

Chapter 278 Protecting Lin Moyu!

Ever since the [Ancient Earth Dragon] left, the light outside the instance also disappeared. Lin

Everything returned to silence.

Outside, people were waiting, each on high alert.

Until there was a faint distortion in space, and two figures appeared at the entrance of the instance.

"They're coming out!"


Amidst the harsh shouts, the Abyssal Demons and Dragons attacked simultaneously.

From leaving the instance to the end of the teleportation, it took about two seconds.

Two seconds might be short, but it was enough to launch a wave of attacks.

A point of light exploded in the air, and instantly a huge barrier appeared, enveloping everyone within it.

Abyssal Demons were skilled in barriers, with both skills and various props.

Inside the barrier, even high-level random teleportation symbols were of no use.

Lin Moyu must die; this was the consensus reached by the two races.

"Protect Lin Moyu!"

In the moment they attacked, Jiang Hanshan also roared.

Hundreds of human professionals were prepared long ago and charged without hesitation.

Leading the charge was Jiang Hanshan himself.

He initiated the charge skill and rushed to the front of the instance.

Skill: Group Protection!

A sturdy shield with a soft glow appeared, blocking the first wave of attacks in the nick of time.

Giant fireballs and meteors fell from the sky, and not just one.

There were over twenty dragon mages present, all attacking simultaneously, and each meteor was extremely powerful.

Arrows rained down densely, covering a large area.

Abyssal Demons scattered a large amount of abyssal power, like a myriad of swords, causing intense explosions.

Human professionals charged through the attacks.

Mages and archers had already launched ranged attacks directly at the demons and dragons.

But Abyssal Demons and Dragons could fly, putting humans at a disadvantage.

Jiang Hanshan faced hundreds of attacks at the same time, and his shield shattered.

The second barrier appeared instantly, taking over his work.

Garland Night Rain arrived, just half a second slower.

Meteors fell, and the barrier didn't last a second before shattering again.

The two looked at each other and raised their shields, each protecting Lin Moyu and Mu Jianlian.

No matter what, they had to protect each other.

A bright light suddenly appeared on both of them.

Skeleton armor appeared on them, blocking all attacks.

Lin Moyu's voice sounded, "Thank you."

Jiang Hanshan chuckled, "It's what I should do."

He knew that as long as he helped Lin Moyu block the first wave of attacks, the outcome of this battle was already determined.

He was clear, but the Abyssal Demons and Dragons were not.

They were still shouting loudly.

"He's out, kill him."

"We can't let him take the Heart of the Earth back."

"He must die; not a single human here can be spared, kill them all."

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Lin Moyu's mouth as he said to Jiang Hanshan, "Let them come down."

Jiang Hanshan nodded and immediately shouted, "Spatial Restraint!"

The shadow mage in Jiang Hanshan's team raised his staff high, and a beam of light shot out and exploded in the air.

In an instant, a spatial restraint field formed, and the Abyssal Demons and Dragons fell from the sky in terror.

"Not good, they have mages who can use spatial restraint skills!"

"So what if they have spatial restraint? We can still kill them after landing."

"Spatial restraint is time-limited, at most one minute. Everyone, don't worry!"

The two races shouted frantically, without any fear.

Suddenly, one undead army after another appeared on the ground.

Thirteen undead legions, totaling 4,290 skeletons, appeared with a strong killing intent.

"How is this possible?"

"How could he have so many summons? This is simply an army."

"Now I understand why he can level up so quickly; it's all about quantity."

"Hold on; the spatial restraint only lasts for one minute. As long as we hold on, we'll be fine."

By now, the Abyssal Demons and Dragons finally understood how Lin Moyu was clearing instances.

Less than 40 minutes, and he cleared an instance.

It wasn't about taking shortcuts; it was about real strength.

But now, it was too late for anything.

They couldn't hold on for one minute.

And Lin Moyu wouldn't give them a chance.

The Abyssal Demons and Dragons fell into the cold embrace of the undead army.

A heat surged on Lin Moyu's back and suddenly exploded.

Skill: Strong Soldiers!

A dazzling light fell, and all skeletons collectively strengthened.

Along with the Strong Soldiers, Mu Jianlian's Group Collection Art was also activated.

A brilliant firework exploded in the air, and most of the Abyssal Demons and Dragons were covered by the fireworks, shining brightly in the eyes.

"What's this..."

"Why is it shining..."

Amidst their puzzled voices, the attacks of skeleton warriors and skeleton mages had already landed.

The skill eruption of the skeleton warriors caused terrifying damage in that instant

On the battlefield, screams resounded one after another.

Then they were engulfed by the spells of the skeleton mages.

In just a few seconds, the battlefield fell silent.

Under the effect of the [Strong Soldiers] skill, even the explosion of corpses was spared.

The strength of the skeleton warriors had completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

The first time the [Strong Soldiers] skill was used, it directly killed the Abyssal Fire Spirit.

Not to mention these ordinary demons and dragons.

Just as Jiang Hanshan had thought, when Lin Moyu took action, the outcome was already predetermined.

Continuous information popped up on Lin Moyu's side.

A large number of kill messages, a large amount of experience, a large number of military merits.

There were over 300 Abyssal Demons and Dragons present.

And all of them were above level 50.

Each person received 2,000 military merits.

A total of nearly 700,000 military merits.

He and Mu Jianlian split these military merits.

The military badge on both of their shoulders was shining brightly.

A star appeared on Lin Moyu's colonel badge.

Promoted to one-star colonel.

At this moment, Mu Jianlian's three-star lieutenant badge also changed magnificently, becoming a colonel, but it still didn't have any stars.

Mu Jianlian didn't feel excited about her promotion to colonel; instead, she said to Lin Moyu, "Wow, you've been promoted."

A white light emanated from Lin Moyu's body; he had been promoted.

Even after clearing several instances and facing so many Abyssal Demons and Dragons, he managed to level up.

Even though he teamed up with Mu Jianlian, received half the experience, he still managed to level up.

After level 30, most professionals needed two or three months to level up.

From just under level 31 to now level 34, it had only been over 20 days since Lin Moyu had loosened up and started fighting monsters.

This speed was already considered very fast.

Not only did he level up, but Lin Moyu also found that his Corpse Explosion skill had also leveled up.

It had reached level 5.

[Corpse Explosion (Level 5), detonate corpses, dealing damage equal to 30% of the corpse's health to enemies within a 5-meter radius.]

After talent amplification, the skill's killing range reached 200 meters, and the damage reached 12 times the corpse's health.

Lin Moyu felt that as long as he had enough corpses, he could completely devastate the Abyss.

This thought was extinguished the moment it appeared; he thought of the core area.

There were simply no corpses there, so what's the point?

He also couldn't bring corpses into the core area.

After death, the corpses would lose their vitality in just over ten minutes.

By then, they would be useless.

To unleash the maximum power of Corpse Explosion, fresh corpses were needed.

The skeletons began to strip the equipment from the dragon race professionals.

Dragon race professionals always brought a lot of things, and even if the human race couldn't use them directly, they could be recycled for materials.

Lin Moyu looked at the massive amount of information, curiosity gleaming in his eyes.

".~So Group Collection Art is useful against demons too."

Killing demons.

[Through Group Collection Art, obtained Demon Core Fragments.]

[Demon Core Fragments: After use, can be shrouded in demon aura for one hour.]

[Through Group Collection Art, obtained Low-Level Dragon Race Essence.]

[Low-Level Dragon Race Essence: Can be made into potions by alchemists, and used by blacksmiths and alchemists when making battlefield equipment.]

At first glance, Demon Core Fragments didn't seem very useful.

Being shrouded in demon aura.

But upon careful thought, Lin Moyu knew the purpose of these materials.

If one day he rushed into the Abyss alone, he might need them.

Usually, killing demons, regardless of their level, only yielded demon blood.

Unexpectedly, through Group Collection Art, he could also obtain Demon Core Fragments.

And Low-Level Dragon Race Essence.

Different from the dragon monsters killed in the Elemental Battlefield instance.

After Lin Moyu entered the Ancient Battlefield, he killed these dragon race professionals and didn't receive any items.

Still thought they wouldn't drop anything; it seems they still need Group Collection Art to obtain them [Zhao Wang's].

Lin Moyu realized that rare legendary professionals like Mu Jianlian had a role not only in instances but also on the battlefield.

In the human team, except for Jiang Hanshan and others, everyone else was stunned.

Clearly, it was quite a significant battle, but how did it end in the blink of an eye?

What skill did Lin Moyu use? How did his skeletons suddenly become so powerful?

Not only were there more of them, but they were also stronger; otherwise, it wouldn't have been possible to end the battle in just a few seconds.

Suddenly, someone pointed at Lin Moyu and shouted, "It's the light of the Primeval Rune."

"That's right, it's the light of the Primeval Rune. Look closely at the back of his left hand; there's a tail of the Primeval Rune."

"No wonder, every Primeval Rune is very powerful. If used properly, it can explode with tens or even hundreds of times the combat power in a short time."

"I envy him. He's only level 33... Oh no, now he's level 34. He's only level 34 and can obtain the Primeval Rune."

"I envy him too. I've been in the Ancient Battlefield for a few years, and I haven't even seen the shadow of a Primeval Rune."

"Heh, even if you saw it, could you keep it?"

People were discussing one after another, looking at Lin Moyu with admiration.

Over 300 Abyssal Demons and Dragons of at least level 50 were easily killed like this.

Even with the help of the Primeval Rune, it was enough to prove Lin Moyu's own strength