

 **Chapter 1411: Finding a Glimmer of Hope in Danger**

Lin Moyu was still retreating, trying to buy time, and the summoning continued. At this moment, every extra second he could drag out meant an extra bit of hope.

The number of the undead legion was rapidly decreasing, with the undead falling one after another in battle, and the summoning speed couldn't keep up. Lin Moyu remained calm, his thoughts racing as he considered various methods.

He didn't panic, knowing that panic wouldn't solve any problems and would only push him closer to death. The speed of the ancient Buddha's palm print was slightly faster than Lin Moyu's, and the two were getting closer and closer.

Lin Moyu's pressure was constantly increasing, and his soul felt as if it was being squeezed, inevitably giving rise to a sense of fear.

There is great terror between life and death, an emotion that ordinary people cannot avoid, and even someone like Xiao Sheng couldn't help but hesitate and falter between life and death.

However, Lin Moyu was accustomed to death, not even knowing how many times he had been killed by Antares.

Compared to others, Lin Moyu's endurance was stronger.

As soon as the fear arose, it was extinguished, and a stronger will to survive took over.

Lin Moyu believed that there was always a way out.

Moreover, he still had a trump card, a life-saving item given by a great figure.

But he didn't want to use it unless he was truly in a desperate situation.

Suddenly, Lin Moyu noticed a barely perceptible pause in the ancient Buddha's palm print.

The pause lasted less than 0.01 seconds, but at his current speed, 0.01 seconds was enough to fly 1,500 kilometers.

The distance between him and the ancient Buddha's palm print clearly increased.

"It's the squeezing force!"

Lin Moyu's eyes sparkled, and he communicated with the Buddha Kingdom Lich to use True Sight again. This was the third and final time he could use True Sight today.

By now, he had realized the benefits of True Sight, which allowed him to see certain possibilities in the future and make corresponding decisions.

True Sight once again stirred the laws of fate, revealing a certain possibility in the future.

In the future scene, he saw himself fleeing towards the center of the mysterious land, heading for the law star.

On the way, he encountered the mysterious spirits.

The mysterious spirits varied in strength, with the weakest at the third tier of the God King realm and the strongest reaching the ninth tier of the God King realm.

The mysterious spirits manipulated the squeezing force to attack him, causing his speed to suddenly slow down.

At the same time, the mysterious spirits also attacked the ancient Buddha's palm print, but the impact on the ancient Buddha's palm print was minimal.

As a result, the ancient Buddha's palm print quickly caught up and shattered him into pieces.

This future possibility was very unfavorable, as he died very cleanly. From the future scene, it was clear that heading for the law star was a dead end.

But often, hope is born in desperate situations, and Lin Moyu found a way.

His eyes shone with determination, "Danger and opportunity coexist; I must use the danger wisely."

"This area is the territory of the mysterious spirits. The closer I get to the law star, the more mysterious spirits there will be."

"Using the mysterious spirits to escape should be feasible."

In the blink of an eye, Lin Moyu had formulated a plan.

But this plan also had uncertainties and needed to be adjusted continuously as the situation changed.

True Sight only showed a possibility.

Following his plan, Lin Moyu flew towards the law star at the fastest speed.

The summoning of the undead legion continued, but they no longer attacked the ancient Buddha's palm print.

In Lin Moyu's plan, the undead legion had other uses.

The newly summoned undead legion all returned to the spell star, ready to be deployed at any time.

"I didn't expect a single ancient Buddha's palm print to wipe out my undead legion."

"The ancient Buddha is indeed powerful, but I will remember this grudge."

"In the future, I will visit the Buddha clan and demand an explanation."

Lin Moyu silently vowed in his heart.

He would make the Buddha clan understand the cost of this palm strike.

From this moment on, the Buddha clan was added to his blacklist.

Even when Kong Wen Buddha tried to kill him, Lin Moyu hadn't thought of opposing the entire Buddha clan.

Later, when facing Xiao Ming Wang Bodhisattva, although he still had no good feelings towards the Buddha clan, he hadn't thought of opposing them either.

But now... Lin Moyu stood in opposition to the Buddha clan.

In his sight, the mysterious spirits appeared, and they also noticed Lin Moyu and the ancient Buddha's palm print.

The mysterious spirits were as their name suggested, extremely mysterious in appearance.

They seemed to have no fixed form, constantly changing shape.

Sometimes they were soft, like a mass of water.

Sometimes they became formless, like dense fog or smoke.

Sometimes they condensed together, becoming solid and even emitting a metallic sheen.

A mysterious spirit flew towards Lin Moyu, this one only at the fifth tier of the God King realm, not very strong among the mysterious spirits.

When it was still tens of thousands of meters away from Lin Moyu, it suddenly stopped.

It let Lin Moyu fly past without any reaction.

After Lin Moyu flew away, the mysterious spirit suddenly recovered, ignoring Lin Moyu and turning its attention to the ancient Buddha's palm print.

The mysterious spirit had no mouth but emitted a sharp cry.

It seemed to have a strong aversion to the ancient Buddha's palm print.

It attacked the ancient Buddha's palm print, using the squeezing force on it.

The palm print trembled slightly but was not affected.

However, the mysterious spirit collapsed and died on the spot.

A mysterious spirit at the fifth tier of the God King realm couldn't withstand the counterattack of the ancient Buddha's palm print and died, which was normal. Lin Moyu needed it to die, as only after its death could it be useful. After the mysterious spirit died, an invisible force erupted, directly acting on the ancient Buddha's palm print. The palm print trembled slightly and became slightly distorted.

The mysterious spirit's death created a special force that could enhance the physical body.

According to Xiao Sheng, this force was somewhat similar to the squeezing force but more violent, capable of exerting maximum pressure on the physical body to enhance its strength.

The advantage was that by controlling the intensity of killing the mysterious spirits, the physical body could continuously endure maximum pressure.

The disadvantage was that if overdone, the physical body could collapse.

Xiao Sheng had almost died from overdoing it.

The squeezing force generated by the death of a mysterious spirit at the fifth tier of the God King realm exceeded its attack power in life.

It finally had some effect on the ancient Buddha's palm print.

Seeing this, Lin Moyu was pleased, knowing his plan was working.

That moment had bought him at least another 0.01 seconds.

Starlight flashed on his body, and the Starlight Lich sat on his shoulder.

It was the Starlight Lich that had created an illusion, momentarily affecting the mysterious spirit.

The mysterious spirit ignored Lin Moyu and saw the ancient Buddha's palm print as its most hated thing.

As he got closer to the law star, the number of mysterious spirits increased, and more and more mysterious spirits flew towards Lin Moyu.

The Starlight Lich flew out, creating illusions for the mysterious spirits, making them ignore Lin Moyu and redirecting their hatred.

Lin Moyu flew past the mysterious spirits without stopping.

The mysterious spirits attacked the ancient Buddha's palm print and were counter-killed.

The squeezing force generated by the death of the mysterious spirits created significant obstacles for the ancient Buddha's palm print, not only consuming some of its power but also slowing it down.

At this moment, the mysterious spirits became the best allies, united against a common enemy.

The future fragment seen through True Sight was completely shattered.

Under continuous interference, the speed of the ancient Buddha's palm print was finally surpassed by Lin Moyu, and the distance between them gradually increased!