

 **Chapter 1324: The Mantis Stalks the Cicada, Unaware of the Oriole Behind, and the Hunter Beyond**

In the crisp and melodious sound of explosions, three Stone Demons simultaneously fell. Lin

Using two portions of seventh-level Divine King materials to blow up three seventh-level Divine King Stone Demons, this deal was profitable.

But the mediation was not over yet; the Yellow Sand Demon Eye in the illusion was still attacking frantically.

Lin Moryu activated the last portion of seventh-level Divine King flesh in his hand.

This time, the target was only one, and that was the Yellow Sand Demon Eye.

In an explosion powerful enough to kill or even severely injure an eighth-level Divine King, the Yellow Sand Demon Eye let out a mournful cry and slowly closed its eye.

Its body instantly turned to sand, becoming a real sand dune, and then collapsed with a loud crash.

Lin Moryu, quick-eyed and deft, immediately pulled out the three Stone Demon corpses, preventing them from being buried by the sand.

The three corpses were still useful, not just for explosive materials.

After entering the middle layer, he had been advancing along the diameter, moving quickly, and was now not far from the demon stronghold.

Lin Moryu flicked out a wisp of Undying Flame, using **Resurrection of the Dead**, and revived one of the Stone Demons.

The Stone Demon knelt respectfully before Lin Moryu.

Lin Moryu slowly asked, "How far is it from here to your stronghold?"

The Stone Demon was slightly stunned, "We don't have a stronghold."

Lin Moryu slapped his forehead; he had asked the wrong question again.

The resurrected Stone Demon, with its simple mind, had already considered itself and Lin Moryu as one group.

When Lin Moryu said "your," the Stone Demon understood it as referring to itself and Lin Moryu.

Of course, they didn't have a stronghold.

Lin Moryu immediately changed his wording, "How far is it from here to the demon stronghold?"

This time, the Stone Demon understood, and in a muffled voice, it said, "Not far, just a little more rolling and we'll be there." Stone Demons either fly or roll; they never walk.

The rolling speed of the Stone Demon was not slow. Lin Moryu calculated that it would take a little more time, indicating there was still some distance.

"Did you come out from the demon stronghold? How long have you been out, and what are you doing?" Lin Moryu continued to ask.

The Stone Demon didn't hesitate, "I came out from the demon stronghold, only ten days ago. We are specifically here to hunt the Yellow Sand Demon Eye."

Lin Moryu found it strange, "Why specifically hunt the Yellow Sand Demon Eye? Isn't it easier to hunt the Desert Giant Scorpion and the Tree Monster?"

In his understanding, both the Tree Monster and the Desert Giant Scorpion were easier to deal with than the Yellow Sand Demon Eye.

If ranked, the easiest to deal with should be the Desert Giant Scorpion, followed by the Tree Monster, and finally the Yellow Sand Demon Eye.

The Desert Giant Scorpion, although mobile, had the weakest defense.

The Tree Monster, being a plant type, had very strong vitality, and its vines were very fierce.

The Yellow Sand Demon Eye had the blessing of earth laws, a large attack range, and extremely high defense, making it the pinnacle of seventh-level Divine Kings.

It could also control quicksand, create sand rain, and perform group attacks, making it very difficult to deal with.

Unless one had strong long-range attack capabilities, the Yellow Sand Demon Eye was not an easy opponent.

Why did these three Stone Demons choose the hardest target?

The Stone Demon answered in a muffled voice, "The Desert Giant Scorpion can burrow into the desert to escape, and the Tree Monster has too many vines, making it very troublesome. Only the Yellow Sand Demon Eye is the easiest to deal with."

Hearing this answer, Lin Moryu suddenly understood and couldn't help but laugh.

This situation was very much in line with the Stone Demons' character.

When faced with a problem, they didn't think about how to solve it but chose the simplest option.

Lin Moryu believed that the Sand Tribe or Earth Monster Tribe would definitely choose the other two targets and not the Yellow Sand Demon Eye.

Lin Moryu asked, "From here to the demon stronghold, what other monsters are along the way?"

The Stone Demon shook its head, "From here on, it's the territory of the Yellow Sand Demon Eye. The demon stronghold was deliberately chosen to be near the Yellow Sand Demon Eye for easier hunting."

Lin Moryu realized he had overestimated the Stone Demons' intelligence. They weren't as strategic as he thought, choosing the location simply to hunt the Yellow Sand Demon Eye.

However, their simplicity had its advantages and could be utilized.

Lin Moryu whispered, "Now, return to the demon stronghold, find your leader, and tell him that a human army is attacking."

Also, tell him that the human army has killed all the Stone Demons in the outer layer and that the leader should be on guard.

The resurrected Stone Demon didn't question the order and directly executed it.

Before it left, Lin Moryu took out a piece of sixth-level Divine King Stone Demon flesh.

The flesh turned to powder and exploded on the resurrected Stone Demon.

The Stone Demon's body was immediately blown open with huge wounds, severely injured.

The explosion caused by sixth-level Divine King flesh could injure the strong Stone Demon but not kill it.

Lin Moryu didn't intend to kill it; he needed it to return and deliver the false message.

"Roll away."

With a command, the severely injured Stone Demon curled into a large ball and rolled towards the demon stronghold.

The message it carried contained both truth and falsehood. There was no human army, but the demons in the outer layer were indeed all killed.

Lin Moryu hoped that the demon leader in the stronghold, upon receiving the message, would recall all the demons outside. This way, he could catch them all in one go.

Of course, this plan was full of holes, a method so flawed that any intelligent race wouldn't fall for it.

But this was the Stone Demon Tribe, whose intelligence was below average.

So Lin Moryu wasn't worried about his crude plan.

He believed that the demons in the middle layer must have a way to contact the demons in the outer layer.

As long as they couldn't contact the outer layer demons, they would believe the message was true.

Moreover, he had severely injured the messenger Stone Demon, adding a bit of credibility.

"Now, let's watch the show!"

Lin Moryu followed the direction the resurrected Stone Demon rolled, advancing slowly.

He wasn't in a hurry, needing to give the demons time.

Even gathering the demons outside the stronghold would take time.

Outside the Yellow Earth Desert, all arrangements were complete.

The Nightmare Sovereign stood in the starry sky with his eyes closed, waiting quietly.

He was very patient, not anxious even after waiting for years.

The elite demon Divine Kings were equally patient, waiting for Lin Moryu to emerge from the Yellow Earth Desert.

What they didn't know was that Zhu Qiwu was even more patient than they were.

With a cold smile in his eyes, Zhu Qiwu hid in the darkest part of the starry sky, moving slowly.

From time to time, he placed pitch-black stones in the starry sky.

These stones were very similar to the one he had given Lin Moryu.

His movements were slow, unnoticed by anyone.

These black stones connected in a mysterious way.

Zhu Qiwu wasn't worried about Lin Moryu's safety at all.

With the life-saving item given by that important figure, even if Zhu Qiwu himself took action, it would be hard to kill Lin Moryu.

"What does it mean for the mantis to stalk the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind, and the oriole unaware of the hunter beyond?"

"I wonder if the little guy will be flustered when he comes out. I'm quite curious."

A hint of amusement appeared in Zhu Qiwu's eyes.

Lin Moryu was too calm, not like a young man but more like an old monster who had lived for thousands of years. Zhu Qiwu was eager to see Lin Moryu's reaction when faced with a life-and-death crisis.

It would be quite a show.