

**Chapter 1555: Alcohol Disrupts Calm, Situation in Divine City**

In the final round of the competition, the most exciting match was indeed between Qing Fei and Dongfang Ze. They fought fiercely, with Qing Fei initially not using the Violent Sword, relying solely on her own strength to clash with Dongfang Ze.

Both unleashed their spells, resulting in an incredibly intense battle. Their strengths were evenly matched, making it difficult to determine a winner for a while.

Qing Fei, hailing from the Azure Dragon Star Domain, showcased the characteristics of its cultivators. Her aggressive attacks made countless spectators feel as if they were being cut by her sword energy just by watching the match.

Even Dongfang Ze found it challenging to fully unleash his power against Qing Fei's relentless assault. However, his strength was undeniable. Despite being suppressed, he managed to maintain a balanced state.

The situation reversed when Dongfang Ze summoned the Law Star River, overwhelming Qing Fei. The Law Star River's power exceeded the minor God-Sovereign level, and Qing Fei, despite her best efforts, couldn't withstand it.

Just when everyone thought Dongfang Ze would secure the final victory, Qing Fei used the Violent Sword. With the tenfold amplification from the Violent Sword, Qing Fei's combat power barely touched the threshold of the God-Sovereign realm. Relying on the Violent Sword and her fierce attacks, Qing Fei ultimately won and secured third place.

The battle between Wei Bowen and Chu Xiong had no surprises; Chu Xiong was indeed slightly inferior to Wei Bowen. After a fierce battle, Wei Bowen emerged victorious, taking fifth place.

The rankings for the top eight were finalized, marking the official end of the Four Star Domains Competition. Next, they awaited the Human Emperor Network to announce the final overall rankings, which would determine the rewards.

However, the overall rankings wouldn't be announced immediately; they would be revealed the next day. Everyone returned to the competition city and gathered by the lake in front of Lin Moyu's house.

Xu Jianxing took the initiative to catch fish and started grilling them. With the competition over, everyone visibly relaxed. Shui Zilan and Qing Fei brought out fine wines from different star domains for everyone to taste.

Among the group, Xu Jianxing's ranking was still uncertain, and he was visibly anxious. For those outside the top 16, the final ranking would be determined by the Human Emperor Network based on their overall performance.

Different rankings would affect the rewards they received. As they ate grilled fish and drank wine, they discussed the possible rewards. According to the standards of previous Four Star Domains Competitions, the most important reward was the qualification to enter Divine City.

This qualification did not include seed players, who either already had the qualification, were from Divine City, or were from the War God Hall. They didn't need this entry qualification. Excluding the seed players, the top 100 would receive the qualification to enter Divine City. If someone in the top 100 already had the qualification, they would receive additional Divine City merits.

Seed players would also receive Divine City merits based on their rankings. Xu Jianxing, being from Divine City, was most knowledgeable about Divine City merits. Having drunk too much, his handsome face flushed, he explained, "In Divine City, the most important thing is rank."

"Starting from the unranked outer personnel, there are primary, intermediate, and advanced ranks."

"To advance in rank, you need Divine City merits and to complete certain promotion tasks."

"Promotion tasks are very difficult and dangerous; failure can result in death. Many people have enough merits but don't dare to take on the tasks."

"But if you don't advance, even with merits, you can't buy many good things."

"So many people prefer to train outside Divine City to earn points and buy supplies."

Zhuang Bi was puzzled, "If the promotion tasks are so difficult, can't you wait until your cultivation level is higher to do them?"

Tasks that a God-King couldn't complete might become easier for a minor God-Sovereign. If even a minor God-Sovereign couldn't do it, surely a God-Sovereign could.

Xu Jianxing, drinking more wine, replied, "It's useless. Promotion tasks are linked to your cultivation level; the higher your level, the harder the tasks."

"Like Dongfang Ze, he wants to complete his rank promotion before becoming a God-Sovereign. If he waits until after, the tasks will only get harder."

Chu Xiong remarked, "Promotion tasks that scale with your level—this setup really leaves no room for survival."

Lin Moyu quietly said, "It's a selection process."

Zhuang Bi added, "Survival of the fittest."

Qing Fei slowly uttered, "Natural selection, survival of the fittest."

Although Xu Jianxing only shared a bit of information, everyone could sense that the rules in Divine City were even more brutal. There was no protection from the Human Emperor Network.

In fact, outside Divine City, once you reach level five permissions, the Human Emperor Network no longer provides deliberate protection. With level five permissions, you can freely move in any area outside Divine City and take on many tasks, some of which are not within the human star domain.

The danger level is equally high. The difference is that level five tasks can be freely chosen, while promotion tasks are assigned by Divine City. Naturally, promotion tasks are more dangerous. But in Divine City, if you don't advance in rank, you might be better off outside.

According to Xu Jianxing, the primary and intermediate ranks are a dividing line. Starting from the intermediate rank, you can truly enjoy the various resources of Divine City, which are incomparable to the outside world. Overall, if you have no rank in Divine City and are just an outer personnel, you might be better off outside. If you reach the primary rank, it's comparable to the outside world. Starting from the intermediate rank, you surpass the outside world. However, advancing in rank is very difficult and dangerous, leading many to give up.

Xu Jianxing, drinking more, said, "You all should have heard of the Human Race Divine Path."

Chu Xiong, also a bit drunk, mumbled, "Of course, who hasn't heard of it."

The Human Race Divine Path is the highest existence in the human race. If everyone aspires to enter Divine City, the ultimate goal is to step onto the Human Race Divine Path.

Zhuang Bi said, "It's said that no one has stepped onto the Human Race Divine Path for tens of thousands of years."

Xu Jianxing, holding a wine jug, said, "No, that's not accurate. In fact, every time the Human Race Divine Path opens, many people attempt it."

"Everyone, everyone..."

Xu Jianxing paused, burped, and exhaled a lot of alcohol, "Everyone has failed."

Lin Moyu's heart skipped a beat, "Everyone? Including Xiao Zhantian?"

Xu Jianxing nodded, and everyone felt a chill. What kind of path was the Human Race Divine Path that even Xiao Zhantian couldn't succeed?

Xu Jianxing then shook his head, "I don't know. I'm talking about everyone in the past ten thousand years."

"I'm just a primary rank; I can only access limited information. To know more, you need to advance in rank."

"I'm just a primary rank. When I advanced from outer personnel to primary rank, I almost lost my life. The task was too difficult!"

"I think I was just lucky to be born in Divine City. If I were outside, I probably wouldn't have made it into Divine City!"

Xu Jianxing, drunk, shared a lot about Divine City. These were things they would learn after entering Divine City. Xu Jianxing was only a primary rank, so his knowledge was limited. But knowing earlier would help them prepare mentally.

For example, they learned that to leave Divine City, you need to take a special warship, which requires Divine City merits. Without enough merits, you can't leave. Many outer personnel can't leave and have to stay in Divine City to earn merits. In previous years, many people chose to delay entering Divine City after learning this. After all, the qualification to enter Divine City doesn't expire.