

 **Chapter 1449: Turning Poison into Treasure, Rational Use of Curses**

Inside the Turul world, Lin Moyu, who had just made some new discoveries, suddenly paused. The number of Skeleton God Warriors had suddenly decreased.

"The Skeleton God Warriors that returned to the Great World were killed."

Lin Moyu's eyes turned cold.

Someone had killed his Skeleton God Warriors and had very likely entered the Turul world. He didn't care if they entered the Turul world, but killing his Skeleton God Warriors meant making an enemy of him.

If it was done by a hostile race, then it was an eye for an eye.

However, because the two worlds were separated, there was no way to communicate, so Lin Moyu didn't know who did it.

But that didn't matter. There were millions of skeletons moving in the Turul world. As long as the other party entered, he would eventually find out.

Lin Moyu moved towards the newly discovered area. On the vast plain, he finally saw a different landscape.

A gigantic blood-red flower stood alone on the boundless plain.

This flower was as tall as a mountain, several thousand meters high.

Its huge petals swayed gently in the breeze.

Unsurprisingly, it was also dead, and what he saw now was just a corpse.

After billions of years, the corpse had not decayed at all and remained as vibrant as blood. This flower was identical to the flower bud Lin Moyu had encountered earlier, only much larger.

The flower bud could be considered its juvenile form, while this flower was fully grown and in full bloom. Its strength and realm had reached a level Lin Moyu couldn't imagine.

At least it was at the Other Shore, perhaps even beyond.

The petals were layered, and many wounds could be seen on them, with some petals almost severed. Such a tall flower, several thousand meters high, also endured the strong pull of the Turul land. But this pull was nothing to it.

Its strength was so great that even its corpse was terrifying, ignoring the pull.

Lin Moyu knew he couldn't fly up. The height of several thousand meters was beyond his reach. Even if he could fly, he wouldn't dare to go up.

Even the strange tree had left a terrible curse. How could this obviously stronger flower not have left a curse?

Lin Moyu stood tens of thousands of meters away, bypassing it from a distance.

Suddenly, a breeze blew. The plain always had wind, which was not surprising.

But this breeze was different.

Accompanied by the breeze, a blue light suddenly appeared above Lin Moyu's head.

A curse descended!

His thoughts became chaotic in an instant, filled with despair about life and an uncontrollable urge to commit suicide.

Lin Moyu struggled to gather his will, trying to cut off these inappropriate thoughts.

He quickly recalled his past, thinking of his beloved wife, his sister, and one beautiful memory after another.

The fire of hope burned brightly in his heart and soul, driving away the unwarranted pessimism.

Finally, the feeling of despair was gradually dispelled.

Half a second later, **State Immunity** activated, and an invisible force swept through his soul world, erasing all pessimism.

Compared to the previous two times, Lin Moyu was extremely calm and composed this time.

After recovering from the curse, Lin Moyu looked at the blood-red flower tens of thousands of meters away.

"How can there be a curse?"

"The power of the curse doesn't seem very strong. Is it because of the distance?"

"But how was the curse triggered?"

Lin Moyu's eyes searched for all possible triggers of the curse.

Finally, he made a discovery.

This plain was different from other places.

He saw a thin layer of grass growing on the plain not far away. It looked like grass but also resembled moss. It was very thin and similar in color to the ground, so he hadn't noticed it earlier. After walking billions of miles on the plain, the unchanging ground made him overlook the moss.

On the moss, there were some tiny pollen grains. The pollen was so small that it was invisible to the naked eye, even with enhanced vision. It was also undetectable by soul sensing, as if it didn't exist. Only in the undead vision could the pollen be seen, smaller than dust, floating in the air with the wind. The closer to the flower, the more pollen there was.

Most of the pollen was concentrated within a range of tens of thousands of meters around the flower, with only a few grains outside this range. The breeze just now had carried the pollen, and one grain had landed on him, triggering the curse. But the pollen was so small that the curse it triggered wasn't very powerful. Even without **State Immunity**, he could have withstood it.

Lin Moyu estimated that with a strong enough will, a soul quality of high third grade would be enough to withstand it.

Most high-level God King realm cultivators had souls of high third grade. The problem lay in the will. Under the strong impact of the curse, one would fall into deep despair. If the will wasn't strong enough, one would follow the curse's direction and ultimately perish.

This was a mental curse with strong bewitching and guiding effects.

"The three people who returned alive with the curse must have been affected by a mental curse."

"Their will wasn't strong enough, leading to mental collapse and soul annihilation."

"Unless their consciousness was erased, but the curse had already penetrated their soul, eroding their consciousness, becoming a subconscious influence. Erasing their consciousness wouldn't help."

A curse is a terrifying form of attack, and the Turul tribe, skilled in curses, was equally terrifying. No wonder they could rule an entire world, highlighting the terror of that mysterious master even more.

Another breeze blew, carrying more pollen. Lin Moyu instinctively retreated quickly. But after a few steps, he suddenly stopped.

In his soul world, after clearing all the curse's power, Lin Moyu suddenly found that his soul seemed to have strengthened.

His soul had long reached the peak of the fourth grade, with a jade-like quality.

But for a long time after that, there had been no change.

His cultivation had risen from True God to God King, and his physical body had reached the God King realm, but his soul had not improved.

In others' eyes, Lin Moyu's soul was already very strong, even paving the way to the Other Shore.

This was why Zhu Qiwu valued Lin Moyu, seeing great potential in him.

In Zhu Qiwu's eyes, Lin Moyu's soul was already perfect.

Even Zhu Qiwu himself was not much better.

But in Lin Moyu's eyes, his soul had not improved, leaving him somewhat dissatisfied.

Previously, when he was cursed by the strange tree, he almost died.

If his soul had been a bit stronger, breaking through the fourth grade to the fifth grade, he wouldn't have been in such danger.

Now, Lin Moyu suddenly discovered that his soul had strengthened a bit, filling him with immense joy.

"Confronting the curse is like honing the will and training the soul."

"It's similar to using Stellar Fire to train the body."

He had finally found a way to train and enhance his soul.

Lin Moyu's eyes shone brightly. A flash of light passed by, and the Buddha Lich appeared beside him, chanting Buddha sounds that echoed across the vast plain.

With the help of the Buddha Lich, Lin Moyu used the **True Sight** spell.

**True Sight** stirred the laws of fate, creating ripples and capturing some fragments of future possibilities, feeding them back to Lin Moyu's mind.

Lin Moyu saw one possible future and couldn't help but smile. His idea was feasible.

Instead of retreating, he advanced, moving forward against the wind.

He wanted to come into contact with the pollen, endure the curse, and then resist it, using the pollen curse to enhance his soul.