strongest BOSSes in the Hall of Demon Dragons, and Lin Moyu was eager to see it. The last time I fought the Ice Demon Dragon, it took a total of 33 minutes, of which more than 20 minutes were spent on rushing. It actually took about 10 minutes to actually fight the Ice Demon Dragon. This time, Lin Moyu ran so fast that he was close to using his skeleton back. It only took 6 minutes to run to the end of the dragon cave and see the black magic dragon lying on the ground. There was little light in the cavern, and the soul flame burned in his palm, becoming the only source of light. Looking through the soul flames, the Black Demon Dragon was even more hideous and terrifying. Its size was clearly larger than the Ice Demon Dragon. It is estimated to be over 40 meters in height and over 70 meters in length. The tail, like black ink, is poured with sharp barbs. The dragon scales on his body emitted a black oily luster and were very sturdy. The arrival of Lin Moyu and Mu Jianlian caused it to awaken. It didn't put a small insignificant person like Lin Moyu in its eyes, and there was a provocation in its eyes. A hot breath came out of his nose, and a hurricane of wind whistled in the dragon's cave. Lin Moyu responded to its provocation with an action. Legions of undead instantly appeared and simultaneously attacked towards it. The Skeleton Mage's attack arrived first, and Lin Moyu's Detection spell was mixed in.

[Black Devil Dragon (Inferno Class Leader)]

[Rank: 56]

[Power: 150,000]

[Agility: 60,000]

[Spirit: 40,000]

[Body mass: 200,000]

[Skills: Earthquake Explosion, Dragon Tail Sweep, Mad Rush]

[Characteristics: Elemental damage reduced by 80%, Physical damage reduced by 80%, Curse effects greatly reduced, Life Force greatly increased.]

It was also a level 56 Hell Class BOSS with 10,000 more total attributes than the Ice Demon Dragon, reaching 450,000. Although the total attributes were only 10,000 more, the distribution of attributes was completely different from the Ice Demon Dragon.

The Black Demon Dragon's strength was as high as 150,000, and its physique was even higher at 200,000. With dual immunity to elemental and physical damage, up to 80%, it was another high offense and high defense boss. This, coupled with its skill, meant that it was highly likely to kill skeletons in seconds. In the battle with the Ice Demon Dragon, the Skeleton Warriors lost over 150 of them. This time, it wasn't a good idea to mess up and lose a lot of money. With a slight chill, Lin Moyu made his decision.

Just as he was about to make his move, the Black Demon Dragon's eyes suddenly flashed with a reddish light. Lin Moyu looked at him with palpitation, as if something bad was about to happen. Sure enough, the black dragon charged at the skeleton warrior with a roar. It didn't fly, it clearly had wings, it just didn't fly, instead, it was charging across the ground with its wings tucked in. The entire body was glowing with black light, which wrapped around it like a relentless fortress crushing over.

Skill: mad dash! Lin Moyu tried to retrieve the Skeleton Warrior, but it was still a step too late. Batches of Skeleton Warriors were knocked away, and a portion of Skeleton Warriors suffered crushing head-on. Messages were constantly coming in about skeleton warriors being dead. Lin Moyu was completely numb. This guy doesn't talk about martial arts, ah, directly using skills, and the skills are so powerful.

The Black Demon Dragon performed a mad dash and charged into the middle of the Skeleton Warriors with an invincible crushing force. Suddenly, he stopped. There was another flash of light in his eyes, and the dragon's feet stepped heavily on the ground.

Skill: Great Earthquake Explosion. The dragon cave shook violently. "No good!" Lin Moyu was shocked in his heart and immediately ordered to retrieve the Skeleton Warriors. Another step too late, the Skeleton Warrior had been attacked by Mo and was unable to retrieve it. The attack came from the earth. The earth roared, and terrifying energies swept out, even more terrifying than the crazy rush just now. I don't know how many skeletons are going to die in this wave. Estimates are in the thousands. "Spell it out!" Lin Moyu ruthlessly gritted his teeth, the soldier character on the back of his hand glittered, and the [Strong Soldier] skill was instantly launched.

---- Request Flowers ---- -------- The Undead Legion attributes increased wildly. With his powerful attributes, he hardened himself against the Black Demon Attack's skill attacks. Against the attacks, the Skeleton Warriors have counterattacked. The Skeleton Mages also attacked frantically. Lin Moyu's Damage Curse skill answered the call. The Witchfinder General, on the other hand, healed with all his might.

Mu Jianlian flew out at this time. "Come back, don't you want to die!" Lin Moyu shouted. Her Total Defense cooldown hadn't ended yet, and charging up now would be attacked head-on by the Black Demon Dragon. Skeletal armor doesn't always carry the day. Mu Jianlian was as if she hadn't heard, the fire of wariness was burning in her eyes. The Combat Instinct talent had been fully activated, allowing her to see a different picture. The Black Demon Dragon's skill attack was not without a dead end. As she ran, Mu Jianlian was looking for gaps to go through. She hadn't been attacked once until she ran up to the black magic dragon. This time it was Lin Moyu's turn to be shocked. The gift of fighting instincts was surprisingly strong to this extent.

Mu Jianlian threw out fireworks and embellished the black magic dragon into a glittering dragon. The Black Demon Dragon's hatred instantly focused on Mu Jianlian, and with a wail, the dragon's tail swept over with incredible speed.

Skill: Dragon Tail Sweep! Although Mu Jianlian had fighting instincts, the Black Demon Dragon's skills were too fast to dodge. She simply didn't dodge and slammed her giant hammer towards the black demon dragon's tail. The only combat skill used, Stun.

With a bang, Mu Jianlian flew out backwards and hit the cave wall. Large cracks appear in the skeleton armor. Lin Moyu looked on, relieved. As long as the skeleton armor was still there, Mu Jianlian couldn't die. Then he froze, the Black Demon Dragon had gone into a stunned state. The stun skill is in effect again. "What luck is this!" Five seconds of time, especially five seconds in the Strong Soldier state, could completely determine the life and death of the Black Demon Dragon. Even though it is immune to 80% of damage. But it still couldn't carry the geometrically increasing attacks. Lin Moyu is likewise in the attack sequence. The soul flames were released at top speed. The Skull Warrior's skills exploded wildly. The same goes for the skeleton mage. The entire army of undead, within five seconds, poured all of their attacks onto the Black Demon Dragon. As strong as it was, it was still just a level 56 hellish boss. Even the strongest life force has its limits. Without waiting for the stun time to end, it had already collapsed with a reluctant yelp.

Mu Jianlian flew back and happily shouted, "Killed, killed." Lin Moyu smiled slightly, "You've taken credit again." Mu Jianlian laughed cheekily, "I'm very powerful."

[Kill Black Magic Dragon, experience +5600000]

[Obtaining Dragon King Voucher]

[Get Dragon Crystal *6

[Dragon Crystal *6 obtained through Collecting Arts]

[Dragon King Voucher: A voucher to enter the copy of [Dragon King Hall] located in the lower level of the ancient battlefield].