

**Chapter 1206: Skeleton God General VS Demon Army**

Shu Meng Gang was in a dilemma. Lin

Looking at the slightly nervous expressions of the two, it was clear that they were saying, "Whatever you do, we will follow."

Actually, Meng Gang had two choices: either follow the military's actions or listen to Lin Moyu and stay here.

He trusted the military; anyone from the military would.

But he also trusted Lin Moyu, who had saved his life multiple times.

Just as Meng Gang was struggling to make a decision, Yuzhu's voice came from the side, "Think about the toxin explosion."

Meng Gang shivered, and his mind suddenly cleared.

He believed the military had ways to deal with the toxin explosion, but why should he take the risk?

Here, it seemed safe for now.

Meng Gang made his decision, "We won't leave; we'll stay here and wait."

Wang Zhenghao and Rong Jie chose to trust Meng Gang.

After resting for half an hour, the military began to move.

A third-rank God King warship appeared in the starry sky, and a formation of ten thousand soldiers quickly boarded the ship, flying towards the bismuth gold area.

The military's warship was very fast, almost as fast as the Battle King Tower, and would reach the designated area soon.

Meng Gang's eyes flickered, but he ultimately sat down cross-legged, waiting for the outcome.

However, after a while, spatial fluctuations came from several thousand kilometers away.

The four of them turned their heads simultaneously and saw another team rushing in from outside.

This time, it was the Demon Clan, dressed in military uniforms.

The four's faces changed dramatically, and Yuzhu's face turned pale, "It's the Demon Clan."

Without thinking, she took out an item resembling an array plate.

Meng Gang drew a long sword and said in a low voice, "Things have gotten worse."

Wang Zhenghao and Rong Jie also drew their weapons. As soldiers, they were not afraid of battle.

Thousands of Demon Clan soldiers rushed in, numbering around five thousand.

Among them were captains and commanders.

The captains were at the God King realm, and the commanders were even stronger.

The demons did not form a formation; although they were all demons, they came from different demon species.

Their sizes varied greatly; some had wings, some had four or even six limbs, some were ten meters tall, and some were less than a meter.

Such a bizarre team couldn't form a formation.

As soon as they entered, they spotted Meng Gang and the others and charged at them with sinister smiles.

The vast starry sky offered no place to hide, and Meng Gang and the others knew this.

Although their faces were grim, they were not desperate.

The Skeleton God Generals were not to be trifled with.

Sure enough, when the distance was reduced to 1,000 kilometers, the Skeleton God Generals made the first move.

Terrifying and sharp sword energy almost tore the starry sky apart.

Hundreds of sword energies swept across, killing several demons on the spot.

Their bodies were devoured and obliterated by the sword energy, leaving no trace.

The demons behind were startled; they hadn't expected the skeletons to be so powerful.

But there was no time to think. Once the Skeleton God Generals started, it was a fight to the death.

A hundred Skeleton God Generals charged out, forming a formation, and their sword energies intertwined like a dense net.

The demons screamed, "They're God King realm puppets!"


"Deploy the warship!"

The demons shouted as they unfolded their law domains, hoping to resist.

But the Skeleton God Generals' attacks were too strong, tearing their law domains like paper, killing another batch of demons on the spot.

After unleashing their sword energies, the hundred Skeleton God Generals quickly charged, killing their way into the demon ranks in an instant.

Like wolves among sheep, the terrifying sword energies erupted among the demons.

The True God realm demons stood no chance against the second-rank God King Skeleton God Generals.

Meng Gang and the others were stunned, their understanding of the Skeleton God Generals refreshed once again.

At this moment, starlight flickered among the demons, and two massive warships appeared.

The warships were pitch black, covered in sharp spikes. One emitted an inky glow, while the other was shrouded in abyssal fire.

These were the Demon Clan's warships, weapons of war.

The appearance of the demon warships made Meng Gang and the others tense up again.

The Demon Clan's warships were very powerful, comparable to human warships.

As the warships appeared, the demons flew into them, no longer fighting the Skeleton God Generals head-on but using the warships to battle them.

The Skeleton God Generals and the warships clashed fiercely. The sword energies struck the warships, causing only minor damage. The warships' defenses were strong, and their attacks were powerful, injuring the Skeleton God Generals with each strike. Meng Gang and the others' faces turned grim again, gripping their weapons tightly. If the Skeleton God Generals couldn't hold off the demon warships, they would be in trouble.

Suddenly, a bright white light shone from the Skeleton God Generals, rapidly healing their injuries.

The four turned to see a peculiar figure among the skeletons, previously unnoticed.

It was a Lich General. Though not as powerful as the Skeleton God Generals, it had the abilities to enhance and heal.

With it, the combat power of the undead army increased significantly.

The battle reached a stalemate, with neither side gaining the upper hand.

However, Meng Gang and the others knew they were safe. Meng Gang said, "If I'm not mistaken, they'll retreat soon." After all, the demon army had a mission and wouldn't waste too much time here.

Indeed, as Meng Gang predicted, after half an hour of fighting, the two demon warships suddenly turned and flew deeper into the starry sky.

The battle ended inconclusively, with the demons losing over a thousand soldiers.

Of the five thousand demons that entered, one-fifth were lost, making it a victory for Meng Gang's side. As the demons left, Meng Gang and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Yuzhu's eyes sparkled, her interest in Lin Moyu growing stronger due to the Skeleton God Generals' formidable combat power.

Lin Moyu, bathed in blue light, reached the deepest part of the bismuth gold star.

Here, the space was not small, filled with blue light and a hint of purple.

Lin Moyu's eyes opened slightly, his consciousness returning.

Through the Skeleton God Generals, he had learned about the battle between the human army and the Demon Clan.

"They still came in. It seems the situation outside has changed."

"They must be fighting."

"I need to speed up."

Lin Moyu looked at the blue-purple area, believing it to be the resting place of the Gold-Eating Beasts.

But after thinking, he felt something was off.

If the Gold-Eating Beasts really lived in the bismuth gold star, how could those who came to collect bismuth gold essence not have discovered it?

The records didn't mention this.

The records stated that the appearance and disappearance of the Gold-Eating Beasts were unknown.

But the presence of the Gold-Eating Beasts' aura here was undeniable, and Lin Moyu was certain they came from here.

However, the space, though not small, couldn't possibly hold tens of thousands of Gold-Eating Beasts, even if they were packed tightly.

"Truly strange."

Lin Moyu was puzzled. At this moment, a wisp of purple light floated by, and he reached out to catch it.

It was a thread thinner than a hair, with purple light flowing like water ripples.

"This must be bismuth gold essence."

Thinking this, Lin Moyu's soul gently inhaled, and the purple light was absorbed into his soul.

His soul felt a slight comfort, and Lin Moyu sensed a tiny increase in its strength.

"Indeed, it's bismuth gold essence..."