

**Chapter 1121: It's All Scripted, Already Decided**

The actions of the Shadow Clan member were swift and decisive. The runes formed a light sphere that enveloped him, allowing him to teleport thousands of miles away to escape. However, a second later, the Shadow Clan member was horrified to find himself still in the same place, with the Skeleton King already raising his sword to strike down.

At this moment, he realized that the space had been locked, and all teleportation devices had lost their function.

Unable to escape, he could only fight desperately!

The Shadow Clan member's entire body erupted with a strong aura, and his dark robe turned into black flames, burning fiercely. The only response was the Skeleton King's sword and the undead flames.

Lin Moyu did not pay much attention to the battle between the Skeleton King and the Shadow Clan member. The outcome of that battle was already determined from the start.

Unless another existence like the Abyssal Dragon Demon appeared, the Skeleton King was invincible in this area. With the Space Locking Pearl sealing the space, the Shadow Clan member was doomed, with no chance of survival.

Xu Jianxing watched as Lin Moyu calmly took out the Space Locking Pearl and activated it. The Skeleton King had just sliced Jin Shisan in half and was now chasing the Shadow Clan member.

Lin Moyu's movements were not fast but very elegant, as if there was an inexplicable rhythm to them.

This feeling made Xu Jianxing feel fear, as if from the beginning, this battle had been part of Lin Moyu's calculations.

Every step was pre-determined, all playing out according to Lin Moyu's script.

The Skeleton King caught up with the Shadow Clan member. With the space locked, the Shadow Clan member had no chance of survival.

At this moment, Lin Moyu flew towards Jin Shisan.

Jin Shisan, severely injured by a single slash, was still alive, not dead.

As Lin Moyu approached, Jin Shisan suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light.

A smaller version of Jin Shisan, clad in golden armor, flew out of his body, shooting towards Lin Moyu.

"Be careful!"

Xu Jianxing drew his longbow, ready to shoot, but found himself unable to release the arrow.

Lin Moyu slightly shifted his body, subtly changing his angle, perfectly blocking Xu Jianxing's line of attack.

Xu Jianxing understood that Lin Moyu did not want him to take action.

This made Xu Jianxing even more fearful of Lin Moyu, as if even Jin Shisan's desperate counterattack was within his expectations.

Indeed, Lin Moyu had anticipated Jin Shisan's counterattack.

He deliberately approached to lure Jin Shisan into attacking.

Even the method of Jin Shisan's counterattack was predicted by him.

Soul Manifestation, the strongest technique in the True God realm.

With his realm restricted and unable to use God King level techniques, Soul Manifestation was the best choice.

At this moment, Jin Shisan's attack power completely surpassed the True God realm, reaching the first level of the God King realm.

Soul Manifestation had powerful attack power but also had obvious weaknesses.

The soul was too fragile and easily subjected to fatal attacks.

Lin Moyu gently shook his head, "It's useless."

A corpse appeared in his hand, the remains of a God King level expert.

Most of it had been devoured by the Abyssal Dragon Demon, leaving only some fragments.

But for Lin Moyu, it was enough.

[Corpse Explosion] did not care whether it was a complete corpse or fragments; as long as it was a corpse, it could be used.

Lin Moyu locked onto Jin Shisan's soul.

Jin Shisan's laws frantically contracted, forming an egg-like shape to protect his soul, as if preparing to defend against Lin Moyu's attack.

Lin Moyu did not immediately cast a spell. Several Skeleton Generals appeared around him.

The Skeleton Generals swung their long swords, slashing through the void, severing several barely visible golden threads.

"This is impossible! How did you discover it?" Jin Shisan was shocked, his technique had been broken.

He did not know that his previous sneak attack on Xu Jianxing had been observed by Lin Moyu.

Trying the same trick again was impossible.

Lin Moyu did not answer him. As the golden threads were severed, [Corpse Explosion] was activated.


With a loud explosion, Jin Shisan's soul let out a terrifying scream.

The egg shell was shattered, and the golden armor on his body was also blown to pieces.

His soul was severely injured, barely clinging to life.

Jin Shisan, with a scream, fled back to his body.

But even if he returned, he would not survive today.

"Soul Manifestation has too many weaknesses!"

Lin Moyu sighed, and a large number of Skeleton Generals appeared around him, launching a deadly attack on Jin Shisan.

Jin Shisan screamed, "Brother, save me!"

His voice echoed through the starry sky.

On his neck, several specially shaped scales were visible.

Twelve large scales formed a circle, protecting his neck.

At this moment, these scales were activated, transforming into layers of golden light that enveloped Jin Shisan.

Within the golden light, one giant golden python after another appeared.

Twelve enormous golden python shadows coiled in the starry sky.

"Who dares to kill my brother!"

A powerful aura spread through the starry sky, instilling fear.

Each golden python shadow was at the True God level, but here, they were suppressed, only able to exert True God level power.

Lin Moyu had already encountered the Starfire Python clan's God Sovereign, and now he saw the Golden Python clan's God Sovereign, and there were twelve of them.

Lin Moyu couldn't help but find it amusing, "It seems I have a fate with pythons."

Unexpectedly, Lin Moyu could still laugh, making the twelve golden pythons a bit stunned.

Who was this person? Was he not afraid at all?

"Human boy, you dare to kill our brother, do you want to die?" One golden python said coldly, spitting its tongue, its eyes burning with golden flames.

Xu Jianxing came to Lin Moyu's side, whispering, "What should we do?"

Twelve God Sovereign projections, though suppressed, could still exert peak True God level power, even fighting across realms.

In Xu Jianxing's eyes, the power of a God Sovereign was immense, their mastery of laws far beyond that of a True God.

Lin Moyu, however, was unconcerned, "I'm fine, Senior Brother Xu..."

He was about to ask Xu Jianxing to step back a bit, but suddenly, his gaze fell into the distance, smiling faintly, "Reinforcements have arrived."

"Reinforcements?" Xu Jianxing's soul was not as strong as Lin Moyu's. Lin Moyu sensed it, but he had no feeling.

However, the twelve golden python God Sovereign projections noticed the arrival, turning their heads to look into the distance.

The direction they looked was the same as Lin Moyu's.

Then, Xu Jianxing saw it too.

A cyan long sword, towering and occupying all sight.

"Qingjian Wangu, Slash!"

A powerful voice echoed, the starry sky enveloped by the cyan long sword.

In the starry sky, countless stars seemed to appear, then were cut down by the cyan sword.

"Star-Slaying Law!" Xu Jianxing exclaimed, his face showing surprise.

The Star-Slaying Law belonged to the second tier, the most top-tier among them.

It could cut stars, star systems, even galaxies.

In terms of sharpness, among all second-tier laws, the Star-Slaying Law was the first.

At this moment, the Star-Slaying Law, with this sword strike, countless stars were born and destroyed within the sword's momentum.

Lin Moyu felt that the Qingjian Daoist's cultivation had greatly improved, his sword momentum even sharper.

"Who are you!"

"We will destroy your human star system, slaughter billions of humans, to vent our anger!"

"Thirteen, your brothers will avenge you!"

With one sword, the starry sky became clear, the twelve God Sovereign projections all cut down.

Only the half-crippled golden python remained, trembling.