

Book Chapter 1645 Familiar Taste, Complete Ancient Symbol

The shark sigil beast charged forward, but the golden-armored sigil of the death knight gleamed brightly and blocked it. Lin

Time was still too short, and the golden-armored sigil hadn't covered every member of the undead legion.

Lin Moyu ordered the death knights already equipped with the golden-armored sigil to stand at the front as shields.

"Pull it out!"

At Lin Moyu's command, the death knights exerted force together and forcibly pulled the shark sigil beast out of the water.

Meanwhile, a shriek came from the sky.

A massive skeletal dragon had completely surrounded the giant bird/raven sigil beast, leaving it no chance to escape.

With the help of the golden-armored sigil, it blocked the sigil beast's breakthroughs time and again.

The legion ruler attacked with full force, slashing down continuously.

Screams filled the air.

Lin Moyu knew the battle was decided. Facing such a scale of encirclement and killing, even a true god would struggle to escape death.

Not to mention the two sigil beasts; their fate was already sealed.

Finally, just two minutes later, the two sigil beasts let out a final roar before falling silent.


A black and a golden beam of light shot up into the sky.

The entire secret realm began to shake, and countless tornadoes appeared in the sea, spreading across the entire surface in an instant.

Tornadoes lifted masses of seawater into the sky, dispersing the clouds.

Lightning vanished, and the golden rain ceased.

Lin Moyu saw the firmament clearly, along with a corner of the ancient symbol beyond it.

At this moment, numerous golden sigils appeared in the sky, and Lin Moyu felt their power.

They were shields, protecting the firmament.

"After the shark sigil beast died, the layers dispersed."

"After the giant bird/raven sigil beast died, it turned into golden sigils."

"It seems that without breaking the golden sigils, the firmament can't be shattered."

Lin Moyu was not worried. Although the ancient symbol was strong, a secret realm evolved from a corner of it had limited power.

The legion ruler retrieved his legion into the star river of laws and once again commanded the entire legion's power:

They charged into the sky, touching the firmament, and fiercely attacked the golden sigils protecting it.

The legion ruler's attacks were incredibly fierce, with 200 blades, each strike as powerful as a god's.

The firmament roared and trembled.

The golden sigils weakened at a visible speed. Book

Lin Moyu smiled; this mere firmament couldn't stop him. Lin

Finally, the golden sigils collapsed, and the legion ruler faced the firmament directly. Text

The war blade fell on the firmament, piercing through it. School

A single strike was ineffective; the firmament remained intact. Head

Lin Moyu was slightly stunned; the firmament was soft. Issue

He tried a few more strikes, and it was the same.

The war blade could pass through the firmament, but it couldn't damage it.

He then tried to have the legion ruler pass through the firmament, but it was impossible; the body couldn't pass through.

Weapons could pass, but the body couldn't.

Lin Moyu felt curious. He approached the firmament and placed his hand on it.

It felt soft and very elastic, like a layer of rubber.

No matter how hard he pressed, his fingers couldn't pass through.

A gray mist appeared at Lin Moyu's fingertips.

The power of death from the undying law began to corrode the firmament.

The firmament corroded, forming a hole.

The undying law could corrode everything, whether material or law, even souls.

"It works!"

Lin Moyu was slightly pleased. He immediately mobilized more undying law.

At the same time, dense undying law emerged on the legion ruler's blade, and he slashed again. The undying law fell on the firmament, quickly corroding a gap.

A strange aura passed through, striking the soul.

"The power of rules!"

Lin Moyu murmured. This was not the first time he felt this power; it was the power of rules, brought by a corner of the ancient symbol.

As long as he entered, he could touch a corner of the ancient symbol.

But what would happen, he didn't know.

At this moment, the aura of the Divine City Star Region appeared behind him, and an exit vortex had formed.

The Human Emperor Network determined he had passed the second stage, and its power formed an exit vortex here.

If Lin Moyu didn't want to continue, he could leave now.

Lin Moyu had passed the second stage, and more power from the Human Emperor Network had infiltrated.

[Exploration of the Black Rain Secret Realm's second stage is complete. You can choose to leave or continue to the third stage.]

[Rewards will be settled after you leave the secret realm.]

[Rewards will multiply based on your task progress.]

[Note: The third stage task is extremely dangerous, and the escape talisman may fail!]

The Human Emperor Network's reminder appeared.

A familiar voice, a familiar reminder, just like in the Poison Bee Secret Realm, only the name changed.

Lin Moyu's lips curved, "That's more like it!"

Without the reminder from the Human Emperor Network, Lin Moyu felt something was missing.

Now, it felt right.

He took a step forward into the dark gap.

In the next second, all legion rulers disappeared.

The gap quickly closed and returned to its original state.

At the spot where Lin Moyu left, a large rune-covered hand slowly emerged.

Lin Moyu felt like he was being transported, his soul and body separated, losing connection.

At the same time, it seemed as if his soul was being affected by some force, threatening to put him to sleep.

"I can't sleep!"

With a roar of intent, his soul opened its eyes, and his soul in the distant shore realm radiated a purple glow.

The nine-colored dragon soul crystal emitted dragon roars, and the talent tree swayed in unison.

"Master, Master!"

The array spirit Little Gold sensed Lin Moyu's abnormality and kept calling out.

Finally, Lin Moyu's soul gradually awakened.

The soul reconnected with the body, and Lin Moyu found his body seemed far from his soul.

He had felt this way before, when entering the soul spirit world.

His body remained at the entrance, while his soul entered.

The soul opened its eyes, looking through the soul world to see outside.

Lin Moyu's soul trembled, showing shock.

Outside the soul world, an ancient symbol was shining.

It wasn't a corner of the ancient symbol, but a complete one.

"This shouldn't be!"

"I might be in an illusion!"

"If it were truly an ancient symbol, I wouldn't be able to look at it."

Lin Moyu quickly calmed down, realizing this was impossible.

He currently lacked the ability to look directly at the ancient symbol. Even a corner of it, he could only glance at for a few seconds.

His realm wasn't high enough; this was an insurmountable barrier.

Looking at his soul, he found he wasn't in an illusion.

If it were an illusion, the nine-colored dragon soul crystal and talent tree would have reacted.

Lin Moyu was familiar with illusions and knew this well.

Since it wasn't an illusion, things became interesting.

The soul's eye gathered power, scrutinizing the ancient symbol floating in the void.

This was undoubtedly an ancient symbol. It was three-dimensional, heavy, and powerful.

It contained indescribable truths, integrating the functions of various symbols.

Any high-level rune or rune array was insignificant before it.

Every stroke of it was miraculous, with even a corner capable of evolving a secret realm and creating wonders.

Lin Moyu greedily admired the beauty of the ancient symbol. Since it was shown to him, he wouldn't hold back.

Gradually, he noticed something: the ancient symbol wasn't real.

It had form but no essence, which is why he could look at it.

But what he saw was only the surface; without seeing its essence, he couldn't grasp the true essence of the ancient symbol.

This didn't stop him from appreciating it, though.

He looked over and over, ten times, a thousand times, ten thousand times.

Finally, Lin Moyu noticed something.

His soul's power cautiously extended like tendrils, crossing the void and touching the ancient symbol.